Army aviation officer letter

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I have come to a point in life that many people have not.  I have made a firm decision to recommit myself to pursuing my dreams.  While there are those who believe that with an ounce of luck and a ton of persistence anything can be accomplished, I believe that there is no reason to expend so much energy and rely on luck.  I believe in taking hold of my destiny and carving out a future for myself based on the decisions that I make in life.  Life is simply too short and too precious to be left to luck alone.  This is why I have written this letter of intent to become an aviation officer.

Currently, I am assigned to the 1-150th Assault Helicopter Battalion in West Trenton, New Jersey.  While this is a good assignment for me as it has allowed me to fulfill my dreams, I realize that I want to be so much more.  I have seen a glimpse of what I can become if given the opportunity and I feel that this is one of the means that I can achieve such.

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I would like to begin with a dream that that I had.  It was not a lifelong dream and neither was it a childhood fantasy.  It was a real dream with real goals and real challenges; I wanted to be a helicopter pilot.  In pursuit of this dream I decided to take up aviation and soon enough I found that I could become much more than just that.

I understand that it may come across as easy to just recite my ideals, goals and aspirations and as such I want to impart that I do know that there is a high degree of responsibility that comes with being an aviation officer.  I also know of the challenges that lie ahead of me be they mental, physical or even emotional.  As an aspiring aviation officer, I know I will be required to take up intensive studying, assume leadership positions, and maintaining flight hours during the week.  Given the responsibilities and duties that are related with this post, I am of the humble opinion that I will be able to perform them to the best of my abilities

My experiences in life have been sufficient in preparing me for this next step in life that I am about to take.  I have always been a hard worker my entire life.  The pursuit for excellence in not only personal matter but other things as well has kept me focused in my life.  Currently I am applying that passion for excellence by completing my master’s degree.  I have always believed that my success and my accomplishments will herald the beginning of the fulfillment of my personal and professional goals.  It is said that the one thing that nobody can ever take away from you is your education and that is the one thing that I plan to not only gain for myself but for others as well.  Yet I am well aware that this may only be the beginning in what promises to be a long and arduous road ahead.

The army values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage are values that I hold close to me.  These I value and I believe that this has helped me get through life.  I have often led by example, as I feel all officers should.  More importantly, I am proud to serve my country and the New Jersey Army National Guard and would serve another tour in Iraq if called upon.

At the present, I work as a federal agent for the Department of Homeland Security.  I would like to emphasize, however, that I will have no problem taking off from work to fulfill my commitment if am accepted.  My future plans include serving as an Aviation officer with the New Jersey National Guard to the end of my six year contract and beyond.

My resolve to is further strengthened by my commitment.  As I have previously mentioned, I am ready to give everything that I can in pursuit of this career as an aviation officer.  I am committed and I am dedicated to lay my life on the line in the service of my country.  There is no greater honor for me in life than to be able to carry out my dream of being an aviation officer and being able to serve my country at the same time.

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Army aviation officer letter. (2016, Jul 22). Retrieved from

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