Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur

Table of Content

Therefore, students are required to explain relevant entrepreneurial traits and analyze through application on successful entrepreneurs. A) Students are required to identify and describe the entrepreneurial traits that highly needed and applied to operate the business by the entrepreneurs. Based on the traits provided below, explain each trait with a relevant example(s) in the business perspective. [Must use different entrepreneur as an example for each trait. (At least one example)] You must include the following traits: b) Write a brief biography of one successful entrepreneur of your choice in our own words.

Then, explain how he or she demonstrates ANY FIVE (5) entrepreneurial traits that highlighted in the QUESTION (A) and how this assists them to be successful in their venture. Choose any successful entrepreneur that involved in any industry. For example, you may refer to http://www. Forbes. Com/billionaires/Task 2 Students are required to transfer their written assignment to online material (blob) to reach global nineteen’s input, comment, recommendation and each other. In addition, students are given freedom to post any relevant material retaining entrepreneurship to escalate their blob traffic and connectedness.

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Students are highly encouraged to use free online blob packages to fulfill this task. For instance: Free blob publishing Tools i. HTTPS://www. Flogger. Com/ ii. HTTPS://wordless. Com/ iii. Http://www. Squarest. Com/tour/floggers/ iv. Http://www. Correctable. Com/ v. HTTPS://www. Tumble. Com/login? Redirect_to=/finelflogmple: i. httpHttpathMathieuogBloodspotm/Com. httpHttpalamalignanciesogBloodspotm/Comi. httpHTTPSosmcompletenessrdwordlessm/Com. httpHttptkaoutsmartsmbTumblem/Comtorial Links i. httpHTTPSww. youtYouth/wMomch? =J_39eibowing1 ii. httpHttpebIwebbingouAboutm/ComcdoacredentialingBasgObliteratingm Tm. httpHTTPSwww. udemDemym/Com-to-create-your-free-blogblobsh-blogBloomberg’sinners/ iv. httpHTTPSearn. wordwordlessm/Comstructions: The written assignment and blogblobt be prepared on a group basis (5-7 members in a group). It is expected the content of the inscribed assignment will reflect group’s thoughts and analysis rather than the work of others. The selection of the group’s members MUST be from within the same group that the students attend.

After the formation of groups, each GROUP LEADER shall ubmivomit names of the group members to their respective lecturer by WEEK 3. Each group must submit a relevant formal report by Week 9 (exclude mid-term break). Group assignment guidelines/specifications are given below. *Refer flowchart of assignment submission. (Appendix l) Students are required to write in their OWN WORDS and Cite References in their group assignments. Failure to do so may result in either the project paper be rejected or failed or heavily penalized. Group Assignment Specification: The project should be neatly typed in Font 12 Arial with 1. spacSpacingA4 sAYe papers. Students are expected type page number, course code and course name in every page. Assignment must be written in ENGLISH. Students are expected to use APA PAPerencing style for their assignment. Students are recommended to utilize listed sources of research to gather information on entrepreneurs: Publications Technical/Academic/Professional journals e-book on entrepreneurship Textbooks on entrepreneurship Books about entrepreneurship Biographies or autobiographies of entrepreneurs Compendiums about entrepreneurs News periodicals Venture periodicals Newsletters Proceedings of conferences

The Internet Magazine Government Report Direct Observation of Practicing Entrepreneurs Interviews Surveys Case studies Speeches, Seminars, and Presentations by Practicing Entrepreneurs Online Library search Android/AppIPipesAPSer page should include the name of university, college, subject name and code, coursework title, name of student and student matrix number, group name, name of lecturer, and date of submission. The assignment should not exceed 20 pages excluding table of contents, appendices, cover page, marking scheme and references.

Each group shall submit the PRINTED GROUP ASSIGNMENT by Week 9, (Thursday), before 5. 00pmPme assignment should include the following: 1 . Marking Scheme (Rubric) for group assignment (Appendix IV & V) 2. Meeting Schedule (See Appendix Ill) 3. Table of contents 4. Task 1: The report (Introduction, Contents and Conclusion) 5. Task 2: Provide hyperlink and Print screen of BlogBlobReferences: Students are advised to incorporate American Psychological Association (APA)PAPde of referencing. i)http://www. apasEpistyleg/Org) httpHTTPSwl. ngliEnglishrdPurdueu/Du/resource/560/01/ iii) http://writing. wiscWiseu/Dudbook/DocADoctormlHTMLppendix (if needed) All pages in the written report should be numbered except for the cover page, Table of Contents, references and appendix. A copy of the marking scheme (Appendix IV) must be attached after the cover page of the assignment. Late Submission Penalty Clause Deadline for submission of the assessment item(s) is to be strictly adhered to. No extension of time will be allowed except in extenuating circumstances, e. g. eGicDeicedsons. Students who wish to apply for an extension of time for submission of the assessment item(s) after the due date shall put in writing he request together with validated documentary evidence to support the application to his or her class lecturer. The lecturer may consider and grant such extension of due date for the assessment item(s) based on the reason(s) provided. Any assessment item required by the Coursework Assessment which is submitted after the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalized.

Assessment item(s) submitted more than seven (7) days after the due date will be awarded with zero (O) marks. Plagiarism PlagPlagiarismdefined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form, hichwhichnot one’s own, without acknowledgment of the sources. If a student obtains information or ideas from an outside source, that source must be acknowledged. Another rule to follow is that any direct quotation must be placed in quotation marks and the source Immediately cited.

Plagiarism is also defined as a copy of all or part of the work of another student(s) of current or previous batch of this University or another higher learning institution. The University’s degree and other academic awards are given in recognition of the candidate’s personal achievement. Plagiarism is therefore considered as an act of academic fraudulence and as an offence against University discipline. Mode of Referencing Students are advised to incorporate proper academic modes of referencing.

The normally acceptable mode of academic referencing is the American Psychological Association (APA)PAPstem. Fieldwork Clause (where applicable) Students are reminded of the importance to consider their personal safety when conducting research in the field. You will be exposing yourself in new situations and meeting with people who are unknown to you. It is important that you are ware of potential dangers and take the necessary safety steps. You have to be extra careful and cautious if you are going to interview or conduct a survey with small, unknown organizations or individuals ‘on site’.

You should ensure you have the full details (full name, job title, organization name, address and telephone numbers) of anyone or organization you intend to conduct the field research. You should establish the credibility of these respondents before your groups visit them. The field research should be made in groups not alone. Leave word with your fellow classmates on your field visit details of place, contact numbers, a person you are interviewing or conducting a survey with, expected time of return, etc).

The field work should be at office hours. Appendix I – Flowchart of Assignment Submission Notes- Flowchart 1st week – Assignment distributed to the students. 2nd 2ndrd week – If any student fails to join any group, will be given “O” for assignment. of mOfks will be If any group fails to submit group members list, 50% deducted from the total score. 6th 6thk – Students are required to edit their assignment report according to provided guideline and roofroofedore submission to ensure quality of written assignment.

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Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur. (2018, May 16). Retrieved from

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