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Essay Examples

Paul’s Case ; the Rocking Horse Winner




Words: 1437 (6 pages)

Through reading “Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather and “The Rocking Horse Winner by D. H Lawrence, the reader can discern that these stories serve as cautionary tales against materialism and the insatiable desire for all that it brings. Both stories revolve around two protagonists named Paul who find themselves engulfed in the challenging predicament of…

Why Dogs are the Best Pets



Words: 453 (2 pages)

In contemporary society, a range of domesticated animals are kept as pets. While different areas have their own preferences for certain pets, there are some that are universally beloved. These popular pets worldwide include cats, dogs, fish, and birds. However, among these choices, dogs are widely regarded as the superior pet option due to their…

Snake by DH Lawrence Analysis



Words: 982 (4 pages)

David Herbert Richards Lawrence, born on September 11, 1885 in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England, wrote the poem Snake while residing in Taormina, Sicily in 1920. This poem is inspired by an experience Lawrence had during his time there (Groliers). Snake is widely regarded as one of Lawrence’s most renowned poems. Throughout his life, Lawrence published 11…

The Effects of Group Influence in Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Call of the Wild by Jack London

Call of The Wild



Words: 702 (3 pages)

History has shown, that the right influence can make anyone do anything. Hitler was a powerful man, who was able to influence the citizens of a whole nation to turn against a single group. Before this movement, jews were a very large and successful group in Germany, and it’s just mind blowing to see all…

Text Analysis of “The Cat in the Rain”


Words: 5037 (21 pages)

I. Speak of the author in brief. – the facts of his biography relevant for his creative activities; – the epoch (historical and social background); – the literary trend he belongs to; – the main literary pieces (works); II. Give a summary of the extract (or the story) under consideration (the gist, the content of…

Little Red Riding Hood: Good vs. Evil Analysis

Little Red Riding Hood


Words: 1796 (8 pages)

For generations there has always been a constant battle between good and evil. In society today, and societies in the past, people have struggled over the desire to be good, and the temptation to be evil. In one single tale we see different forms of good and evil, as well as how different ideas become…

Whale Rider Summary


Whale Rider

Words: 410 (2 pages)

The movie tells the story of Pai, a twelve-year-old girl who is the only remaining child in her tribe’s line of succession due to the deaths of her twin brother and mother during childbirth. Tradition dictates that the tribe’s leader be male, so Pai’s grandfather, Koro, is unhappy about her birth. Despite forming a somewhat…

The People of the Kalahari Desert



Economic problems




Words: 1442 (6 pages)

Part OneIntroduction, Location and EnvironmentThe people of the Kalahari desert are extraordinary people. For centuries their hunting and food gatheringtechniques have enabled them to survive in the difficult environment of the dry, hot and barren Kalahari desert. They are known as the Bushmen. Or the Kung or the Gikwe since Bushmen is rather discriminating because…

Why fox hunting should be banned


Words: 939 (4 pages)

Fox hunting, as you probably already know is considered a `sport” amongst some people. Fox hunting is barbaric and disgusting and how it is labelled a sport one will never know. Like the illegal activities of past times such as dog fighting and bear baiting, the only purpose of foxhunting is to provide entertainment to…

The Reasons Animal Testing Should Be Continued

Animal Testing


Words: 1455 (6 pages)

The clash between the animal rights activists and researchers over the issue of, whether animals should be allowed to be studied in research labs, or not, is constantly debated. The heavily accepted plea of the animal rights activists to remove animals from testing is a completely preposterous goal, and when looked further in to, have…

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