Seeing Sociological Theory in your favorite movies

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The student chose to analyze the movie Thirteen from a Symbolic Interactionist perspective. The movie focuses on two teenage girls who become best friends and engage in deviant behavior due to peer pressure and a desire for popularity. The student’s theory is that people who associate with deviant individuals are more likely to replicate that behavior. Tracy, the main character, spirals out of control as her behavior becomes more and more defiant, while her friendship with Evie grows stronger. The movie ends with a major intervention by Tracy’s mother, and the student believes the movie supports their theory that association with deviant individuals can lead to negative behavior.

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Thirteen is the movie I chose for this assignment, and it immediately captivated me with the complex challenges faced by a thirteen-year-old girl. My theory is that people who regularly associate with deviant individuals tend to mimic their actions. In the context of this film, I believe that examining the issues and resolutions from a Symbolic Interactionist viewpoint can offer valuable insights and evidence to substantiate my hypothesis.

At the heart of Thirteen are two girls who yearn for popularity and acceptance, ultimately forming a deep bond as best friends. Tracy, an ambitious student, channels her frustration with life’s injustice into rebelling against societal norms. Conversely, Evie, a cunning and manipulative individual, is revealed to be a vulnerable and forsaken child in search of love or any form of validation in a world that only seems to value her appearance and audacity. However, it is the uncensored portrayal of their friendship – driven by necessity, complicated by envy, and infused with intimacy – that holds the compelling essence of their narrative.

The narrative of these two young females is hindered by the influence of their peers, a distorted perception of reality, self-inflicted harm, and rebellious behavior. Following the divorce of Tracy’s parents, she relocates and enrolls in a new educational institution. Transitioning to a different region of the country as a novice student, she experiences a degree of cultural disorientation.

Tracy’s actions worsen rapidly, leading to her behavior spiraling out of control. Coinciding with this downward trend, her friendship with Evie grows stronger. As Tracy engages more frequently in defiant behavior, Evie becomes more attentive towards her. Tracy progresses from using vulgar language and stealing from stores to experimenting with drugs, causing harm to herself, engaging in premarital sex, and committing acts of violence against her loved ones.

The movie ends with a significant intervention from Evie’s mother, resulting in Evie moving away. Tracy’s mother assures her assistance in resolving the situation that was created. This movie strongly supports my theory, which is exemplified by the idiom, “If you lie down with dogs, you’ll get up with fleas.”

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Seeing Sociological Theory in your favorite movies. (2016, Nov 07). Retrieved from

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