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Essays on Country

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Essay Examples

Once Upon a Time in Kolkata

Once Upon a Time


Words: 575 (3 pages)

West Bengal as I was interested in only north India and Restaurants and that time I wasn’t obviously interested in Kola at all. When I said that I’ll go to Kola, seems like Thai people hardly know about this city. The first thing that comes to their mind when Thai people think about India will…

Essay- Australia in Cold War


Cold War

Words: 276 (2 pages)

Outline the significance of the treaties, Australia was involved in during the cold war period and discuss their implications for Australian foreign affairs and diplomatic relations. The Cold War was between America and the Soviet Union. Even though it was a war they never fought each other. Many countries were involved in this war including…

Gap Analysis of the Royal Bank of Canada


Words: 689 (3 pages)

The service I will choose is personal banking, specifically the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). I have been using RBC since I was a teenager, as it is the same bank my parents use. Like many banks, there is a customer gap between expectations and perceptions. As the largest bank in Canada, it would be…

Australian Politics



Words: 2684 (11 pages)

Introduction High court in Australia played a significant role in protecting the liberal democratic values and institutions. In this essay, an attempt is made to examine such a role of the high court of Australia. The powers of high court of Australia depended on the constitutional provisions. Within the limitations of constitution of the country,…

The Issue of Native Sovereignty




Words: 1266 (6 pages)

In the following assignment, I will discuss the issue of native sovereignty in Canada, and address the question; “Can native sovereignty coexist with Canadian sovereignty?” To answer this question I will summarize two articles that discuss the issue. The first by John A. Olthius and Roger Townshend entitled “The Case for Native Sovereignty”, and the…

The Camp David Accord

International Relations


Middle East

Words: 1107 (5 pages)

In 1978, President Jimmy Carter invited President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel to a meeting at Camp David in Maryland’s Catoctin Mountains. The purpose of this meeting was to address the thirty-year war between Egypt and Israel, which centered around the West Bank of the Jordan River and the…

Bolster Electronics




Words: 848 (4 pages)

The oil sands development area surrounding Fort McMurray, also known as Northern Alberta, is currently Canada’s fastest growing economic area. However, Bolster, the company with the highest market share in this region and accounting for one third of the total market share nationwide, did not have a video system design team in Northern Alberta. On…

Governance Regulations Among Australia, South Africa, and United Kingdom



South Africa

Words: 948 (4 pages)

Multiple codes and regulations have been established in order to address the requirements of domestic capital markets[i] in response to business conditions and regulatory initiatives. In the United States, for instance, legislation and rules were introduced to rebuild and maintain trust in financial markets after scandals involving Enron, WorldCom, Tyco International, and Adelphia communications. Similar…

Australia’s Role in International Affairs in the Post War Period



Words: 448 (2 pages)

‘What role has Australia played in international affairs in post war period’ Australia has played many roles in international affairs after World War Two by associating with many organisations which included the United Nations in UN conventions and peacekeeping courses, regional agreements which included the Colombo Plan and APEC and also East Timor. The United…

The 1999 Izmit Earthquake Disaster Report, Turkey




Words: 3079 (13 pages)

The 1999 Izmit Earthquake Disaster Report, TurkeyIntroductionIn the year 1999, turkey was hit by a serious earthquake known as the Kocaeli. The Mw 7. 4 earthquake is one of the world’s largest and best studied earth’s horizontal movement (strike slip faults). The earthquake occurred on the east west fault of north Anatolian which is similar…

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