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Essay Examples

Australia’s Banking Industry: General


Words: 929 (4 pages)

Australia’s Banking Industry >3 Australia ranked fifth amongst the world’s leading financial systems and capital markets in the 2010 World Economic Forum Financial Development report. Executive Summary Australia has a strong, profitable, sophisticated and well regulated banking sector which is welcoming of new entrants and increasingly engaged in regional and global markets. The financial sector…

Arnott’s, Australia


Words: 3135 (13 pages)

Executive summary:  This paper consists of the product launch plan for Arnott snacks Australia for the woman segment as a healthy snack option. 1. Introduction This paper is about the product launch by Arnotts which is one of the most reputed company in the Australian snacks market and largest in Asia-pacific region. The company has…

Movie “Australia” by Baz Luhrmann



Words: 259 (2 pages)

In the film Australia, directed by Baz Luhrmann, Sarah Ashley (Nicole Kidman) is an outsider trying to assimilate into a foreign country. She finds belonging by understanding and accepting the indigenous people’s way of life. Along her journey, she is helped by a cattle drover (Hugh Jackman) to save her isolated cattle station. Sarah was…

Convicts Sent to Australia


Words: 366 (2 pages)

There were multiple reasons for Brittan to transport convicts to Australia, with the main cause being the surplus of convicts in Brittan. However, this decision was influenced by several factors including the Industrial Revolution, the American War of Independence, the ambition to expand the British Empire, and Australia’s self-sustainability. It is crucial to mention that…

Pizza Hut in Australia


Words: 1699 (7 pages)

We want to know if Pizza Hut operates in Australia. It turns out that Pizza Hut is a successful franchise in Australia, with around 325 stores (Our Story, 2008). To understand the success of Pizza Hut in Australia, we will compare its operations in Australia to those in the United States and determine which country…

Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Analysis




Words: 2734 (11 pages)

  The Toyota Motor Company 1.                   IntroductionAny corporations that deal with competition must encounter an era where the success of their operation depends on both internal and external factors. Under such circumstances, it is useful to carry out an analysis that takes into account not only the company’s internal factors, but also external factors such as…

Should Australia Become a Republic?


Words: 498 (2 pages)

I believe that Australia should not become a republic. I think that there would be no point in becoming a republic, because we live without the intervention of the Queen at the moment, so becoming a republic would achieve nothing. If we were to become a republic, we would lose the support of England in…

Belonging, Rabbit Proof Fence, Immigrant Chronicle, Through Australian Eyes Analysis


Words: 1522 (7 pages)

The texts I will refer to are “Rabbit Proof Fence” (RPF), a film by Phillip Noyce, “immigrant chronicle” a collection of poems by Peter Skrzynecki, and documentary “Through Australia Eyes” (TAE) by William Fitzwater. A sense of belonging arises from the connection and disconnection between people, culture and communities. In IC, the persona is confused…

Drought in Australia


Words: 1651 (7 pages)

Drought in Australia Definition: A drought is a prolonged, abnormally dry period when there is not enough water for users’ normal needs. Drought is not simply low rainfall; if it was, much of inland Australia would be in almost perpetual drought. Because people use water in so many different ways, there is no universal definition…

The production and consumption line in Australia


Words: 809 (4 pages)

Growing up in Australia, where things always come relatively easy in comparison to other countries, the Journey that the items we buy go on before we purchase them often goes unquestioned, this could be due to the fact that no one in the country is willing to face the undeniable truth that we are destroying…

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