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The Matrix Movie Review Research Paper
Movie Review
The conspicuous movie, The Matrix, starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss and Hugo Weaving and directed by Andy Wachowski was a successful movie with unforgettable action. The genre of The Matrix is scientific discipline fiction/action. It contains changeless kung-fu combat and ever leaves you at the border of your place. It is science fiction…
Alien and Sedition Acts DBQ
In 1798, the Alien and Sedition Acts were passed by Congress, resulting in numerous controversies. These acts consisted of three elements: the first requiring individuals to reside in the United States for a minimum of fourteen years to attain citizenship; the second granting the President authority to expel any aliens deemed threatening to national peace…
Analysis of the film “Othello” by Oliver Parker
The film Othello, directed by Oliver Parker, is an adaptation of the Shakespearean tragedy that explores the insecurities of a man who is manipulated by someone he trusts, Honest Ago, leading to his downfall. This essay examines how the timeless play is portrayed in the medium of film, specifically evaluating the director’s skill in creating…
Leadership & Character Movie Review (the Day After Tomorrow)
Movie Review
In my opinion, the leader in the film, “The Day After Tomorrow”, is Sam, Jack’s son. In the movie, he displays the qualities that a good moral leader should have. Leadership Concept #1: DiSC Personality. The DiSC personality profile of Sam would most probably be a high “I” as he is communicative, interactive, friendly, optimistic,…
Review of the Film “Spiderman 2” by Sam Raimi
Spiderman 2 is a Hollywood film directed by Sam Raimi, depicting the lives of Peter Parker with his alter ego Spiderman (Tobey Maguire), Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) and Peter Parker’s professor Dr. Octopus (Alfred Molina). Peter Parker the protagonist of the film illustrates the drawbacks of the duties that he must achieve to ensure innocent…
Before Sunrise and Before Sunset Analysis
Film Analysis
The films Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are said to represent the so-called slacker genre. Slackers are individuals in society who have no direction and no reasonable expectation or realistic goals in life. This term is mainly used with Generation X’ers (people born between 1961 and 1981) (Casto, “What’s A Slacker Movie? ”). Slacker movies…
A Beautiful Mind Film Review
Film Review
A Beautiful Mind “A Beautiful Mind” is a moving and distinctively inspirational movie directed by Ron Howard. It offers audiences a fresh outlook on psychological disorders. The common perception of “mental illness” often conjures up ideas of madness, insanity, otherness, abnormality, and peculiarity. However, “A Beautiful Mind,” which is based on both a real-life account…
Movie: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Movie: Wolfgang Amadeus MozartThe movie takes place in Vienna, Austria in the 1700’s. The film beginswith the attempted suicide of Antonio Salieri, a court composer of the AustrianEmperor. He is placed in a mental asylum where a priest visits and asks for hisconfession. Salieri claims to have caused the death of Mozart. The rest of…
John Adams Movie
John Adams
John Adams was a man who believed in the law, and in fair play. If the soldiers could not get a fair trial, were we any better than the British and their high handed ways. John Adams knew he had to be the one, only a known radical could defend the soldiers. In the end,…
My Mexican Flag Cartoon and Angry Readers Sample
I’ve had a brainsick hebdomad since I drew a sketch of the Mexican flag [ see above ] . with the bird of Jove shooting dead by a watercourse of machine gun slugs. The sketch illustrates the awful force in Mexico. Since President Felipe Calderon announced his war on the drug trusts. over 28. 000…