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Essays on Animals Page 43

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Essay Examples

The Licenses Program for Dog Owners


Words: 439 (2 pages)

I think the selling of all those dogs’ licensees is great its a great sign of people who have decidedto take on a new member to their family. I think all the licenses sold will increase I just hope all the peoplethat are getting dogs are doing for Love and not fighting. The license program…

Endangered Species Report-Jaguar



Words: 300 (2 pages)

Endangered species report: The jaguar Jaguars are endangered because people hunt them for their valuable fur, and sell them at extraordinarily high prices. Additionally, they are losing their forest homes due to deforestation. Description Jaguars are the most powerful and biggest wild cats in the western hemisphere. Jaguars and leopards seem alike, but Jaguars are…

Sharks as Endangered Species

Endangered Species

Marine biology

Words: 2452 (10 pages)

It’s a peaceful day on a crowded beach in Florida. Out in the water, about a hundred yards from the coast, a dorsal fin appears. Since it’s so far out, it’s hard to tell what it is. Could it be a dolphin? No, this dorsal fin is straight, not curved, and the tail fin is…

The Benefits of Pets for People’s Physical and Mental Health


Words: 589 (3 pages)

In more and more urbanized societies, the space for people’s lives and activities is getting smaller and smaller, and people’s exchanges and interactions are also less and less, and dogs and cats can be good people’s life partners and can help us relieve the loneliness of our lives and regulate our mental health. Pets as…

Zoos are nothing more than prisons where every sentence is a life sentence



Words: 593 (3 pages)

As a child we all must have dreamt about visiting a zoo. During our visit we all might have teased the animals in the cage, or gave them some food to eat. We all might have made fun out of those innocent animals or even laughed at them. Often those animals behind the bars are…

New Finds from Paul Herman, the Neverending Hunter


Words: 1526 (7 pages)

Paul Herman, is a renowned Howard scholar, researcher and the author of The Neverending Hunt, the comprehensive bibliography of Howard’s prose and poetry. He is also a board member of the Robert E. Howard Foundation and just completed his editing duties on the ten volume Weird Works of Robert E. Howard collection from Wildside Press….

A History of Parrots, Drifting Maps and Warming Seas



Words: 594 (3 pages)

By John Wolseley (2005). John Wolseley was born in 1938 in England just before World War II, Wolseley didn’t move to Australia until he was 38. But over the subsequent three decades, the immigrant has made the continent his own, travelling extensively through its length and breadth, and making art that captures its essence as…

Cruelty to Animals is Our Choice

Cruelty to Animals

Words: 706 (3 pages)

As humans, we have choices. The choice to buy the clothes we like, the music we listen to, how we spend our free time, and the people we hang out with. We also have the ability to choose the types of foods we eat, and do not eat. With so many options available, it is…

Orange Peels As Mosquito Repellents


Words: 808 (4 pages)

INTRODUCTION The papaya(from carib via Spanish,) papaw or pawpaw is the fruit of the plant carica papaya, the sole species in the genus carica of the plant family has native to the tropics of the Americas, perhaps from southern Mexico several centuries before the emergence of the Mesoamerican classical civilizations. The papaya is a…

How Pets Affect Our Lives


Words: 592 (3 pages)

Many friends around us have pets. Keeping pets is always a topic for us. So how do pets affect our lives? How do pets affect us? Will it be good or bad? I had a pet dog when I was very young and it brought joy to my life. But with it comes some inevitable…

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