The axial skeleton flash card

Table of Content
Condyles are found in the axial skeleton only.
Trochanters are unique to the femur.
The mastoid process cannot be palpated on a living person.
Paranasal sinuses are lined by mucous membranes, and filled with mucus
The optic foramen belongs to the sphenoid bone.
Sutures are found in the cranial bones, facial bones, and sacral bones.
The atlantoaxial joint is the joint between C1 and C2.
All ribs articulate with the sternum.
Men have one rib fewer than women.
The four bones of the distal row of the carpus from lateral to medial are pisiform, hamate, capitate, and trapezoid
The styloid process can be palpated proximal to the thumb
There are three bones in the pollex.
The pubic symphysis can be palpated as a hard prominence above the genitalia.
Medial and lateral condyles of the femur are involved in the hip joint.
The ischium is posterior to the pubis and inferior to the ilium.
The average number of bones in the adult skeleton is
All the bones listed below belong to the axial skeleton, except ___________, which belongs to the appendicular
A rounded knob that articulates with another bone is called a
a process
Any bony prominence is called
because separate bones gradually fuse with age
Why does an adult not have as many bones as a child?
a bone that forms within some tendons in response to stress
What is a sesamoid bone?
A hole through a bone that usually allows passage for nerves and blood vessels is called a
All the bones listed below belong to the appendicular skeleton except
Most of the bones of the skull are connected by immovable joints called
parietal bone, temporal bone.
Sinuses are not found in the
The sella turcica
_______________ is not found in the temporal bone
Parietal bones
___________ are not facial bones.
sella turcica; sphenoid bone
The _________ houses the pituitary gland (hypophysis) and is found in the ____________.
ethmoid bone(s).
There are two of each of the following bones except for the unpaired
The ______________ suture separates the temporal bone from the parietal bone
the vomer
These are bones associated with the skull but not considered part of it except
spaces between the unfused cranial bones
Fontanels are ____________ in an infant.
the nasal bone
All of these contribute to the wall of the orbit except
Parietal Bone
Parietal Bone
This image shows a lateral view of the skull. What does “4” represent?
temporal bone
temporal bone
This image shows a lateral view of the skull. What does “2” represent?
This image shows a lateral view of the skull. What does “2” represent?
occipital condyle
occipital condyle
This image shows an inferior view of the skull. What does “2” represent?
7; 12; 5; 5; 4
Vertebrae are divided into five groups, usually ____________ cervical, ____________ thoracic, _________________ lumbar, ___________ sacral, and ____________ coccygeal
The most common deformity is an abnormal lateral curvature called
the one between L4 and L5
Which intervertebral disc is largest?
The vertebral head
_____________ does not belong to a representative vertebra
dens (odontoid process)
The axis is the only vertebra with a
it has a pair of transverse foramina.
These are all features found in a typical thoracic vertebra except
sternum; clavicle
The _____________ belongs to the thoracic cage, whereas the _____________ belongs to the pectoral girdle.
the sternum.
The manubrium belongs to
true rib
Rib 7 is a
suprasternal notch
The ___ can be easily palpated between the clavicles.
The spinous process has a bifid tip in most _______________ vertebrae
anulus fibrosus; nucleus pulposus
In a herniated (“ruptured” or “slipped”) disc, the ring of fibrocartilage called the ___________ cracks and the _____________ oozes out.
ribs with the sternum
Costal cartilages connect
The sacroiliac joint
_____________ do(does) not belong to the pectoral girdle.
The acromion is a feature of the
humerus; radius and ulna
The brachium contains the ________________, whereas the antebrachium contains the ________________.
scapula; humerus
The glenoid cavity of the _______________ articulates with the head of the _____________.
The right hand of an adult has _____________ bones
This image shows the adult skeleton. What does “2” represent?
metacarpal bones
This image shows the adult skeleton. What does “4” represent?
This image shows the adult skeleton. What does “2” represent?
This image shows the adult skeleton. What does “4” represent?
Spines are conspicuous in the
The acetabulum articulates with the
pelvic inlet
The head of an infant passes through the __________________ during birth.
the female sacrum is longer
Male and female pelves differ in the following features
anterior crest
The ______________ does not belong to the femur
medial surface of the fibula.
You cannot palpate the ________________ on a living person.

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The axial skeleton flash card. (2017, Nov 16). Retrieved from

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