Ang Kambas ng Lipunan This is the first time I’ve watched this movie. At first I thought it would be nothing but a boring educational short clip movie featuring the greed of humans slowly getting worse. However, the opening of the film showed Joey Velasco painting his famed “Hapag ng Pagasa”. At the beginning of the film I know that it would be about his encounter with those children and I was right but I didn’t expect it the way I anticipated. For me who have though seen the true image of our world once again to be surprised by what I have witness.
There is a much deeper, darker part of our world that in no fevered dream would I witness such thing exists beneath our noses. I have already known of the problems most of us face; food, shelter, education and money. Unlike them I am regularly going to school and am given a certain amount of cash that could help me buy anything I want. I was a man who did not think of the value of money for others nor have I thought how hard it was to earn it, and it was proven true when I saw the clip. Children below my age pushing carts, collecting reusable junk from garbage, some became experts of pick locking, and others are pregnant.
I was shocked of what I have seen, my heart was aching because of the harsh society we face and yet we turn a blind eye to them and not listen to their pleas. Now I have seen why Kevin Carter committed suicide after three months of what he have seen, and African child crawling to the feeding center when a Vulture landed nearby, waiting for the right moment to eat the African child. Even I would be depressed of not having the power to help others. After what I have seen I can no longer be the man I was, I’m sure anyone who has seen the film would say the same.