We found 4 free papers on Lysistrata
Essay Examples
Aristophanes: lysistrata
As years pass, people, societies and cultural values change. You interpret things the way you want to and based on your background, gender, ect. Today in society women are equal; years ago it was not like that. Nonetheless, Aristophanes play, Lysistrata, has nothing to do with feminism. The simple message of the play to me…
The theme of restraint and agency in Aristophanes’ lysistrata Analysis
Aristophanes’ Lysistrata is a play full of possibilities and contradictions. It is marked by the fact that the title of the play spells out the lead character of the play, a female. Furthermore, it portrays the women of Athens as teaming up with the women of Sparta to force their husbands to end the Peloponnesian…
Literature Analysis of Lysistrata by Aristophanes
The play Lysistrata, authored by Aristophanes, was written in 411 BC. In ancient Greece, women were confined to their homes due to continuous wars. However, Lysistrata grew weary of the ongoing conflicts and called for a gathering of all Greek women. Upon their arrival, she proposed a peace plan: refraining from engaging in sexual activities…
Clytemnestra and Lysistrata Analysis
Introduction Classical scholars generally believed that Athens at the turn of the 5th century achieved one of the greatest zeniths of Western culture. But, on the other hand, the status of women was at its very low. Women were considered, as legal minors and their participation in political activities and intellectual life, especially in arts…
genre | “Lysistrata” is a bawdy anti-war comedy by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes, first staged in 411 BCE. |
theme | It is the comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War, as Lysistrata convinces the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands as a means of forcing the men to negotiate a peace. Some consider it his greatest work, and it is probably the most anthologized. |
originally published | 411 BC |
description | Lysistrata is an ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC. It is a comic account of a woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War between Greek city states by denying all the men of the land any sex, which was the only thing they truly and deeply desired. |
setting | Before the Propylaea, or gateway to the Acropolis of Athens, 411 BC |
characters | Myrrhine, Lampito, Calonice, Stratyllis, Lysistrata, Cinesias, Ismenia |
quotations | “[Y]ou [man] are fool enough, it seems, to dare to war with [woman=] me, when for your faithful ally you might win me easily.” “There is no beast, no rush of fire, like woman so untamed. “Magistrate: May I die a thousand deaths ere I obey one who wears a veil! |
information | Playwright: Aristophanes Location: Athens Chorus: Old men; Old women Storyline: Simply stated, the plot of Lysistrata depicts Athenian women who are fed up with the Peloponnesian War, so they barricade themselves in the Akropolis. They orchestrate a sex strike in order to force their husbands to vote for peace with Sparta., |
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