The Value of A Life

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Many people underestimate or undervalue the importance of the life given to us by God. Both students and adults often believe that popularity can be attained through wealth and a prosperous career, but they fail to acknowledge the influence of knowledge and education on others.

The importance of earning value in today’s economy is frequently overlooked. The government evaluates an individual’s worth based on their occupation, while society believes that a person’s actions and position should determine their value. On a personal level, individuals assess their own significance through their achievements and accomplishments.

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The worth of a person should be assessed by their contributions and achievements, rather than simply categorizing them by their occupation. It is important for society to evaluate an individual’s life based on their overall impact, accomplishments, and contributions to the world. To distinguish between a soldier and a billionaire, one can consider that a soldier is willing to sacrifice themselves for their country, while a billionaire may prioritize financial gain over someone’s life.

Both billionaires and soldiers are valued by society, but their contributions are not always acknowledged equally. While billionaires are often admired for their wealth, soldiers make sacrifices to protect others. Society tends to focus on the individual fame of billionaires, even though they may have a team supporting them. However, if society recognized the emotional impact of actions, it would understand that the work of soldiers holds greater significance regardless of their lack of vast riches.

Although soldiers do not accumulate the same amount of wealth as billionaires, they consistently display their unwavering commitment to serving their country. Notably, soldiers frequently make the ultimate sacrifice, underscoring the significance of appreciating their service on an emotional level rather than solely basing it on years served. Consequently, each individual possesses a distinct viewpoint regarding their desired life, as Steve Jobs highlighted in his inaugural speech by advising against allowing others’ opinions to overshadow one’s inner voice (89).

The main idea of this quote is to stress the significance of remaining loyal to your passions and not allowing others to impact your decisions. It highlights the worth of embracing your genuine self, having confidence in your skills, and acknowledging your potential for success. Ultimately, discovering satisfaction in life comes from pursuing your own objectives rather than conforming to the desires and expectations of others. This sentiment resonates with numerous high school students who frequently search for part-time jobs while studying and persist in working in that field throughout their lives.

It is important for people to understand that they may be sacrificing their true passions in order to earn money from a job they dislike. Recognizing the true value of life during high school and college is crucial, as failing to do so could result in regret later on. Society has a tendency to judge individuals based on their actions and social status, as seen during the time of slavery when wealth was considered more important than hard work.

When comparing the value placed on a teacher and a professional athlete, it can be observed that they share similarities in terms of how they are assessed. Factors such as fame and economic worth determine their evaluation. However, it is important to acknowledge that teachers play a crucial role in nurturing these aspiring stars who aim to fulfill their dreams. As a result, insurance payouts would typically favor the professional athlete due to their higher economic value. It is vital for society to make decisions in these situations by considering both emotions and statistics.

Despite being the ones responsible for creating minor differences, teachers receive very low pay instead of the high amount they deserve. In the article “What is The Value Of A Human Life?”, a fireman’s spouse questions why she is receiving less compensation compared to a banker who represented Enron, thus feeling that her husband’s memory is being demeaned (84).

Some of the compensation funds for victims of the New York bombing were unfair to certain individuals, including one of the spouses. According to this article, the wife expressed her dissatisfaction with her husband receiving less funding than a banker who worked at the bank in Twin Towers. If society were to consider emotional appeals and evaluate the situation objectively, they would recognize that the firefighter risked his life to save someone else’s. Often, societies make choices based on the participation of individuals rather than their actual contribution.

The banker did not contribute in any way compared to the firefighter. Both individuals were created equally by God and think similarly, but the extent of their intellectual growth plays a role. The purpose of human beings on this planet is to create value through both positive and negative experiences. Many billionaires have achieved their goals without completing their education; it requires a series of steps to succeed.

Some may think that if they fail, there is no alternative, but they fail to understand that failures lead to corrections. Steve Jobs became known because of the failures he endured and conquered. As he said, “If I had never taken that one college course, the Mac would not have had different typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts” (87). Even famous individuals had to experience various stages of education to truly comprehend the purpose of life.

In his article “What is The Value Of A Human Life?”, Kenneth Feinberg argues that the challenges individuals face are crucial in overcoming mistakes and discovering their true purpose in life. He expresses his hope that the law will treat every life equally, emphasizing that a person’s value should be assessed based on their contributions and achievements. Interestingly, even Feinberg himself empathizes with those who receive minimum compensation.

Feinberg expresses a desperate tone and a desire to assist those in need. However, he is unable to provide monetary assistance as his expertise lies in an alternate resolution. It is unjust that many individuals contribute to the world but do not receive any form of reciprocation. Even those in the fields of sports or celebrity status receive greater returns due to their fame.

One potential method to achieve fairness in society is by allowing individuals to make decisions based on their own rules, while also promoting consideration of a person’s actions rather than solely focusing on their contributions. The government can play a role in determining what is fair by employing emotional appeals more extensively. Additionally, inadequate support has been received by numerous families who have faced significant upheaval as a result of losing a father or husband.

The perception of one’s worth is subjective and influenced by their personal values or beliefs. An example would be a slave owner who views their slave as insignificant, while the slave themselves usually hold a belief in their own importance. Despite the risk of punishment, slaves recognize that their owners heavily rely on them. In society, monetary value should be assigned but it must be restricted and determined only after careful assessment and consideration of an individual’s economic situation.

Steve Jobs had a deep understanding of the importance of life when he learned he had cancer. In his speech, he openly discusses how a year ago, at 7:30 in the morning, he had a scan that showed a tumor on his pancreas (88). This moment was a turning point for Jobs as it made him realize his time was limited and motivated him to make important decisions for himself and his loved ones.

By initiating self-transformation, he acquired the skill of making wise decisions swiftly. Remarkably, it was these rapid decisions that led to his success and early financial prosperity. A few months later, he received biopsy results indicating a potential cure for his uncommon ailment, filling him with excitement. Despite battling cancer, Steve Jobs had gained the ability to swiftly distinguish between good and bad choices.

Despite being scary, death is often considered as the ultimate solution that can aid in making important decisions and altering one’s perspective on the value of life (Jobs 87). Society can take various measures to ensure a just resolution for loved ones and make well-thought-out plans. The individual’s belief in their own abilities to achieve their desires or aspirations can significantly transform their perception of life. It is common for individuals to give up easily after a single attempt.

It is commonly disregarded that facing difficulties can actually enhance individuals. Assessing the value of people can be determined by their contributions and how they influence society or the economy. At times, it is suitable for society to assign a monetary worth to individuals, as long as it falls within reasonable boundaries that guarantee equitable treatment. Evaluating someone’s value should encompass examining different aspects like their contributions rather than solely relying on their position or title.

Every individual deserves the right to be aware of their own worth based on their personal understanding, and thus they should be the ones making decisions regarding their values. In the event that society does express judgments about values in the future, it would be beneficial for individuals to seek additional information for a thorough evaluation.

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The Value of A Life. (2018, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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