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Essay Examples

The Threatened Eretmochelys Imbricata

Endangered Species

Words: 716 (3 pages)

A very beautiful and seemingly common species has been endangered for many years, and it is mainly because of human interference. Our species is the top predator for Eretmochelys Imbricata, which is also known as the Hawksbill turtle. We have the knowledge and power to change the status of this species, so what will be…

The Fight For Animals Rights

Animal Rights

Animals Rights

Words: 2149 (9 pages)

In this essay we will be discussing the negative impacts a standard meat eating American diet has on the environment and how a plant based diet is better for the environment. I will argue how animal agriculture is rapidly influencing our world in negatively and what we need to do to stop it. We will…

Slaughterhouses it is something that needs to be talked about

Animal Rights

Words: 1197 (5 pages)

The topic of slaughterhouses is not typically a conversation people want to have, but with nine billion animals being slaughtered every year, it is something that needs to be talked about. One of the largest environmental concerns associated with slaughterhouses is wastewater and water contamination. The United States alone has 32 slaughterhouses responsible for dumping…

Purdue Owl or APA Manual Research Paper


Words: 736 (3 pages)

While reviewing the 407X D2L there are many available resources to the returning students. While reviewing the important information provided to use, three of the resource that can be used to improve your professional writing skills are Flex Writing Coach, UWM Writing Center, and Purdue Owl or APA manual. Flex Writing Coach can be found…

Reduction of Abusing Animals Essay

Cruelty to Animals

Words: 3026 (13 pages)

A few people trust that animal should be treated similarly to people. We are and have comparable rights, while others feel that it is progressively vital to utilize them as we want for sustenance and restorative research. This paper will examine the two of the view. With respect to the reduction of abusing animals, we…

How to Create a Balanced Diet for Cat and Dog?


Words: 1010 (5 pages)

Love of animals goes through the stomach: Every responsible owner and mistress should attach importance to a healthy diet of their own pet. But which food is actually the right balanced diet for cat and dog? Here are a few tips. Very important: Before you feed your dog, put the food out for at least two hours. This way,…

The Lacey Act and Endangered Species

Endangered Species


Words: 746 (3 pages)

Before the 1900s there was no law that prohibited poachers from cutting off elephant tusks and rhinoceros tusks. As well as trading expensive or extinct species for one’s needs or for an extra source of income. Neither were there laws that prevented people from cutting down rare trees, which in many cases were simply used…

The Many Facets of Organic Food

Organic farming

Organic Food

Words: 1369 (6 pages)

The organic system of farming dates back to about one hundred years ago. The term organic farm was first used in the UK by albert howard to differentiate it from chemical farming. Essentially, organic farming is self sufficient and flourishes without additives such as fertilizers, seeds, and feeds. It is a agroecosystem that promotes and…

Should we be allowed to Keep Exotic Pets


Words: 1735 (7 pages)

What do you think about when you hear the word pet? You probably don’t think about a large tortoise or a flamingo. Although it may be hard to imagine, these kinds of exotic animals are kept as pets by many different people around the globe. People today can privately own a wide variety of exotic…

America Is A Bird




Words: 830 (4 pages)

America is a bird and part of her left wing has been severed. The wing has been so mangled that the bird’s parents have trouble recognizing her. They have since remarked that their daughter had only been let out into the wild to be free for a short time. The news of her wound came…

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