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Essay Examples

Dangerous Driving Habits


Texting while driving

Words: 560 (3 pages)

Many of today’s drivers have dangerous driving habits including texting and talking on their cellphone, driving impaired, and interacting with passengers. Many of today’s accidents occur because of dangerous habits that are practiced by drivers. Some people believe that it is okay to do many different things while they are driving because they are good…

Answers to Questions for Driving Exam


Driving under the influence

Words: 5436 (22 pages)

1. In your own words explain the demerit point system and give 10 infractions and how many demerit points it will cost the driver for each. Ans: Demerit points are added to your driver’s licence, if you are convicted of breaking certain driving laws. The rules are different depending on if you are a new…

Agressive Drivers




Words: 890 (4 pages)

I. Aggressive driving is becoming more prevalent in America, with an increasing number of people engaging in actions like speeding, tailgating, expressing anger, and committing violent acts towards other drivers. Driving is a combination of both public and private actions, where the driver experiences isolation from the outside world yet possesses the ability to navigate…

The Demerit Point System




Words: 342 (2 pages)

The Demerit point system is a system when points are added to your drive era’s license, when you are caught doing illegal actions while driving. On you r driving record you don’t lose demerit points, you instead begin with zero a ND gain points depending on the illegal act. The points stay on your driving…

Short Essay – War Driving



Words: 276 (2 pages)

War driving involves driving around a city or other areas to discover and possibly take advantage of connections to wireless local area networks (WLANs). To participate in war driving, you will require a car, a laptop, a wireless Ethernet card set up for promiscuous mode, and an antenna that can be placed on top of…

A Lot of People Take Their Driver’s License for Granted


Words: 699 (3 pages)

A lot of people take their driver’s license for granted, and believe me I use to take it for granted too. But ever since I lost my license, I will never take it for granted again. There are many ways to lose your license, but this is the way I lost mine. After I got…

Snack-Food Industry ??“ Driving factors



Words: 507 (3 pages)

The snack food industry benefited from increased demand for several of the industry products during the past five years in line with rising household disposTABLE income. In addition the industry has a moderate level of market share concentration. The top four players are accounting 43% of revenue. This revenue depends on numerous reasons and factors….

Susasive About Texting While Driving


Texting while driving

Words: 655 (3 pages)

Texting and driving should be illegal because it is very dangerous not only for the person who is texting and driving, but for the other rivers on the road. If a person is texting and driving, they are paying more attention to their phone than the safety of the other drivers on the road. I…

Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should be Mandatory Nationwide


Driving under the influence

Words: 1079 (5 pages)

The increased technology has made cell phones an ordinary commodity in the marketplace today. Statistically, the number of deaths and life-altering accidents for our young nationwide drivers are not pleasing. According to statistical information from National Transport Safety Board (NTSB), texting while driving alone causes 11 teen deaths on a daily basis. That means 11…

Driving for No Speed Limits



Words: 1075 (5 pages)

A prevalent issue today in the state of California, as well as the rest of the United States, is the issue of speed limits on our highways, freeways, and expressways. The problem with speed limits is they essentially do nothing to benefit the citizen; instead they serve as a band-aid for a deeper problem in…

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