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Essay Examples

Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias)




Words: 952 (4 pages)

For my Lab Animal research project I will be discussing the Spiny Dogfish (Squalus Acanthias) and its contribution to our society through biomedical research. This dogfish has large eyes, a pointed snout with spines in front of its two dorsal fins (Bester, 2018). In front of each dorsal fin they have spiky, ungrooved, venomous spines,…

The Image of the Elephant in Indian Religion




Words: 1078 (5 pages)

Ganesh is a popular god in the Hindu religion. Ganesh means, “Lord of the Ganas” ganas being a part of Shiva’s divine army. Ganesh is the son of the goddess Parvati and god Shiva. He is believed to bring success and great fortune to his worshippers. The tenth century, Indian sculpture, Ganesh and Siddhi, is…

Shark attacks. Is it really as say on TV?




Words: 644 (3 pages)

Sharks are known as the dangers of the sea. When people hear about sharks, they relive the bloody, horrific scenes from the 1975 movie, Jaws. Since the 1980s, the number of shark attacks has increased (Huveneers, Whitmarsh, Thiele, Meyer, Fox, & Bradshaw, 2018). Likewise, the media covering these attacks and fatalities has risen as well,…

Analysis of “Doe Season”




Words: 698 (3 pages)

The short story, “Doe Season” written by David Michael Kaplan is about a young girl’s loss of innocence and hesitation towards womanhood. In this story, the protagonist, an eight year old girl joins in on a hunting trip with her father and some friends. During this trip, Andy learns that being one of the boys…

It Is Cruel to Keep Animals in Cages and Zoos



Words: 488 (2 pages)

It Is Cruel To Keep Animals in Cages and Zoos Although many people think that animals get saved from dangers of wildlife If they are kept in zoos, in fact, this actually is making the animals’ life meaningless-?they have no freedom, no skills, no rights and even their life expectancy Is much shorter. Animals are…

Character Analysis of Buck in Call of the Wild, a Novel by Jack London

Call of The Wild



Words: 988 (4 pages)

What if you were torn away from, you home, your family, and everything that was ever familiar? Would you adapt, or be utterly enveloped in chaos? In the superb novel Call of the Wild by Jack London teaches us, his readers, that anyone or thing can be taken from his surroundings and hurled into a…

Analysis of the title used in Raymond Carver’s Elephant


Raymond carver

Words: 753 (4 pages)

In his short story titled simply ‘Elephant’, Raymond Carver focuses on the elephant both literally and figuratively. Literally, when the author used the word elephant as the title for his short story, he made me think of the narrator in the story as hardworking because elephants are hardworking creatures. The narrator works hard to earn…

Foreshadowing in The Monkeys Paw


Words: 211 (1 page)

Foreshadowing is a literary device used by W.W. Jacobs in “The Monkeys Paw” to give readers a hint of the horrifying ending of the short story. The events in The Monkey’s Paw provide foreshadowing, leading the reader to predict future events. One instance of foreshadowing occurs during a game of chess between the father and…

Social Cues Cage the Elephant




Words: 1395 (6 pages)

Some bands develop a signature sound and choose to play it safe by limiting themselves to that specific sound with little to no variation within their music. Sometimes this gamble pays off and the band continues to experience success. Other bands however, end up dissolving and are never heard from again. When it comes to…

Ivory Trade Catastrophe: The Impacts of Elephant Poaching




Words: 518 (3 pages)

The ivory trade has been a catastrophic problem for elephants and other wildlife for decades. Despite efforts to stop it, the trade in ivory continues to be a lucrative industry that is fueled by greed, corruption, and a lack of political will to put an end to it. Elephant poaching, in particular, has had devastating…

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