Global Interdependence: A History

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Origins of Global Interdependence (1500-1800)

In the early 1500s throughout the early 1800s many countries were focused on actively exploring the world looking for opportunity to trade. Before the 1500s there had been interaction between nations, although, encounters would be much easier with advanced knowledge, as well as technology.

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Europe during this time, was expanding much faster, and because of this became much more powerful than others. Europeans were looking to explore the world’s oceans for many reasons, according to the text, they were looking to: search for resources and lands suitable for the cultivation of cash crops, establish trade routes for Asian goods, and expand the influence of Christianity. Eventually, Europe’s explorations led to the expansion of the Pacific Ocean, and eventually led to a network of trade, such as the Columbian Exchange. The Columbian Exchange, named after European mariner Christopher Columbus, included the trade of plants, food crops, animals, human populations, and pathogens. As a result of the European explorations and expansions, global trade networks and international interaction became important.

However, another important event that was going on in Europe, that transformed Europe, was the Protestant Reformation. Although, the Protestant Reformation also led to the consolidation of strong centralized states and a capitalist population in Europe. The Protestant Reform was led by Martin Luther According to the text, Luther (1483-1546), with support from others, wrote many “scores” condemning the Roman Church, and as a result, called for a thorough reform of Christendom. As aforementioned, the Protestant Reform led to a Capitalist population in Europe, which according to the text, led to the restructuration of European economy and society.

Meanwhile the Americas were feeling the impact of the new international interactions. When the Spanish were attempting to find resources in the Americas, the first stop for the Spanish was the Caribbean, however, after no useful resources were found, they moved on to Mexico and Peru. According to the text, they found many agricultural societies, cities, and large states. A major factor that aided the Spanish conquest was the epidemic disease, which killed thousands and thousands of civilians, in fact, these diseases killed as much as 90% of their population. Whenever this happened, Europe was able to take advantage of the Americas, and conquer their land for their own use.

Another example of global interdependence came in the form of the Atlantic Slave Trade. The Atlantic Slave Trade consisted of Europe sending manufactured goods to Africa, in exchange for slaves. This slave trade, according to the text, removed a little over sixteen million people from home, which in turn, caused much political, and social grief throughout Africa.

Moving on to Asia, who was also participating in trade with Europe, and benefitted greatly from the Columbian Exchange. Unlike the Americas, Asia was able to be in control of their own affairs. China remained a powerful centralized state, mostly because of the Ming and Qing dynasties. A major benefit to Asia, according to the text, came from the American food crops, which “helped increase agricultural production, which fueled rapid population growth.” Also, during this time, Japan was able to end an extended period of “civil disorder,” with help from the Tokugawa shoguns, who much like the Ming and Qing dynasties in China, were attempting to stabilize society long-term.

The Islamic Empires, such as the Mughal, the Ottoman, and the Safavid empires; ruled over the Islamic World during this period. These Islamic Empires were also able to benefit and participate in the trade networks. Although, Islamic Empires, much like China and Japan, was still able be in control of their own affairs.

The modern global exchanges that occurred benefitted Europe and Asia, however the Americas felt an impact from it. According to the text for Europe, the establishment of trade routes meant: territorial expansion, population increase, and growing political and economic influence. Asia benefitted from the global exchanges as well, one example being that Asia was able to strive economically because of American silver, and they were able to strive agriculturally because of the American crops. However, the Americas felt a bad impact from the global exchange, mostly because, as aforementioned, they lost close to 90% of their population due to diseases from Europe.

Age of Revolution, Industry, and Empire (1750-1914)

During the time period from 1750 to 1914, Asia, Europe, and the Americas were able to “piggy-back” off of the profits that they gained from the global exchange movements. Although, different from the previous time period, European powers were able to control and dominate in Asia and the Americans.

The early eighteenth century gave birth to a new movement labeled as the “Enlightenment Movement,” this movement focused on emphasizing equality as well as freedom. As a result of this movement, also during the eighteenth century, many violent revolutions occurred. The first revolution came in the form of the American Revolution, and in the end, America was able to become independent. However, this was only the first revolution, as there were many more revolutionaries that happened. One of which happened in France, when revolutionaries were able to reorganize French society. Furthermore, in Saint-Domingue, revolutionaries were able to abolish slavery and get rid of French rule. Although, while this fighting was going on, Europe was able to advance national communities.

