The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Yeast Respiration

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Carbon dioxide is a waste merchandise of yeast respiration. A series of experiment was conducted to reply the inquiry ; does temperature hold an consequence on barm respiration? If the sum of C dioxide is straight related to temperature. so changing grades of temperature will ensue in different rates of respiration in barm. The experiment will be tested utilizing barm and sugar at different H2O temperatures. I predict the warm temperature will be optimum for yeast respiration therefore the most carbon dioxide will be released. The experiments tested yeast respiration in both. warm H2O at 42 grades Celsius and at room temperature. The result of the experiment indicates the warm H2O is optimum for yeast respiration in comparing to cold H2O.

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Respiration is the procedure that converts sugar known as glucose to energy. in this instance ATP ( Adenosine Triphosphate ) . This procedure is found in all life beings. Respiration can happen in two ways. aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen to bring forth energy. Anaerobic respiration does non necessitate O to bring forth energy. In yeast respiration the barm cells are capable of respiration in the absence of O ( Kelly. et. Al. 2001 ) . Yeast has the ability to breakdown sugar into glucose. which causes the release of C dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a waste merchandise of yeast respiration.

Yeast is a living being hence optimum temperature is needed for activation of energy production. The cellular respiration rate in barm can be affected by temperature. Temperature can change the sum of O needed for respiration and the sum of energy used. If a high temperature is present. the barm will decease and no cellular respiration will take topographic point. Does temperature hold an consequence on barm respiration? If the sum of C dioxide is straight related to temperature. so changing grades of temperature will ensue in different rates of respiration in barm.

The experiment will be tested utilizing barm and sugar at different H2O temperatures. I predict the warm temperature will be optimum for yeast respiration therefore the most carbon dioxide will be released. The cold temperature will hold the least yeast respiration. which will impact the sum of C dioxide produced. Further experiments utilizing different dependent variable were besides be used to prove temperatures consequence. The different dependant variables will be agave sirup. molasses. and karo sirup assorted with barm in independent solutions. I predict for these experiments the type of sugar used will find the sum of C dioxide produced.


Two pipettes were sealed at the narrow ends utilizing parafilm. Yeast and sugar were added to condense H2O and assorted exhaustively to trip the barm. Once activated. 10 milliliter of the yeast/sugar mixture were filled into the pipette utilizing disposable Pasteur pipette. A trial tubing was placed over the unfastened terminal of the pipette so inverted. The unstable degree on the pipette was recorded. One tubing was placed in a warm H2O bath at 42 grades Celsius and the other was placed in a cold H2O bath at room temperature. The degree of the liquid was recorded every five proceedingss until no more reading could be read.

Four pipettes were sealed at the narrow ends utilizing parafilm. Yeast and sugar were added to condense H2O and assorted exhaustively to active the barm. Another mixture was made with barm and agave sirup. Once barm was activated in both solutions. 10 milliliter of the mixture were filled into the pipette utilizing disposable Pasteur pipette. Yeast/sugar mixture was transferred into two pipettes. A trial tubing was placed over the unfastened terminal of the pipettes so inverted. The unstable degree on the pipettes were recorded. Both tubings were placed in a warm H2O bath. Yeast/agave mixture was transferred into two pipettes. A trial tubing was placed over the unfastened terminal of the pipettes so inverted. The unstable degree on the pipettes were recorded. Both tubings were placed in a warm H2O bath. The degree of the liquid was recorded every five proceedingss until no more reading could be read.

Two pipettes were sealed at the narrow ends utilizing parafilm. Yeast and molasses were added to condense H2O and assorted exhaustively to trip the barm. Once activated. 10 milliliter of the yeast/molasses mixture were filled into the pipette utilizing disposable Pasteur pipette. A trial tubing was placed over the unfastened terminal of the pipette so inverted. The unstable degree on the pipette was recorded. One tubing was placed in a warm H2O bath and the other was placed in a cold H2O bath. The degree of the liquid was recorded every five proceedingss until no more reading could be read.

Two pipettes were sealed at the narrow ends utilizing parafilm. Yeast and sugar were added to condense H2O and assorted exhaustively to active the barm. Another mixture was made with barm and karo sirup. Once barm was activated in both solutions. 10 milliliter of the mixture were filled into the pipette utilizing disposable Pasteur pipette. Yeast/sugar mixture was transferred into the pipette. A trial tubing was placed over the unfastened terminal of the pipette so inverted. The unstable degree on the pipette was recorded. The tubing was placed in a warm H2O bath. Yeast/karo syrup mixture was transferred into the pipettes. A trial tubing was placed over the unfastened terminal of the pipette so inverted. The unstable degree on the pipette was recorded. The tubing was besides placed in a warm H2O bath. The degree of the liquid was recorded about even three to four proceedingss until no more reading could be read.


The consequences indicate at the start of the experiment the reading was consistent for all three efforts utilizing barm and sugar placed in warm and cold H2O. In two experiments the tubings placed in the warm H2O bath both produced more C dioxide faster than the tubing in cold H2O. whereas in the 3rd experiment there was no alteration so a sudden alteration in both tubings. See Table 1. 0 -1. 2 for consequences. Table 1. 0 Comparison between temperatures consequence on barm respiration. Time ( Minutes )


Yeast will undergo cellular respiration by manner of anaerobiotic respiration when supplied with sugar. As we know. anaerobiotic respiration uses available sugars to bring forth energy with C dioxide as a waste by merchandise. Temperature is a factor on cellular respiration in barm because as the temperature increases it reaches an optimum temperature to bring forth the most energy and waste. Similarly cold temperatures and hot temperatures will non hold the same consequence. The consequences of the experiment proved the hypothesis to be right. The experiments conducted proved cellular respiration in barm. produced C dioxide at a faster rate when done at a warm temperature. hence optimum temperature is required for the most productiveness.

Restrictions I found in these experiments could be the sum of barm used can hold an consequence on the sum of respiration that will happen. Yeast that is considered old could besides play a factor in the sum of respiration that will happen to bring forth energy. Blending the barm solutions for a longer period of clip could besides impact the result of the experiment. The experiment could besides be done utilizing a smaller scope of different temperatures for more truth on happening an optimum temperature to see the effects of temperature on yeast respiration.

A similar experiment was conducted to prove the consequence of increased temperature on baker’s barm in dough. The consequences in the experiment coincided with the consequences of the barm respiration lab. The bakers yeast in dough placed at 37 grades Celsius produced C dioxide faster and helped the dough rise compared to yeast in dough placed at 28 grades Celsius ( Aboaba & A ; Obakpolor. 2010 ) . In decision temperature has an consequence on barm respiration. nevertheless an optimum temperature is required.

MentionAboaba. O. . & A ; Obakpolor. E. ( 2010 ) . The leavening ability of baker’s barm on dough prepared with composite flour ( wheat/cassava ) . African Journal of Food Science Vol. . 4 ( 6 ) . 325-329. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. academicjournals. org/ajfs/pdf/pdf2010/Jun/Aboaba and Obakpolor. pdf Kelly DJ. Hughes NJ. Poole RK. Microaerobic Physiology: Aerobic Respiration. Anaerobic Respiration. and Carbon Dioxide Metabolism. In: Mobley HLT. Mendz GL. Hazell SL. editors. Helicobacter pylori: Physiology and Genetics. Washington ( DC ) : ASM Press ; 2001. Chapter 10. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ncbi. nlm. National Institutes of Health. gov/books/NBK2411/

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The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Yeast Respiration. (2017, Sep 09). Retrieved from

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