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Essays on Nepal


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Essay Examples

Cultural Perspective of Tourism in Nepal



Words: 290 (2 pages)

Nepal is a landlocked country located between the two giant countries, People’s Republic of China at the north and Republic of India at the south, east and west. With an area of 147,181 square kilometers and a population of approximately 30 millions, Nepal is the world’s 93rd largest country by land mass, the 41st most…

Tourism and Economic Growth in Nepal



Tourism Industry

Words: 1075 (5 pages)

Nepal is famous destination for pilgrimage due to its prominent, glorious and prideful historical places. Lumbini being birth place of Lord Buddha and Pashupatinath, a center of faith for Hindunism is major among many important places. Lumbini is found as most visited pilgrimage by foreigners. It was visited by 1,552,586 persons out of them 80.6%…

Nepal: Culture and Tradition



Words: 4586 (19 pages)

Introduction             Nepal is a small country, with many diverse people and rich in culture and tradition.  There are over forty different races and tribes in Nepal today, over half of these people live in poverty (Library of Congress, 2005).  As a nation they lack education, health services and economic stability (Library of Congress, 2005). …

Gender Profiling of San, Sherpas, Yanomamo

Gender Issues


Words: 2226 (9 pages)

Gender Profiling Of San, Sherpas, Yanomamo Essay, Research Paper 1. Gender inequality San Womans’s position in Sun community is really high and their influence considerable. They maintain a position that is higher than that adult females in many societies in the universe. Although adult females may be about equal to work forces, work forces do…

Civil War in Nepal

Civil War


Words: 2176 (9 pages)

Introduction The small South Asian nation, Nepal is located in the Great Himalayan mountains range. Traditionally, Nepal has been a peace-loving country and maintained a cordial relation with its neighbours. Another major South Asian country India has been supportive to Nepal both financially and politically. India and Nepal share a strong cultural bonding for centuries….

Growth mechanics used by khetan group



Words: 4851 (20 pages)

Established in 1936, the Khetan Group started off as bargainers of wares in Nepal. In the initial old ages their primary concern revolved around import of cloth and other indispensable trade goods from India and subsequently on from China and Burma. The group through the last 70 old ages has grown to go one of…

Incredible India Essay



Words: 339 (2 pages)

The Republic of India Incredible India! … as the television advert says. Overview This is a land which is rich in culture and tradition, yet not as well known as they fall into the shadow of one of the world’s most culturally rich country, China. India is one of the oldest civilizations known to man…

Trail Bridge in Nepal



Words: 1642 (7 pages)

What is Trail Bridge? For any country to develop and prosper infrastructure is needed. And transport infrastructure is globally recognized as the must for development. Due to the physiological difficulties road transport is only the feasible and viable means of transportation in Nepal. Unfortunately, given the topography of Nepal, construction of road transport network in…

Frequently Asked Questions about Nepal

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How can I introduce in Nepal?
After presenting warm greetings, introduce yourself by presenting your name. Begin with saying,” I am John/ Lavista.” Nepali characters “I” means “Ma (म)” and “am” means “Hum (हुँ).” Put Ma and Hum together, and then add your name at the end.

Hi, my name is Amy 👋

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