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Essays on North America

North America

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Essay Examples

Juan Ponce De Leon Research Paper

North America

Spanish Empire

Words: 632 (3 pages)

Juan Ponce De Leon Essay, Research Paper Ponce De Leon, Juan ( A WORLD EXPLORER ) Juan Ponce De Leon was born in 1460 in the town of San Saros in the state of Santeros de Combo in the land of Leon. He was educated in Seville in the Hall of Euridides. The boy of…

In “The Negro Digs Up His Past,” What Is Arthur Schomburg Discussing? Short Summary

North America


United States

Words: 762 (4 pages)

Africans began to sell slaves as early as the eighth century o traders from the Mediterranean and later to the Portuguese. The African slave trade long preceded the European settlement in the New World (Text page 18. ) Beginning of the sixteenth century, Africans and Europeans immigrated to the Americas. The search for economic growth…

Analysis of “Land so Strange” by Andrés Reséndez

North America

United States

Words: 959 (4 pages)

The book “A Land So Strange” by Andrés Reséndez basically illustrates 8 years of long odyssey from what is now Tampa, Florida to Mexico City on Cabeza de Vaca’s perspective. Cabaza de Vaca along with his companions named Andres Dorante, Alonso del Castillo, and Estebanico, are survivors of failed expedition to New World from Spain…

“The Last Conquistador” Short Summary

North America

Words: 254 (2 pages)

The Last Conquistador, there is a controversy going on between John Houser, a sculpture who successfully attempted to create and mount the tallest bronze equestrian statue in the world, and people who funded the building of the statue and Native Americans living in Texas. The Native Americans don’t want the statue of a long-forgotten Spanish…

New World Leaders: Captain Jahn Smith and Governor William Bradford

North America

Thirteen Colonies

United States

Words: 844 (4 pages)

In the early 1600s, Captain Jahn Smith and Governor William Bradford emerged as influential leaders in the New World. Their writings were aimed at attracting settlers, but their intended audiences and purposes varied. Smith’s pamphlet appealed to the people of England, promoting the benefits of New England and encouraging them to join him in this…

Looking Back at the Lewis & Clark Expedition

North America

Thomas Jefferson

United States

Words: 1442 (6 pages)

            The Lewis & Clark expedition goes down to the history of the United States as the first overland exploration of the West and Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The voyage was led by Meriwether Lewis & William Clark, both Army officers. Commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson, the expedition began in May 1804…

Ojibwa Warrior Review

North America

Social Issues

United States

Words: 1890 (8 pages)

Summary and Reflection There must first be the understanding that there were many nations who lived in the Northern Hemisphere before it became the nations of Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America. They were known as the Cherokee, the Creek, the Algonquin, or the Chippewa. These nations were established in relative proximity of…

Harvest of an empire

North America

United States

Words: 545 (3 pages)

Harvest Empire is a book authored by Juan Gonzales. This covers wide history of Latinos in United States of America. The book is divided in to three categories: roots, branch and harvest. Three of its chapters provide information on history and relation ship between Latin America and the United states. The second one tackles information…

Changing Demographics, 1660 – 1775

North America


United States

Words: 708 (3 pages)

Between 1660 and 1775, the North American colonies of Great Britain underwent substantial changes in terms of race, ethnicity, and religion. Initially, the settlers were mostly white in terms of race, English in terms of ethnicity, and Protestant in terms of religion. The New World offered a refuge for those seeking religious freedom. Furthermore, as…

Ponce De Leon Research Paper Ponce

North America

Words: 490 (2 pages)

Ponce De Leon Essay, Research Paper Ponce de Leon was a crewman and adventurer for Spain. He had been given governorship of Hispaniola where he shortly discovered that on Puerto Rico gold was found. He shortly conquered the island and was given governorship of it. From the gold he became really affluent. He shortly learned…

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