The Health Benefits of Dancing

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The world renowned dancer, Martha Graham, once said, “Dance is the hidden language of the soul”, so why do we limit the opportunities of the artistic expression of dance to so many based on social class, gender, and age? In order to cultivate a community where you are free to explore every corner of your mind, we need to quite literally free up the opportunity to challenge and accept anyone and everyone through the art form of dance. By offering free dance classes, in the community of Sioux Falls, the countless values of dance would be an option to those who have a passion for dance.

Offering dance classes without cost makes it easier for children and/or adults to learn and appreciate the art of dancing without worrying about the cost of doing so. Anyone, no matter age, gender, or those who simple can not afford dance classes, should be able to take free dance classes to pursue their passion for dance. Choices are extremely important, which is why two dance classes should be offered, one covering the basics, and conversely, one that is more advanced. This service will be funded and ran by volunteers and sponsors who have a passion for dance and bettering the community. Those who volunteer at this dance service opportunity will grow in self purpose, and in health. Those who volunteer will create a community of people who build empathy and manafest a culture of gratitude and service. Everyone involved in this opportunity of dance will be able to experience the many benefits that dance has to offer to the human mind, body and soul.

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Dance is a form of human expression. Around the world, in undeveloped countries and in developed countries, the freedom of expression is detained. In Sioux Falls, the truth is: Minorities such as, the LGBTQ, elderly, disabled, and low income families have many more hoops to jump through to show their artistic expression, compared to the general population. Although each situation varies, in general, these specific groups on a day to day basis, face more difficulties to express themselves than any other. The importance of expression is that it teaches communication of inspirations, and views on specific subjects or life in general. Expression correlates with dance because dance offers an appeal to one’s emotions. Through the movement of music, dance makes it easier for expression, and creative decisions. Dance gives an opportunity for expression, and a possibility for one to voice their emotions, ideas, and/or struggles. By offering free dance classes to everyone, no matter gender, age, or social class, an environment for free expression would be obtained.

Dance teaches unity. Without teamwork life would be strenuous. Ideally, when people come together with the same passion for dance, a balance of respect, and a drive for progression a dance team is formed. Dance creates a ripple effect, when one team member feels inspired it is easy for the whole team to feel that inspiration as well. Teamwork in a dance team creates a contagious feeling of energy that infects each dancer. When a dance team works together everyone comes together in achieving a common goal, self acceptance. Secondly, teamwork creates a learning environment where creativity and inspiration is shared between each dancer. In a team you learn new things that you haven’t learned before because you have more brains working alongside each other. Being involved in a dance team cultivates a sense of belonging and pushes everyone to do their best. Teamwork gives you more access to social skills that you can use outside of the dance studio.

Dance gives one an appreciation for the arts. Each dancer has a different dance style that gives them originality, and uniqueness. This uniqueness creates an individually based interpretation of dance movements, facials and expressions. The appreciation for the art form of dance correlates with the appreciation for perspective. An appreciation for perspective is crucial to self improvement. To be able to recognize and accept a person’s views, even if you do not agree with them, creates wisdom of the values and complexities of other’s perspectives. When dancers come together they see each other’s unique stories and appreciate it, creating a lasting sense of self-acceptance. This uniqueness and appreciation creates a mutual respect for eachother and the art of dancing.

Dance is extremely beneficial to one’s health. When one dances, they strengthen and tone their muscles while improving their cardiovascular system. Dancing is also known to increase the body’s flexibility while improving endurance and strengthening the heart muscles and lungs. Obviously, dancing is also known to enhance coordination and balance. As you can tell, the benefits of dancing to the physical health of the body is substantial.

Dance not only exercises the body, it exercises the mind. Choreography is designed to strengthen our mind by memorizing different steps, turns, jumps and movements in an 8 count manner. Each dance move, no matter how easy or rigourous it is, requires a conscious effort to connect the bodily movement to the feeling of the music. The brain is a complex organ that needs to be exercised regularly to keep it functioning smoothly, dance is just the activity to do that. Additionally, dance has been known to be exceptionally therapeutic. Many people turn to dance to relieve stress, and some burdens of everyday life. For dancers, when they go in the studio they have an opportunity to release their emotions instead of suppressing their feelings. Furthermore, humans are social creatures that need a varying amount of social interaction. Dance is beneficial to one’s mental health because it gives a community of people to feel connected to. This connection to a community will give rise to a possibility of communication that could be used to express one’s worries, and issues.

Offering a free dance service to the citizens of Sioux Falls would be extremely beneficial in developing a community where empathy is pronounced and a culture for service and gratitude would be manifested. Dancing brings awareness to the importance of expression, health, and community. An opportunity for those who have never tried dancing or who can not afford the costs of doing so would be granted. The artistic expression and rewards of dance would be absolute and self growth would prosper. Afterall, to not know dance is to not know the liberating movement of music and to not know the extraordinary impact dance has on the human soul.

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The Health Benefits of Dancing. (2022, Aug 12). Retrieved from

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