A Spoon for the Art Critique

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Imagine a note on the wall resembling a G clef/Treble clef on a sheet of music composition hanging on one wall that could be used to toss salad this describes my art project. Last semester, I took the 3D Design class, In the class, I made paper structures, Q-tip and wooden structures, plaster sculptures, and my most prized possession a wooden spoon. What I remember most is the wooden spoon because, unlike a traditional spoon about the size of a hand and symmetrical, I had created a spoon the size of an arm that was asymmetrical in the shape of music notes. I had never made wood sculptures at that time, so I was nervous and excited The professor gave me a narrow and long cherry wood board. The hardest part of the project was designing this piece of wood.

After much deliberation, I decided to shape the spoon in its most natural form. As though this spoon had fallen to the ground with the intent to become a spoon full of art. I drew the spoon’s bold outline on the board. After drawing the outline, I cut the board with the machine in the classroom. I had never used such heavy machinery before and felt intimidated yet liberated at the mere fact that I was doing woodwork like a lumberjack. The sharp string and the small round panels spun really fast to cut and grind the wood. It was threatening my livelihood, but the for the sake of art I was willing to risk it all, the whole wooden spoon project took almost one month. During the duration of the project, I often felt frustrated because of the limited size and texture of the wood.

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Also, I had to manage my time in a more effective way because I was limited in the fact that I did not have this machine in my bedroom. However, it was during this project that I was able to refine wood and make something as simple as a wooden board into art that could be both sensible, practical, and stylish. Our spoons were exhibited in the Orange Coast College art gallery for two months. It was a great experience to exhibit my artwork at the gallery, I visited the gallery almost every day with friends and family. I would sometimes drop by on my own at different times of the day to see if it looked different at different times of the day and to see if the museum coordinators would move the location of the spoon for a different effect.

When people in the gallery watched my spoon and told me about their thoughts, my heart started beating. Often I would act as though I was an onlooker and listen in on both their compliments and criticism in order to refine my skills in this specific craft, I tried to see my art through the eyes of someone else I often feel that art can be like your own child and one will always be biased, but I wanted to see it in a different light as though it were never my own. Only can I improve through criticism and a skeptical eye. I have gained perspective on my very own art through this experience and have decided to major in art.

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A Spoon for the Art Critique. (2023, Apr 18). Retrieved from


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