The Main Feature of Leadership Is Trust

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As we look to improve ourselves and be better managers and build others up we need ‘…discover firsthand what going on’ in our life, business, and/or around us if we plan to accomplish the task at hand. Having ‘curiosity’ is a skill that I see kids have. When do we lose our curiosity? When did you lose yours? There is a difference between asking the question ‘why’ and being questioning.

Being  and having an open door policy is one thing that set President Lincoln apart and made for, ‘an exemplary model for effective leadership.’ If you are in a management/leadership role how are you connecting with those that you are responsible for? Your ‘basic philosophy is that would see as many people as often as.

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Spend ’75 percent of time meeting with people. No matter how busy find time for those who call on you.’ This requires that you don’t ‘become a prisoner in ‘your own office. And don’t be afraid to do things a little bit differently. Such as holding ‘meeting’ in ‘odd places.’ Now by odd places that don’t mean weird, it just means different. get out of your comfort level a little. maybe meet a new coffee shop or juice bar.

Going to the same watering hole every time can lead to the same habits that may not be very productive. An odd place could even be somewhere the person you are meeting can feel like themselves. ‘Interact with people when they are in a more relaxed, less pressure-packed environment.’ ‘ If subordinates, or people in general, know that they genuinely have easy access to a leader, they’ll tend to view their leader in a more positive, trustworthy light.

A positive outlook and a pleasant disposition can yield valuable dividends for any leader. People like to be complimented. They enjoy sincere praise as well as talking and hearing about themselves. Put your knowledge to good use.’ One thing that I have started to implement in my team building is sharing my vision and dreams with those I would like to be a part of my life/business.

Frequently telling them his vision and how important they are in achieving victory. Having ‘a striking visible display of compassion and caring… trust, loyalty, and admiration. In order to make timely and reliable decisions… on three major sources. Trusted confidants and advisors, in the field, and communication.’

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The Main Feature of Leadership Is Trust. (2023, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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