A Comparison of Homeschooling and Public Schooling

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Education is important in society and has a significant impact on individuals’ lives. Many parents choose homeschooling to provide their children with the best education possible. However, it is also crucial for children to develop social skills, learn about global diversity, and take advantage of opportunities in their environment (Ray, 2015). This emphasizes the need to compare homeschooling with public schooling to understand their similarities and differences.

Homeschooling involves receiving education at home, while public schooling refers to the practice of sharing knowledge with students attending state-funded institutions. Despite their differences in location and resources, both homeschooling and public schooling share common traits. One such trait is the use of an online-based learning curriculum, as technology continues to dominate various aspects of life. This type of curriculum plays a significant role in enhancing effective learning by providing students with an optimal environment for learning experiences.

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In addition, both homeschooling and public schooling rely on educated professionals to guide students. These professionals follow a prescribed curriculum, enabling them to impart knowledge according to a set program and ensuring that everyone involved benefits fully from the process (Ray, 2015). As a result, this becomes an essential approach for tutors who partake in either practice as they can monitor the progress of each student. In both scenarios, professional tutors in homeschooling or public schooling utilize a curriculum that allows for the implementation of various strategies, catering to the individual learning needs of students. Therefore, students from either schooling method have the opportunity to study independently at their own pace since the curriculum and learning schedule accommodate this type of practice.

While homeschooling and public schooling have similarities, the main distinction lies in the level of monitoring and support provided to students. In homeschooling, both parents and tutors closely supervise the progress of students and provide help when needed. This is unlike public schooling, where it can be difficult for tutors and parents to effectively monitor and assist struggling students.

Homeschooling offers a more affordable option compared to public schooling. With homeschooling, parents or guardians do not have to worry about purchasing uniforms, food, stationery, and transportation charges (Masango, Van Ryneveld & Graham, 2019). However, there are drawbacks to this approach as it comes with expenses such as hiring a private tutor or sacrificing employment and dedicating more time and effort to their child.

This will automatically reduce the paycheck value in the house and as a result which is unlike the station in public schooling where guardians or parents will not need to quit their jobs or yet engage private professional tutors. In public schooling, children can participate in several competitive activities such as sports, bands, clubs, and many others, enabling them to develop various abilities and become well-rounded individuals (Lubienski and Lubienski). Additionally, it is worth noting that public schooling provides free education, and it is advisable to take advantage of the government-offered services as a taxpayer, thus realizing the value of your money.

In homeschooling, students can adjust to flexible schedules and focus on learning for knowledge rather than grades (Ray, 2015). This differs from public schooling, where institutions often prioritize grades and rely on a curriculum that may diminish the true purpose of learning. Increased competition in public schools emphasizes high scores over acquiring knowledge.

Homeschooling provides the opportunity for stronger family bonds as parents can spend more quality time with their children, allowing them to closely monitor their activities and address behavioral issues that may arise. This level of monitoring is not feasible in public schools where students can easily go unnoticed among their peers. Additionally, homeschooling protects children from negative peer pressure that often leads to indiscipline. Furthermore, the prevalence of shooting incidents in countries like the USA and cases of kidnapping and rape worldwide make public school environments more vulnerable compared to homeschooling. By homeschooling, students can enjoy a safe learning environment without such hazards.

Although homeschooling offers advantages compared to public schooling, it also has drawbacks. One drawback is the limited access to extracurricular activities such as sports and music, which are readily available in public schools. In today’s society, talent in various fields holds significant value, and many successful individuals have achieved greatness through their talents (Meltzer, Shaheed & Ambler, 2016). These activities not only provide opportunities for socialization and interaction with diverse individuals but also promote personal growth and understanding of the world. Homeschooled students may miss out on these experiences. Moreover, public school students benefit from exposure to a wide range of professionals because teachers must possess specific degrees (Masango, Van Ryneveld & Graham, 2019). Conversely, parents or guardians who choose homeschooling may lack the financial means to hire multiple professionals.

While homeschooling and public schooling share the goal of transmitting knowledge from one generation to another, they have distinct advantages and disadvantages that create a notable contrast between the two methods. Although public schools may present challenges, it is not always the best option for a child. Therefore, parents, guardians, and governments must carefully evaluate all aspects before making a decision.

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A Comparison of Homeschooling and Public Schooling. (2023, Feb 21). Retrieved from


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