A Personal Statement About Changing as a Person

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Who am I? Isn’t that the million-dollar question. It’s one of the most challenging questions to answer because we are constantly trying to figure out who we are. As an 18-year- old, my life is just beginning. I am technically an adult, but I am still constantly changing and learning who I am and who I want to be. I honestly thought I knew who I was and what I wanted to do since eighth grade, however, that has changed plenty throughout my high school career. I used to hate change because I always saw it as something negative.

My first big life change was moving to Dallas from Mexico and all I felt was how I barely saw my dad who had to stay in Mexico for work, how my relationship with my cousins was different because I saw them twice a year instead of every week, and how I missed what it used to be. My second big life change was when my mom got diagnosed with a tumor and needed surgery. My whole life shifted at that moment, and I hated it. I went from living with my mom and sister to just my sister and some friends. My mom’s surgery was a success but life couldn’t go back to normal. My dad lost his job, my grandpa died, and I felt useless. Everything changed and everything sucked.

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I hated change because I always saw it as something bad about to happen. However, I now see there are positive things. Moving allowed me to experience a new culture, become bilingual, and gain new perspectives. Temporarily living without my parents caused me to mature and be more responsible. My dad losing his job led to the 4 of us moving to California which has been worthwhile and a needed change.

I’ve learned that change can be positive, and ironically, I’ve changed a lot. I used to think I was meant to be a mechanical engineer but when I started taking classes regarding that field, I realized I did not enjoy it and it wasn’t for me. I was afraid to change what I always said I wanted to do, but I understood that change could be good, and I am glad I did. I’ve always enjoyed school. Usually, people who are math inclined tend to not like English or vice versa, but that has never been me.

Math has always been my favorite, but I also love reading and enjoy writing. However, when I started taking Chemistry it was different. I did not just enjoy it, and I was not just great at it, but it felt like I was supposed to do it for the rest of my life. Naturally, after taking advanced Chemistry and Biology classes, I realized Biochemistry is the path for me. Life has taught me everything can change in a second and it’s crucial to follow your passions. I’ve discovered there is more to life than perfect grades, although I still work for those, and during high school, I’ve prioritized my mental health and learning about things I was passionate about.

My way of thinking has changed, and it’s been for the better. I’m no longer terrified of change; rather, I can’t wait to go to college, experience new things, and meet new people. I see that change can be good and in many things, it’s needed. This world has to change so it can be a better place for everyone. Change can mean growth and it’s important that we are always growing and evolving. I would not want to still be who I was 10 years ago, I would not want the world to remain the same, and I’m glad we all have the ability to change because change is important and what keeps the world interesting. Now, instead of being scared of change, I want to be part of it and want to embrace it.

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A Personal Statement About Changing as a Person. (2023, Jan 31). Retrieved from


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