Some children can be sensitive of light and/or sounds, for example, if a child is visually impaired or on the autistic spectrum duty of care: the priority is always the child’s safety and welfare, for example if we need to use the oven during a cooking activity and you notice a strong smell of electrical burning we need to move the children to a safe place, call for assistance and cancel the activit hazards :check is there is any toy or equipment broken with sharp edges and also if there , for example if an activity using wood construction blocks was planned we need to check if there is no piece broken ,if all pieces are in good condition to play with.
When an activity is planned, we need to consider that the unexpected or unusual can happen. So when I plan an activity in my setting I need to ensure that the location (indoor or outdoor) is right for the activity, for example, if I have planned an activity outside that involves running, jumping, etc ,with obstacles, I need to check if is enough space so the children can move safety, if the weather is suitable (if it is not raining, or snowing), than I need to ensure that the equipment (obstacles) are in good condition (not broken ,clean), I need to check if there is not any litter or animal mess and also ensure that are there enough adults supervising the children.
CYP Core3.4:1.2 an explanation of how health and safety is monitored and maintained in your setting and how staff are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safety? All member of staff are responsible for Health and Safety in the setting. We have to go Health and Safety training and regularly update our knowledge and understanding of all aspects The Health and Safety policies and procedures are clearly displayed.
We maintain lists of health and safety issues, which are checked:
- daily before the session begins; check (indoors and outside) if there is no hazard in the, for example a forgotten cleaning product reachable or a broken toy with sharp edge;
- check (indoor and outside) if the toys and equipment that you are going to use are in good conditions (clean, not broken); -check if the toilets are clean and have soap and toilet paper;
- weekly; all the daily checks plus all kitchen and storage: for example if there is no out of date food. -termly-when a full risk assessment is carried out, all the daily and weekly checks plus electrical/gas equipment
CYP Core 3.4:2.4 Explain how risk assessments in your setting are monitored and reviewed In the Health and Safety policy of our setting our risk
assessment process includes:
- checking for hazards and risks indoors and outside, and in our activities and procedures. Our assessment covers adults and children;
- deciding which areas need attention;
- developing an action plan that specifies the action required , the timescales for action, the person responsible for the action and funding required.
EYMP3:2.4 Why are minimum requirements for ratios and space important for safety? Give an example of this. It is important to have appropriate ratio to ensure the children ‘s safety, for example if a teacher is by herself outside with the children and a child needs to go to the toilet or had an accident the teacher will
not be able to assist the child .And the ratio is also important to ensure that the children will have enough quality time with the teacher than all the goals of the activity will be achieved. The regulation of the space is in place to ensure the children have enough space to move safety without tripping over or bump into each other. For example: if it is an outside activity with bicycles we need to ensure that there is plenty of space so the children can play safety .
EYMP3:2.3 an explanation of how you think assessments could be improved in your setting Regular meetings to review risks assessments, continue with good communication skills between all members of staff and parent/carer and the children .Everyone has freedom of speech and all children have the right to be heard.
CYP Core 3.4:3.1 an explanation of why it is important to take a balanced approach to risk management It is important to allow the children to take risks and challenges for their development. Avoiding them can cause problems along the way with confidence, self-esteem, etc Any children’s activity involve risks, when planning we need to considered the group age and any individual needs. If the activity is well planned the chances of an accident are minimum . Allowing the children to take the risks (with enough supervision)by themselves will help with a positive self-esteem and confidence .
The children will learn by themselves to access the risk responsibly and will learn right and wrong. When planning an activity we need to think about the benefits offered by the activity and the risks that it involves. For example :in a cooking activity the child has to use a knife. The knife must have a round tip and preferably made of plastic. The child will be able to handle the knife according with good instructions and supervision from adult they are able to follow guidelines and complete the activity.
CYP Core 3.4:3.2 an explanation of the dilemma between the rights and choices of children a young people and health and safety requirements All the children have the rights to learn and develop into adults ,and be protected from harm as identified by UN convention on the rights of the children.
The children learn and develop the skills necessary to support their adult life exploring new experiences and making choices, however the children do not always have the skills and judgments to make the safe choice. It is the adult(parents, care, teacher) responsibility to identify the dangers and make the decision if the child can take part or not in the activity.
