Chili as Ant Killer

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Effectively of Green Finger Pepper and Ethanol as an Alternative Insecticide A research project (to be) presented to the faculty of Cordillera Regional Science High School in partial fulfillment of the course lb Cordillera Regional Science High School Wang, La Trinidad, Bungee Bonnie B. Macaw Danville Dawned Causerie Dumpier Researchers Mrs.. Selene Grail Kimonos Research Adviser 2013 Background of the Study Black ants are one of the common insects that are found in the Cordillera Region.

They invade houses, try to find their nests and carry foods that are not fixed well, look or piles of coarse, stringy wood particles, dead insect parts and other debris that are sifting from cracks in the siding, behind molding, in the basement and attic, and under porches. Chili are commonly used by the Cordillera’s to flavor dishes It also contains vitamin 86, vitamin E, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium and manganese. People are using commercial insecticides to control the population of black ants. But these insecticides contain chemical compounds that can harm our environment.

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They are also expensive and that people cannot afford. The researchers aim to study the effectively of Green Finger Pepper and Ethanol in controlling the population of Black ants in the community. Statement of the Problem The study aims to determine the potential of Green finger pepper as an alternative pesticide in controlling garden black ants. Specifically, the study aims to answer the following inquiries: 1) What are the effects of each of the following treatment in inhibiting pests specifically black ant? A) TO. Insecticide b) T 1. 100% green finger pepper extract (10 ml pure extract) c) TO. 5% green finger pepper extract (7. 5 ml extract and 2. Ml ethanol) d) TO. 50% green finger pepper extract (5 ml extract and 5 ml ethanol) e) TO. 25% green finger pepper extract (2. 5 ml extract and 7. 5 ml ethanol) 2) which treatment is the most efficient in terms to time duration in NIH t black ants? 3) Tachometer the economic value of the production of pepper pesticide and the commercial pesticide. Statement of the Hypothesis 1) There is no significant difference in terms of effect among the different treatments of Green Finger Pepper-Ethanol insecticide. ) There is no significant difference in terms of time in inhibiting the black ants. ) There is no significant difference in terms of economic value of the production of pepper pesticide and the commercial pesticide. Significance of the study Since black ant nesting is becoming rampant and alarmingly common; this study aims to produce a potential substitute which is more effective and safer than commercial insecticide. If proven successful, this study will largely benefit many households.

Firstly, in the usage of Green finger pepper-ethanol solution as an alternative insecticide, expenses is not a fret since green finger pepper and ethanol s relatively affordable. Furthermore, procedures to be followed in making the said insecticide can be easily accomplished. This alternative can be utilized by the locality since green finger pepper is common and ethanol can be bought affordable. Secondly, since the primary material used in the study is organic, adverse effects posed due to synthetic chemicals of commercial insecticide is reduced. It would also reduce harmful effects if ever ingested since its natural.

Finally, since Green finger pepper-ethanol pesticide is natural it doesn’t pose any threat to nature due to its impotent unlike a commercial insecticide that causes water contamination, soil contamination, and many more. This commercial insecticide is also one factor of ozone depletion because it is a potent greenhouse gas. Generally, The Capsicum annum insecticide is an all natural and chemical free solution. It could be used at home; in the garden and any ant infested areas wherein it will not damage plants or cause any other unfavorable side-effects.

The insecticide will protect individuals from contaminations and ant invaded places, thus raising their comfort and security. Scope and Limitation This study aimed to create an affordable product that would reduce unwanted insects specifically black ants and at the same time, reduce the danger posed by synthetic chemicals. The Green finger peppers were bought at La Trinidad Public Market while the Ethanol was obtained from Cordillera Regional Science High School Chemistry Laboratory. Careful handling, processing and storage of the variables were ensured.

The black ants were also acquired inside the compound of CRASH. The black ants were soaked into the different treatments prepared; 10 ml green finger pepper pure extract, 7. Ml green finger pepper extract and 2. 5 ml ethanol, 5 ml green finger pepper extract and 5 ml ethanol, 2. 5 ml green finger pepper extract and 7. 5 ml ethanol, and the control 10 ml insecticide. The number of inhibited black ants in each treatment and length of time required by each treatment to take detect were noted. Data gathering on the other hand was done in July 2013 at the Chemical Laboratory of CRASH in Wang

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Chili as Ant Killer. (2017, Sep 18). Retrieved from

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