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Leadership Essay Examples Page 22

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Essay Examples


Leadership in the Aeneid and Antigone Compare and Contrast


Words: 2332 (10 pages)

Throughout Sophocles’ Antigone and Vergil’s Aeneid the characters of Aeneas, Dido, Antigone, and Creon display various leadership qualities that define their effectiveness as leaders in their respective contexts. However, in determining the most effective leader from this group, one must establish an objective standard by which to compare all characters. Considering the vastly different societies…

Principles and Practices of Leadership & Management



Words: 2137 (9 pages)

Principles and Practices of Leadership & A ; Management Abstraction This paper will discourse the construct of leading accomplishments and the ways in which those alone accomplishments define the exceeding leaders of today and besides reference to whom had portrayed the leading manner and qualities. Contemporary Leadership Skills: “Leadership is one of the most ascertained…

General George S. Patton Leadership Traits.


Words: 4766 (20 pages)

Introduction George Smith Patton III was born on Nov 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California, USA. He was known as “Old Blood and Guts “and “Georgie “. In 1909, he graduated from the U. S Military Academy at West Point and descendant of a Virginia family with a long military tradition. Patton became a keen…

Case Study: Elise Smart



Performance Appraisal

Words: 659 (3 pages)

    Elise Smart gave Denise Ketchum a large assignment which required a great deal of responsibility and personal discipline. Smart was disappointed because Ketchum did not accomplish the main goals set for her in this assignment, and Ketchum sought out opportunities to delegate her work to other employees. In deciding how to evaluate Ketchum’s performance,…

Laissez-fair Leadership Style


Transactional leadership

Words: 1008 (5 pages)

Leadership effectiveness is unexpected besides true leaders’ behavior. According to Madanchian, Hussein, Noordin & Taherdoost (2017), correct and superb leaders’ behavior is no longer past than to have a democratic and cooperative relationship with subordinates. It is the leadership style of a leader that makes either successful or ineffective leadership. Yet, nonetheless, there is no…

Applying Nursing Theory to Guide Leadership



Words: 1896 (8 pages)

Applying Nursing Theory to Guide Leadership Nurse leaders are faced with issues or problems on a daily basis that are often expected and sometimes unexpected. It “comes with the territory’ so to speak. If there were no issues to solve or hurdles to overcome the necessity of designating a leader would not seem quite as…

5 Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell Short Summary


Words: 9599 (39 pages)

“The Five Levels of Leadership, Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential by John Maxwell” A Book Review/Critique Presented to: Attorney Araceli Linatoc In partial fulfillment of the requirements in MPA 627 Leadership and Organizational Change By: Lawrence Lerias MPA Student October 2013 The author of this book-The Five Levels of Leadership, Proven Steps to Maximize…

A Reflection Paper on the Development of My Leadership in the United States Naval Academy


Words: 899 (4 pages)

As I grow and develop into a better 4™ Class Midshipman, I cannot help but to reminisce on my past successes and failures. Understanding talents versus strengths and the ebb and flow of leadership as a relationship has taught me things I didn’t know about myself; further developing my reasons for coming and committing to…

A Study on Steve Jobs Leadership (Apple Company) Analysis


Steve Jobs


Words: 4192 (17 pages)

More so, the decision making process is an acute understanding of being familiar with the cause and effect of behavioral and circumstantial patterns; knowing the intelligence and interconnection points of the variables involved in these patterns allows a leader to confidently make decisions and project the probability of their desired outcomes. The most successful leaders…

A Critical Analysis of Personal Leadership Style


Transformational leadership

Words: 8425 (34 pages)

A critical analysis of personal leadership style with reference to classical theoretical frameworks. The aim of this study is to examine my personal leadership style, in the context of some of the major classical theoretical frameworks of leadership from within the wide body of literature available on this subject. I will aim to apply the…

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What is Leadership?

‘Leadership is about motivating people, contributing to an effort to do something extraordinary.’ Alan Keith, Genentech Effective leaders are those who can recognize both the strengths and weaknesses of their leadership.

They adapt their current strategies either by adopting new ones and at the same time recognizing both the strengths and weaknesses of other people. They are the leaders who are distinguished for their good reflection and for their ‘meditation’. They are the ones who succeed in adapting their attitudes both in their geographical location and in their organizational level, they are the ones who best deal with the challenges they face. In addition, those leaders who consciously know their environment and apply the behaviors that the environment demands them are the ones most likely to succeed at both individual and organizational levels.

Against society, leaders apply principles that are governed by justice, respect and service of mutual benefit beyond the implementation of the prefectures. To be successful, they not only act ethically but also encourage others to do the same. Intelligent leaders not only offer and apply practical ideas but also help others do the same. Intelligence is also the ability to manage change, which implies any innovation. In the big chapter ‘Human’, leaders create human relationships in order to share and achieve engagements, inspire common efforts, and improve communication among each other – in every form. 