For example: In one of the schools that I worked there was a disabled child who had his movements restricted , all of us of the staff were concern that the child safety, but when planning the activities we always included him in all of them, supporting physically and considering his individual needs. As a pre-school assistant it is my role to encourage children to make their own choices to explore and progress , and I also need to ensure that during activity the support individual needs and it is taken place in a safe environment , so the children are protected from harm. Sometimes if the child is at risk I need to intervene to prevent any harm.
CYP Core 3.4:3.3 give an example from own practice of supporting children or young people to assess and manage risk In a outside activity some children are playing on the climbing frame, they have to access and manage the risks by themselves, for example: how high they can go , where to step safety, be aware the other children that are on the frame so they do not hurt each other, and that all children are supervised at all times and that each and every child knows an adult is close by if needed.
CYP Core 3.4:4.1 an explanation of the policies and procedures of the setting or service in response to accidents, incidents, emergencies and illness CYP Core 3.4:4.2 an identification of the correct procedures for recording and reporting accidents, incidents, injures, signs of illness and other emergencies. In our setting we follow the guidelines of the Reporting Injures, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) for the reporting of accidents and incidents. Our accident book:
- is kept safety and accessibly;
- is accessible to all staff and volunteers, who know how to complete it;
- is reviewed at least half termly to identify any potential or actual hazards.
Ofstead is notified of any injury requiring treatment by general practitioner or hospital doctor, or the death of a child or adult.
When there is any injury requiring general practitioner or hospital treatment to a child ,parent, volunteer or visitor or where there is a death of a child or adult on the premises, we make a report to the Health and Safety Executive using the format for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences.
First aid: at least one member of the staff with current first aid training is on the premises or on an outing at any time. The first aid qualification includes first aid training for infants and young children. Our first aid kit:
- complies with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981; -is regularly checked by a designated member of staff and re-stocked as necessary;
- is easily accessible to adults;
- is kept out of the reach of children.
At the time of admission to the setting, parents’ written permission for emergency medical advice or treatment is sought. Parents sign and date their written approval. Parents sign a consent form at registration allowing staff to take their child to the nearest Accident and Emergency unit to be examined, treated or admitted as necessary on the understanding that parents have been informed and are on their way to the hospital.
We meet our legal requirements for the safety of our employees by complying with RIDDOR. We report to the Health and Safety Executive: any accident to a member of staff requiring treatment by general practitioner or hospital; and any dangerous occurrences. This may be an event that causes injury or fatalities or an event that not cause an accident but could have done, such a gas leak. Any dangerous occurrence is recorded in our incident book.
Information for reporting the incident to Health and Safety Officer is detailed in the Pre-school Learning Alliance’s Accident Record publication. Our incident book: We have ready access to telephone numbers for emergency services, including local police. Where we are responsible for the premises we have contact numbers for gas and electricity, emergency services,
carpenter and plumber. Where we rent premises we ensure we have access to the person responsible and that there is a shared procedure for dealing with emergencies. We keep an incident book for recording incidents including those that are reportable to the Health and Safety Executive as above. These incidents include:
- break in, burglary, theft of personal or the setting’s property;
- an intruder gaining unauthorized access to the premises;
- fire, flood, gas leak or electrical failure;
- death of a child;
- a terrorist attack , or threat of one.
In the incident book we record the date and the time of the incident, nature of the event, who was effected, what was done about it- or if it was reported to the police, and if so a crime number. Any follow up, or insurance claim made, should also be recorded. In the unlikely event of a terrorist attack we follow the advice of the emergency services with regard to evacuation, medical aid and contacting children’s families. Our standard Fire Safety Policy will be followed and staff will take charge of their key children.
The incident is recorded when the threat is averted. In the unlikely event of a child dying on the premises, for example, through cot death in the case of a baby or any other means involving an older child, the emergency services are called, and the advice of these services are followed.
Missing Child
- If a child goes missing from the setting:
- the person in charge will carry out a thorough search of the building and garden;
- the register is checked to make sure no other child has also gone astray;
- doors and gates are checked to see if there has been a breach of security whereby a child could wander out; – person in charge talks to staff to establish what happened.