Duke vs John Hopkins University(JHU)

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In 2018 duke had less acceptance rates than John Hopkins by two percent. Duke and John Hopkins are both private. John Hopkins University(JHU) is cheaper and has a higher graduation rate than Duke does. Duke has a better sports program but Hopkins is Number one in the country for surgery while Duke is number two. Which makes Hopkins a better place because it would give someone a better graduation rate and go on to finish medical school, while Duke has a lower graduation rate and may not go on to medical school. JHU offers both undergraduate and graduate programs. JHU is also ranked 18th nationally out of every private/coed university. A lot of the classes at JHU are either filled with the maximum amount of students in each or are almost completely filled.

A pro of the two universities would be both in the top three for the best surgical colleges and research centers. They are both private/coed universities. Which also makes them harder to get into than most colleges or universities. A con would be that in 2018 duke had less acceptance rates than John Hopkins by two percent. Which gives students a better chance to get accepted into JHU than Duke. Duke is also 21 miles farther than JHU.

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Cons would be that John Hopkins 4 year graduation rate is higher than Dukes. Dukes tuition and fees is $59,100 while John Hopkins is $55,350. Pros would be They both require either an SAT or ACT to get accepted. Which means it if a student knows this before they would take it and have it done before it was required to be taken. The two universities are also both well known for their classes and professors. The security at both schools are also very well organized and safe.

Duke’s has scholarships for athletic positions while JHU doesn’t, but JHU has a better graduation rate. JHU also has John Hopkins Hospital around the campus allowing some students to become interns or residents there. While Duke you have to find another place to become an intern or resident. Duke has many different scholarships for different programs, but JHU focuses mainly on medical or hospital sciences making it have better programs in those spots than Duke does.

Duke has a better sports program but Hopkins is number one in the country for surgery while Duke is number two. Which makes Hopkins a better place because it would give someone a better graduation rate and go on to finish medical school, while Duke has a lower graduation rate and may not go on to medical school. John Hopkins University(JHU) is cheaper and has a higher graduation rate than Duke does.In 2018 duke had less acceptance rates than John Hopkins by two percent. JHU offers both undergraduate and graduate programs. JHU is also ranked 18th nationally out of every private/coed university. A lot of the classes at JHU are either filled with the maximum amount of students in each or are almost completely filled. Which is many reasons why John Hopkins University(JHU) is superior to Duke University.

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Duke vs John Hopkins University(JHU). (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from


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