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Essay Examples

This Is Us Is an American Drama Television Series

Panic disorder

Words: 784 (4 pages)

A show that easily captivates an audience “This Is Us” is an American television show that depicts an extraordinary family of 5, with parents Jack and Rebecca raising twins and a trans-racially adopted son, who all happen to share the same exact birthday. One protagonist, Randall Pearson, who happens to be the adopted boy, is…

Anxiety Disorders: What Causes Them and What are the Best Treatment Methods?

Anxiety disorder

Words: 2034 (9 pages)

Abstract With 20% of America’s population suffering from one anxiety disorder or another each year, these ailments need to be addressed and treated as effectively as possible. Anxiety causes a significant increase in a person’s risks for other health issues including substance abuse, heart disease, and more (News in Health, 2016). With such dire statistics,…

Anxiety & THC/CBD 

Anxiety disorder

Words: 893 (4 pages)

I was beginning to realize that with the start of work, or school many of my friends and myself we’re struggling a lot with anxiety, stress, and depression. Instead of using pharmaceuticals I was looking for other alternatives that could help with anxiety. With CBD and THC oil and products becoming legal, and popular. How…

Risks and Benefits of ADHD Medication


Words: 850 (4 pages)

Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurological disorder that begins in childhood and may continue into adulthood. ADHD is characterized by persistent inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity (Willard & Spackman, 2014). Most individuals diagnosed with ADHD struggle in social participation, formal education participation as well as play exploration (AOTA, 2014). In the case of…

It’s Just Anxiety Documentary by Susan Polis Schutz

Anxiety disorder

Words: 421 (2 pages)

This documentary gives you an insight of mental health by introducing people from different backgrounds who’s describe their own personal struggles with their mental health. This film was filmed over the time span of five years, the documentary follows each individual that suffers from anxiety and his or her own symptoms ranging from worrying and…

Anxiety Of Young People In Modern Society

Anxiety disorder

Words: 516 (3 pages)

Nowadays it is such a conspicuous fact that young people feel more anxious and lonelier than ever before. Anxiety and Loneliness have been the universal mental problems for young people all over the world. In China, we can see that many young people search for the key words ‘anxiety’ and ‘loneliness’ on social platform such…

ADHD: Introducing the Idea of a Placebo


Words: 895 (4 pages)

It has been estimated that approximately 6.4 million American children in the United States from the ages of four to seventeen have been diagnosed with attention- deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to its 2015 report, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that individuals diagnosed with ADHD continues to rise from 7.8% in 2003 to…

Psychological Treatment For Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder

Words: 481 (2 pages)

There are many factors that psychologists must look at to diagnose a person with a disorder. Jake was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder due to taking harder classes. Looking at the behavioral, humanistic, and cognitive approaches in Jake’s diagnosis, it will give a better understanding on why his anxiety was caused and what they can…

Pharmacological Treatment for ADHD


Words: 1089 (5 pages)

A referral was made for a comprehensive assessment of Jacob Martinez is a 10 yo Hispanic male to determine if there was a need to initiate medication management. He was seen in the office to follow up with a diagnosis of ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) to receive his first medication management. Martinez was observed to…

The Effect of ADHD on the Life


Words: 1201 (5 pages)

There are no windows and my gaze rests on the orange door of my classroom. My foot moves up and down and my attention goes from one side to the other. My teacher is just a few steps from me, but in my head I only hear his voice as background noise. The focus of…

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