A Self-assessment is defined as the act or process of analyzing and evaluating oneself or one’s actions: assessment of oneself. (https://www.merriam-webster.com) During this process, you should examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Learn what your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits are. You can use the discoveries to your advantage. You can accept your strengths and weaknesses, or change them. After completing this course and analyzing the results of the assignments, I have come to realize that I am confident in many areas due to my work experience, but there are certainly areas I need to improve on. When I considering myself as a potential manager, organization member, or team member, I am a person that feels one can never stop learning.
Pryor to taking this course, I have noticed a few things about myself. The first is that my learning style is very visual. I prefer to see and read information to fully gain understanding. If it doesn’t sink in the first time, I read it, or look over it, I always can go back and read it over. I feel I tend to forget things as more and more gets thrown at me so I am a big advocate of taking notes. They might not always be the prettiest, or the tidiest, but it makes sense to me and helps me retain the information. They have helped me especially in times of high stress when I tend to forget things the most. Along with notes, I like to keep a list of things to do to refer to so I feel organized. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea, or would even work for me. I have got by this far, it must be ok for me.
I have come to find that my personality style to be extroverted. An extrovert is described as a friendly person who enjoys talking to and being with other people. Extroverts love parties, talking on the phone, and meeting new people. (vocabulary.com) It is said that they don’t like or need a lot of alone time, which I find to be somewhat not true. I do like time to myself to decompress or just relax. Extroverts are outgoing, optimistic, and thrive around people. The aren’t afraid to take a risk either. All of those characteristics I find to be 100% accurate.
Leadership is found not just at work but all around us. In any situation, leaders take a step forward and take charge of the situation. It can be at home, at work or at any other place. Leaders are never born, they become leaders because they have the credibility and people would love to follow them.