Entrepreneurs are Born, Not Made

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Entrepreneurs are born, not made been an old long debate between researchers and writers to clarify whether entrepreneurs are born or made, so at the beginning we will clarify what is an entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship suggests an individual’s risk attitude, including all sorts of costs, from time consumption to the fight to create an effective and effective business strategy that can address social, intuitive and financial risks and offer internal satisfaction along with monetary rewards when a newly created strategy for developing something succeeds as reported by (Peter, 1998). Innovation and entrepreneurship do not mean that there is just an outstanding idea in the imagination of a person, but they do require an attempt to bring this thought into practice. You ought to address the kind of proposal correctly and test the relevance of the theory appropriately. To that end, team work is valued because it will improve the assessment of the validity of the idea and give it a new form that can be applied and reduces monetary loss. While talking about a lot of ideas the structure of the idea, which must be eliminated in order to prevent losses, show weaknesses as reported by (Bessant, Tidd, 2007). This needs an individual’s particular attitude; it identifies him as a risk-taker and the daring person to exploit social and economic systems in order to create an atmosphere in which to bring his ideas into practice. However, he must be mindful of all the dangers and must have the confidence to confront them should they ever turn up in his way as conducted by (Peters, 1998). While in keeping with changing economic system worldwide, the concept of entrepreneur has been updated over time.

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The idea of the entrepreneur was linked to the trade during the middle ages, but the updated interpretation of the entrepreneur more recently applies to the ideas of innovation, the taking of risks and wealth formation. This definition described the relationship between the word and an entity. Today, it is not just men who are businessmen, but also women who are businessmen according to (Purdy, 2005). At one time women were restricted only to their homes; nothing but their housework or the position of the mothers or children was permitted to be done. You did not even have the ability to share your dissatisfaction on various issues. Yet they are smarter, freer in this era and have the right to live on their own terms. We are also able to share their opinions on different political, religious, educational or economic topics. However, the discussion on the comparison of men and women as entrepreneurs could always continue as reported by(Brindley, 2005). Many discussions have taken place, whether entrepreneurs are born or made, from business people to scientists alike, but are this straightforward? This argument is therefore empirical, with different entrepreneurial genes and/or chromosomes as to whether entrepreneurs are born. The debate between Entrepreneur born or made is still going till nowadays, long time ago many researchers and scientist conduct that, such as Cohen (1980) claims entrepreneurs are born, not Made, He insists that his subjects share similar features: restlessness, individuality, a lone propensity and excessive self-confidence.

Thomas et al, (1994) outlined the features of a businessman from 50 research studies of what they call. Such qualities include: complete engagement, ambition and perseverance, desire towards and to develop, attitude towards prospects and goals, effort and social responsibility, continuing problem solving, optimism and a sense of security, the quest for and use of input, internal control position, determined risk assessment and risk-taking, low status and power requirements, alignment and trustworthiness. Henry Ford is a perfect example of much of the natural emotions related to company characteristics. Undoubtedly one of the world’s best businessmen ever seen, ‘It put himself in the forefront, an enormous influence on American culture, with a social revolution’ The way American travels changed not only, but also sparked an agricultural revolution. At age 16 Ford’s graduation from school and his belief in building an unbeatable carriage that drew investors and eventually business start-ups, as well as his dedication to create attractive and economical cars are evidence of his entrepreneurial ability. It is also said, He distrusted the banks and held big money so he didn’t have to borrow money and was happy to beat up the executives against one another. The way he ran his company was typical capitalist who always needed absolute power. Also another successful example that shows that Entrepreneur are born not made is Dame Anita Roddick is one famous businessman who naturally had a combination of’ born’ and’ made’ entrepreneurial qualities. She was the founder of The Body Shop, a profitable cosmetics firm that manufactures and sells natural products of beauty and has to some degree form ethical consumerism as reported by (Grey 2007). In 1976, for the simple purpose that she and her two daughters could earn their living whilst her husband was overseas, she opened the Body Shop in Brighton, England. One might tell she was a’ born-businessman,’ because she had no entrepreneurship experience at all. Currently, her husband was only told to take sales of £ 300 a week, the only business acumen she had AnitaRoddick website. Yet it operated the store successfully and prospered and opened a second store six months later.

In 1991, the business had 700 subsidiaries and achieved recognition, although Anita Roddick continued to work on her environmentally-friendly dream. Indeed, she continued to be active in the decisions related to the business even after the sale to L’Oreal in 2006. The research from the University of California, Karen (2010) says, shows that ’87 percent of active entrepreneurs launch businesses in niches where they already have business experience.’ It shows that the past career of a founder would affect their business choice tremendously. Jones (2009) said that while the issue of increasing youth unemployment is not addressed clearly, creative school programs play a significant part. Company is a talent that can be trained like any other skill. Entrepreneurs aren’t born, they are made.

In conclusion, entrepreneurship is a continual process of growth, regression and recovery. In imagination, intelligence and ambition, entrepreneurs will need to acquire other technological skills required to run an enterprise. Likewise, while you can develop these skills without the challenges and ingenuity, you will have to value them and strive to integrate them into your lifestyle or consider a relationship with others to complement your limits. In the end, keeping harmony between the two sets of market features will significantly lead to the company’s performance as opposed to a new collection of features from an entrepreneur. Moreover, nowadays Entrepreneurs are not only related to business and economy, we can see with the rise of the globalization and social media platform, many start up entrepreneur found themselves as bloggers and then entrepreneur through sharing with millions of followers a significant influence to make money, lifestyle and this platform shows an important financial benefits which they are receiving from social media platforms, so we can see that being successful entrepreneur is matter how we adapt our skills to become, but till now the debate cannot be finished since circumstances differs between each individual and situation.


  1. Karen E. Klein. (2010). Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made? Available from: http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/jul2010/sb20100723_154719.htm [ Accessed on 20th March,2020]
  2. Peter Jones. (2009). Entrepreneurs Are Made, Not Born, And We Are Making Them. Available From: http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/entrepreneur/article6835766.ece. [ Accessed on 20th March,2020]
  3. Bessant,J and Tidd,J (2007). Innovation and Entrepreneurship. England: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. 22- 71.
  4. Peters,H (1998). Entrepreneurship. USA: McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. 6-26
  5. Brindley, C. (2005), ‘Barriers to women achieving their entrepreneurial potential: Women and risk’, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 144 n161. https://doi.org/10.1108/13552550510590554
  6. Cohen, N., “The Five Ages of the Entrepreneur.” Venture. 1980 July. Pp.40-42.
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  10. Gray, S 2007, ‘Dame Anita Roddick’, The Times, 11 September, Times Newspapers Ltd. Available from: https://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/12/world/europe/12roddick.html [Accessed on 25th March,2020]

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