The Leader and the Charisma

It just accepts the existence of the leader whose efficiency is due, to a large extent, to an excellent ability to inspire enthusiasm and dedication. accepts the existence of charismatic leaders within one bureaucratic structured organization. He believes the charismatic leader is the result of a particular sake (sanctity), heroism or extraordinary character (Eisenstadt, 1968). The phenomenon of the charismatic leader is characterized by an interaction between the features of that person called ‘charismatic’ and the needs, values, and beliefs of his ‘followers’. This interaction may in extreme case result in complete and unconditional acceptance and trust in the leader, dedication, submissiveness, a sense of completeness with the ‘co-operation’ on the leader’s mission (Conger & Kanungo, 1987). 

Types of Leadership Forced leadership

Coercive style of leadership implies very tough decisions. Examples of such decisions are job cuts, selling parts of the company, authoritarian behavior towards subordinates, etc. This compulsive-authoritarian behavior leads to:

  •  low employee morale,
  • increased number of executives, • Intimidation and terrorism, and
  •  Inability to make decisions by the subordinates, as decisions are imposed by the bosses alone. 

Employees under the influence of such a leadership lose their sense of responsibility for their work, do not take initiatives, they become cocky and refuse to Self-confident character structure: They are energetic, extrovert and competitive. They are characterized by diligence, determination and vision.

They are capable of devising shots, defining priorities, and working productively and comfortably with others. In exercising their role, they leave space to their subordinates and autonomy in the execution of their work. They demand from them, as by themselves, faith in the goals. they contribute on their own. The wage system is destroyed and the only motivation for work is money and not satisfaction from it. In this way, workers are alienated from their work.

This type of leadership can only have short-term results and should therefore be applied with great care and only in exceptional circumstances, such as in emergency and/or emergency situations. It is appropriate when it is necessary to make rapid changes to the structure of a company in order to eliminate ‘sick’ habits and to awaken the organization of the company so that it can be saved.

On the contrary, this type of leadership is not suitable for long-term implementation, as the reduced employee morale and lack of sensitivity will bring disastrous results. Self-confident character structure: They are energetic, extroverted and competitive. They are characterized by diligence, determination and vision. They are capable of devising shots, defining priorities, and working productively and comfortably with others. In exercising their role, they leave space to their subordinates and autonomy in the execution of their work. They demand from them, as by themselves, faith in the goals. 

Power type

This type of leadership is one of the most effective and can be applied in all conditions – situations encountered in business, especially when they are problematic. The authoritative leader has the following characteristics:  is a visionary,  motivates workers,  perceives the role of employees,  Ensures the greatest possible commitment from employees to achieve the organization’s goals,  sets out clear rules for all, and systematically inform employees of their performance in relation to their contribution to the achievement of the organization’s objectives,  Has a very clear pay system,  is relatively flexible,  has the final say, but leaves enough room for the existing ones to express their opinion and make decisions, and  gives room for innovation, experimentation and allows employees to take calculated risks. In any case, this type of leadership is appropriate for long-term results and not for the short term. integrity, ability and goodness (benevolence).

  •  Integrity. The leader has integrity when his colleagues believe that he has ethical principles such as honesty, consistency, fairness, accountability, and transparency in its decisions and conduct. Honesty means that the leader is honest, moral and moral specific principles which it observes in practice. That is, it leads through in the sense that their behavior and actions are The pillars supported by the confidence and ought to create the leader is: integrity, ability and ability benevolence. tangible examples of what he calls and asks fellow humans to accept and to act. Consistency means that he keeps his promises, he does what he preaches acts are consistent with the words, and that in his speech and values there is consistency and consistency, i.e. it does not ‘reach out and contradict’. Responsibility means that he always assumes the part of his responsibility is responsible for their decisions, actions, performance and acknowledges the mistakes of.
  •  The ability. This means that the associates of the leader believe that he has the knowledge, skills and know-how to respond effectively in his duties. The leader gains confidence when possesses and demonstrates that he is sufficiently aware of the realization of the work he undertakes, has a right judgment, strategic thinking, decision-making, resolution? problems and planning, human abilities, self-sufficiency, optimism, honesty, courage, courage, resilience, organizational, methodical. 
  • Goodness. The third pillar of trust is ‘goodness’ with her meaning that the leader is sincerely interested in the good of his associates, not theirs exploits, cares, protects and supports them at work and their development through guidance, education, encouragement and motivation. Through it, it is influential to people, to gaining confidence, convincing them, inspiring them motivates for high performance and directs them. Through it, it manages resources it has and develops its relations with its environment.  

Conclusion and Democratic Style of Leadership

Democratic style is one that has a lot of time looking for the consensus of the members of the working group. It spends a lot of time trying to ensure trust, respect, and commitment from its members. Many times, following these democratic processes, flexibility, accountability, high morale and realism are ensured by the people in the group.

Despite the above positive results, several researchers argue that the democratic leadership type is not always successful, as its impact on the creation of a consensual climate is less than other types of leadership. The biggest drawback is that too much time is lost – which in many cases is valuable and critical – to re-examine ideas that are already known. Many times, and despite the loss of precious time, the result is that the consensus, trust, and commitment of team members will not be guaranteed, and in the end, processing ideas with these processes can lead to confusion and sense of lack of direction.

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