The Financial Detective

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The summary provides comparisons between pairs of companies in different industries based on their financial data. In the health products industry, company B has a higher gross profit and intangibles compared to company A. In the beer industry, company C has higher fixed assets while company D has higher gross profit. For computers, company F has a higher price earnings ratio due to its retail strategy compared to company E. In the books and music industry, company H has more fixed assets and inventory while company G has a higher inventory turnover ratio as it sells solely through its website. In the paper products industry, company I has a higher gross profit than company J due to its smaller size. In the hardware and tools industry, company L has higher SG&A expenses and gross profit compared to company K due to its sales strategies. For retailing, company M has less receivables while company N has a higher gross profit as it offers credit to customers. Finally, in the newspaper industry, company P has higher fixed assets due to recently building a large office for its headquarters compared to company O.

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In the health products industry, company A is the top-ranked firm while company B holds the second position. This ranking is determined by financial data, which reveals that company B has a higher gross profit and higher intangibles compared to company A. The disparity can be attributed to the greater costs and expenses incurred by company A.

Similarly, in the beer industry, company C is ranked as the leading firm while company D takes on the second position. Financial data indicates that company C possesses higher fixed assets whereas company D achieves a higher gross profit.

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This is because firm C owns additional businesses and several major theme parks.

Computers: The first firm is company E and the second firm is company F because company F has a higher price earnings ratio according to the financial data. This is due to firm F’s retail strategy.

Books and Music: The first firm is company H and the second firm is company G because company H has more fixed assets and higher inventory, while company G has a higher inventory turnover ratio based on the financial data. This is because company H operates retail stores while company G sells solely through its website.

In the category of Paper Products, company J is the first firm while company I is the second firm. This ranking is based on the financial data, which indicates that company J has a higher cost of goods sold and company I has a higher gross profit. The reason behind this difference is that company I is a smaller firm, whereas company J incurs more costs and expenses.

Moving on to Hardware and Tools, company K is the first firm and company L is the second firm. This determination is made by considering the financial data, which shows that company L has a higher SG&A expense and higher gross profit.

This is because company L sells through its own technical representatives and mobile franchise dealers. In terms of retailing, the first firm is company M and the second firm is company N. This is based on the financial data which shows that company M has fewer receivables while company N has a higher gross profit. Company N achieves this by offering credit to its customers. When it comes to newspapers, the first firm is company P and the second firm is company O. This distinction is made because company P has higher fixed assets according to the financial data. The reason for this is that company P recently constructed a large office for its headquarters.

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The Financial Detective. (2016, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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