Whereas the Enlightenment movement brought the independence of western hemisphere states from Europe, they also faced some problems. One problem came from American states, who were struggling constructing a society that followed the principles of the Enlightenment, and because of this there were many problems that arose.

Revolutions played a major role during this time period, although this period is also labeled to some as the “age of industrialization.” Industrialization, according to the text, was a “process that transformed agrarian and handicraft-centered economies into economies distinguished by industry and machine manufacture.” Throughout the world, agricultural societies were turning into industrial societies with the emergence of new technology. Industrialism was so important to the world, because now goods could be produced more efficiently, quickly, and they could be produced spending less money. Some types of ways that the industrialization period was beneficial were evident in the mechanization of cotton, steel mills. Transportation also evolved as a result of the development of the steam engine.

Many benefits came from this age, although family life changed dramatically due to the fact that men, women, and even children had to leave their home for work. Before the age of industrialization families usually worked together, however this was no longer the case.

Great Britain was one of the first to step into this age, and to not be dominated, Western Europe, and North America follower, however, Asia and Latin America depended on the exportation of the goods.

Contemporary World (1914-present)

These new forms of technology and connection did not bring peace throughout the world, it only brought problems. According to the text, the growth of nationalism brought intense competition for natural resources, strategic ports, and international prestige. All of this competition, combined with ongoing disputes between nations, led to one of the most violent times in history.

The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, an Austrian, was the apparent catalyst for the first of the world wars. In the summer of 1914 World War I, the alliance system in the world tur what would have been a local war, into a European-wide war, however, not long after, the Ottoman empire and Japan joined the war. Although, when the United States joined the war in 1917, on the side of the Allies, everything changed. On November 11, 1918, the war finally came to an end.

World War I, “The Great War” to some, caused many human casualties, damaged national economies, and “altered the political landscape of many lands.” After the war, the Europeans felt that their dominance was even more secure, although this was false, and Europe lost power because of the fact that the war caused a process of decolonization. Also, after the war, according to the text, European intellectuals began to question established traditions.

However, after the Great War, the crash of the United States’ stock market brought even more turmoil to the world. The Great Depression not only hurt the U.S., but because of global interdependence, it also hurt the “international, financial, and commercial network of the capitalist economies,” and as a result, governments had to attempt to use their own resources. The Great Depression, eventually, led to the emergence of the Nazi party, which was a party based on racial inequality. Jews were the biggest victims of this new Nazi party, which was led by Adolf Hitler.

However, other places had other ways to cope with the effects of the Great Depression. The Depression caused Japan leaders to begin to build national strength through imperial expansion. However, the U.S., because of the Depression, changed their policy in Latin America because they realized how costly it was. Latin Americans eventually began to come into America for “agricultural and industrial work.”

Eventually, however, the Axis Powers (Japan, Germany, and Italy) and the Allies (France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, China, and the United States), went to war again, causing the second of the world wars. The first actions that were taken came in 1930, with Japan’s attacks on China, making China the first to experience the effects of World War II. World War II came with many violent encounters between people from all over the world. However, in 1945, when the German and the Japanese empires were destroyed, the war came to an end. As a result, the Soviet Union and the United States were now the super powers in the world.

Immediately following the war, many European empires fell, and as a result many nations were attempting to gain independence. Many “quests” for independence, according to the text, was “realized,” because of the cold war. The cold war required a big amount of military r

In today’s time, globalization has become very important, and has led to the formation of international organizations and the irrelevance of international borders. The breakdown of these international borders came from the technological and cultural developments that have erupted.

In conclusion, there was a big amount of change that occurred in the twentieth century. As a result of the two violent world wars, the once powerful European powers, who had taken control of most of Asia and Africa, had now been weakened. Furthermore, the world is now different than it has been, in how that the entire world is connected some way because of the technological and cultural gains that have occurred.

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Global Interdependence: A History. (2022, Apr 20). Retrieved from

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