Tabloids and Quality Press

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Currently, there are two main types of press available: tabloids and quality press. Both have distinctive approaches in covering people, events, and news. However, they frequently report on the same occurrences while adopting completely different styles. Tabloids primarily concentrate on celebrities, encompassing their personal lives, achievements, romantic relationships, and gossip. On the other hand, quality press prioritizes significant news stories, political events, and sporting incidents. Journalists contributing to the quality press adhere to the principles outlined in the “Ethics Code.” Additionally, they understand the importance of being accountable for their written content.

They understand the potential consequences of false commentaries and therefore consider everything published in a reputable newspaper as trustworthy and harmless. Reporters in this type of newspaper typically take pride in their profession and often prioritize ethics over high salaries. They maintain their integrity by refusing bribes or other forms of gifts and strive to remain impartial, avoiding any involvement that could compromise their objectivity. Fair play is highly valued by true journalists, and all information published in quality newspapers should be verified before being reported.

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They cannot rely on rumors or any other unofficial information. Additionally, they typically respect individuals’ privacy and avoid delving into the personal lives of public figures at all costs. Quality journalism focuses solely on reporting accurate news. Conversely, there are tabloid journalists known as “paparazzi” who disregard the “Ethics Code.” In their quest for sensationalism, they prioritize speed over responsibility and loyalty. Paparazzi do not consider the potential consequences of their articles for someone’s life or career; instead, they seek out rumors and sensational stories.

Tabloids are known for their lack of respect for the consequences and their desire to expose the private lives of celebrities or catch them in compromising situations. These publications invade someone’s privacy and frequently fabricate information to create a more engaging story. They also rely heavily on unreliable sources rather than conducting real interviews with witnesses. In contrast, the quality press aims for higher standards and prioritizes accurate reporting. Despite their differences, both tabloids and quality newspapers have a large and dedicated readership. For those seeking reliable and serious information, quality newspapers are the preferable choice.

When we want to read about the issues of celebrities, we typically turn to tabloids. While broadsheet newspapers provide factual and specific information about a particular subject or individual, tabloids tend to exaggerate the details in order to boost their sales. As seen in the provided examples, the first article is from a reputable newspaper whereas the second one is from a tabloid. However, neither article is interesting or informative to enhance anyone’s knowledge. Therefore, there is no justification for tabloids to provide excessive information on such matters.

The first difference we can observe is the size of the news: the second one is considerably larger. Secondly, the tabloid includes a banner headline and subheading with significantly bigger letters to grab public attention, while the quality paper avoids such techniques and employs smaller letters both in titles and content. The quality paper consists of only one paragraph, providing essential information, whereas the tabloid utilizes short sentences and paragraphs. In terms of language, the quality paper employs formal language while the tabloid utilizes words that pique readers’ interest and a large number of qualifiers.

One thing that caught my attention was the tabloid’s commentary in the third paragraph. They mentioned that the two brothers were dressed like middle-aged businessmen. Do we really need to know that? This information is not essential and completely unnecessary. As I mentioned earlier, the tabloid only focuses on generating scandalous news and invading people’s private lives in order to sell more papers. In contrast, a quality newspaper understands what information is important for people to know and avoids providing irrelevant details. In conclusion, quality newspapers are far more reputable than tabloids.

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Tabloids and Quality Press. (2016, Sep 16). Retrieved from

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