Painting Page 9
We found 148 free papers on Painting
Essay Examples
The Funerary Monument of Flavius Agricola
The Funerary monument of Flavius Agricola, an ancient piece of art, is a large marble sculpture depicting a man being served at a party on a diner lid. Made of white marble, the sculpture features scratchy black and brown lines running vertically, giving it a visual texture of movement and realism. The man is portrayed…
Gustav Klimt Biography
A Biography on Klimt From around 1900 until his death in 1918, Gustav Klimt dominated the art scene in the capital empire of Austro-Hungary. He was born on July 14, 1962 in Baumgarten, near Vienna. Gustav Klimt was the second of seven children of a meticulous but poor engraver and carver. His brother Ernest, who…
“The Wave” of 1869. Gustave Courbet
Beginning in the summer of 1869 Gustave Courbet produced a series of paintings depicting stormy seas during his stay at Etretat on the Normandy coast. The Wave (La Vague c. 1872) exhibited in the National Gallery of Victoria is one such painting that features the central motif of a cresting wave. While many viewed the…
“Girl Before a Mirror” and “The Two Fridas” Comparison
Frida Kahlo
Pablo Picasso
Comparison and Contrast of Two Paintings 1. Girl Before a Mirror- Pablo Picasso (1932)2. The Two Fridas- Frida Kahlo (1939) Similarities1. They are both paintings of a woman.2. They are both oils painted in the 1930s.3. Both paintings contain double images.Differences1. Subject matter- Kahlo’s is autobiographical vs. Picasso’s beloved Maria Therese.2.Styles-magic realism /surrealism in The Two Fridas…
Chinese Oil Paintings in Three Periods
Mao Zedong
Chinese paintings are one type of the oldest continuous arts in the world, which can be traced back to thousands years ago. Beginning with painting on stones and china, or in caves, to silk and papers with ink and brush, millions painters innovate Chinese paintings in different ways. For instance, the earliest Chinese paintings were…
“Toilet of a Roman Lady” by Simeon Solomon
Simeon Solomon’s “Toilet of a Roman Lady” is an oil painting featuring the image of a seated woman. Around the woman are there other women in waiting, two are white and one is black. One of the white women is fixing the main woman’s hair and the other seems to be hairpiece which is assumedly…
Portraits Of Ingres And Reynolds Research
Portrayals Of Ingres And Reynolds Essay, Research Paper The portrayal. A individual individual immortalized everlastingly on canvas. At first glimpse, you merely see the topic. With a more analytical oculus, though, you non merely see the image but you begin to hear the voice of the painter and of his clip. This is what I…
The word Minimalism
Abstract Art
Art movements
Modern Art
Visual Arts
The word Minimalism is often used, and more often misused in various social and cultural circles. People are frequently heard using it at an art gallery, or an exhibition of sorts, sometimes within houses while exclaiming on architecture of a certain kind, and at times, even when commenting on interior design or furniture. Therefore, the…
An Analysis of Form and Style
cAn Analysis of Form and Style Introduction I have chosen to do an analysis of form and style based on The Bathers, 1884-87 by Pierre Auguste Renoir and The Large Bathers, 1898-1906 by Paul Cezanne. These paintings are from the impressionist and post-impressionist period. Though similar in subject matter, the way the artists demonstrate form…
Five Claw Dragon: the Ming Dynasty
My artwork piece isn’t a painting but rather an woven piece created sometime during the Ming dynasty. The Ming dynasty ruled from 1368 to 1644. The Ming dynasty was one of the greatest eras of orderly government and social stability in human history. The focus of this piece is the dragon and your attention should…