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Essay Examples

Analysis of “The Pain Scale” by Eula Biss





Words: 1220 (5 pages)

“The Pain Scale” by Eula Biss is a very controversial and interesting piece of writing in which Bliss attempts to determine a scale to measure her pain. However, the writer begins to realize that the duty of associating pain with a number and measurement is much harder than it appears due to the fact that…

Bar Graph Analysis

Cartesian coordinate system


Words: 412 (2 pages)

Bar graphs best illustrate results that are gathered at one given time and are independent of each other.  Results of surveys, then, are best captured in bar graphs.  The bar graph below was used by Soraya J. NetoAlvarez to summarize the chances of projects of different sizes – as expressed in terms of total project…

Why Is Algebra Important?

Critical Thinking




Words: 878 (4 pages)

My initial reaction to the article by Mr. Cohen was that he was wrong to have written such a discouraging article to an impressionable young girl. I feel that math is important in everyday life. I do agree with Mr. Cohen in the sense that there are many aspects of Algebra that the majority of…

Conic Sections Theory Introduction



Words: 1273 (6 pages)

Conic Sections             When a plane (also called as cutting plane) intersects with the nappes (one or both) of a double cone, a non-degenerated curve can be made and these curves are called conic sections. A conic section may take either of the following forms: a circle or an ellipse, a hyperbola or parabola, and…

Astronomy and Trigonometry




Words: 693 (3 pages)

Sebastian Trigonometry and astronomy Trigonometry is used everywhere in our lives, since the beginning of development in our civilisations, people have been researching about the three lengths that have mystified for centuries. Trigonometry can almost be seen everywhere. First of all though we need to know its international definition, trigonometry is a study of triangles…

Pythagorean Triples



Words: 297 (2 pages)

To begin you must understand the Pythagoras theorem is an equation of a2 + b2 = c2. This simply means that the sum of the areas of the two squares formed along the two small sides of a right-angled triangle equals the area of the square formed along the longest. Let a, b, and c…

Trigonometry Lab Hours of Daylight




Words: 1050 (5 pages)

Two important events on the earth take place everyday that is Sunrise and Sunset. The time duration from the Sunrise and Sunset is day length (or length of days or length of daytime. However, it can be noticed that over the course of a year, the length of the day or the number of hours…

Types of Elliptic Geometry


Words: 1629 (7 pages)

Elliptic geometry (sometimes known as Riemannian geometry) is a non-Euclidean geometry, in which, given a line L and a point p outside L, there exists no line parallel to L passing through p. Elliptic geometry, like hyperbolic geometry, violates Euclid’s parallel postulate, which asserts that there is exactly one line parallel to L passing through…

Heliocentric Model vs The Church


Nicolaus Copernicus

Words: 2657 (11 pages)

We view the world today as the Earth and planets revolving around the Sun. Naturally, this was not always the case. Aristotle created a model in which, since God created the Earth and man, therefore everything should revolve around us, creating a geocentric model of the known universe. This model was widely accepted by the…

Excel Neil Millard Spreadsheet programs

Scientific method

Standard Deviation


Words: 3112 (13 pages)

Millard Biology statistics made simple using Excel Neil Millard Spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel can transform the use of statistics in A-level science Statistics is an area that most A-level biology students (and their teachers! ) find difficult. The formulae are often complicated, the calculations tedious, degrees of freedom mysterious, and probability tables confusing….

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