Advantages and Disadvantages Apv and Wacc

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The APV approach involves analyzing financial maneuvers separately and then adding their value to that of the business. It works when WACC does and sometimes when WACC doesn’t, and is less prone to serious errors than WACC. However, income from stocks may be taxed differently than bonds, causing analysts to overestimate the advantage of corporate borrowing. APV provides added managerially relevant information, but is poorly suited for valuating projects that are essentially options. It is exceptionally transparent and flexible, but requires a known level of debt. On the other hand, the WACC approach adjusts the discount rate to reflect financial enhancements and is applicable to mature, stable firms. However, it can miscalculate WACC and requires a lot of analytical energy to compute. It cannot use BV for debt, only MV, and is less informative than using APV.

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| | APV| | | Approach is to analyze financial maneuvers separately and then a| | |dd their value to that of the business. | APV always works when WACC does, and sometimes w| | |hen WACC doesn’t, because it requires fewer restrictive assumptions| Some limitations amount to technicalities, which are much more interesting to academics than to managers. | | Less Prone to serious errors than WACC. Income from stocks- as opposed to bonds- ma| | |y be taxed differently when the investor files a personal tax return : this usually causes an analyst to overestimate the net advantage ass| | |ociated with corporate borro| | |wing when computing the present value of interest tax shields| | General Managers will find that APV’s power lies in the added managerially relevant inform| | |ation it can provide. Most analysts neglect costs of financial distress associated with corporat| | |e leverage, and they may ignore other interesting financial side effects as well. | | Flexible – analyst can configure a valuation in whatever way makes most sense fo| | |r the people involved in managing its separate parts. | APV remains a DCF me| | |thodology and is poorly suited to valuating projects that are essentially options. | | Exceptionally transparent: you get to see all the components of value in the analysis.

None are buried. | | | Based on dollar l| | |evel of debt and level of debt it known| | | ADVANTAGES| DISADVANTAGES| WACC| | | Approach is to adjust the discount rate (cost of capital) to reflect financial enhanc| | |ements. | (supposed to handl| | |e financial side effect automatically, without requiring any addition after the fact)| WACC has never been that good at handling financial side effects. It addresses tax effects only and not very convincingly, except for simple capital structures. | Applicable to mature, stable firms| Discount only once- the discount rate has to be adjusted to pick up all the costs and benefits of a selected capital structure. | | Company has to have capital structure weights | A lot of analytical energy goes into computing it. | | | Can miscalculate WACC – lots of errors. – Computational challenges| | | CANNOT USE BV for DEBT – only MV| | | Less Informative than using APV|

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Advantages and Disadvantages Apv and Wacc. (2019, May 02). Retrieved from

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