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Essay Examples

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?




Words: 1793 (8 pages)

More than 40 people were wounded and the nearby hospitals were overwhelmed by the huge number of dead and injured people Silva, 2014). The factors contributing to the attack have been discussed in this paper. The attack occurred in a time when the country was going through a disputed presidential election and the military were…

Ethnic Groups in Pakistan

Human Activities



Words: 936 (4 pages)

I would wish to thank the Sociology Program and the School of Critical Enquiry at the University of Woilongong for assisting me to go to Pakistan twice to make my fieldwork. In Pakistan there are excessively many people who have helped me in many different ways. I am thankful to all those faculty members. journalists….

The Deliciousness of Mcdonald’s Around The World


Economic System



Words: 521 (3 pages)

The Global McDonald’s Corporation; and Isabel Hospice You will need to produce a booklet, and supporting material that describes each cuisines and how it is influence by their stakeholders, organizational structure and the political, economic, social & legal environment that they operate it. Criteria reference To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the…

Lessons That I Picked From My Life Story




Words: 4655 (19 pages)

Chapter 1 At almost thirteen years old, my brother Jem suffered a severe broken arm at the elbow. After it healed and Jem’s worries about not being able to play football were relieved, he rarely felt self-conscious about his injury. His left arm ended up being slightly shorter than his right. When he stood or…

Psychology: Life in a Box and Loneliness Analysis



Words: 910 (4 pages)

Facts: The text is set in Brick Lane, London, which is a working-class area referred to as a ghetto and considered one of the poorest areas in the city. The characters involved are Dr. Azad, known as the tattoo lady, Chanu (the father) and Nazneen (the mother). Nazneen is a shy and quiet woman, approximately…

“Train to Pakistan” Analysis

Book Review


Words: 1729 (7 pages)

The objective of the proposed research is to understand the catastrophe of 1947 known as Partition of India- Pakistan in South Asian Literature with the references from Indian and Diaspora Writers. The study will be focused on how literature perceived the event and its repercussions on the lives of people. The project is based on…

Health Crises in Pakistan




Words: 2462 (10 pages)

Total Health Care centers in Pakistan are approximately 13,937 in which we have approximately 103,708 beds. Moreover we have approximately 4,813 dispensaries in Pakistan where total number of beds are approximately 2,845. Rural health centers in Pakistan are approximately 572 in which we have approximately 9,612 beds. Private sector hospitals are present in a very…

Pest Analysis of Textile Sector in Pakistan


Textile Industry

Words: 963 (4 pages)

Lower rate of sales tax of 4%-6% on local supplies. Textile exports stood at $12.5 billion fromJuly 2010 to May 2011. During the current fiscal year, the tax department collected Rs. 10.5billion as 1.0% withholding tax. Similarly, textile industry contributed Rs. 2.5 billion at the rateof 0.25% as Export Development Fund (EDF). Break-up shows that…

Pride of Pakistan: Why I Love My Country




Words: 435 (2 pages)

Pakistan, our beloved homeland, was founded in 1947 through the sacrifices of Muslims. Its establishment was an extraordinary political achievement accomplished in a remarkably short span of time, unparalleled by any other nation. However, Muslims in the sub-continent encountered numerous challenges and risked their lives and possessions to accomplish this objective. My love for Pakistan…

Implementation of Modernization and Dependency Theory to Pakistan’s Economy

Economic Growth

International Relations


Words: 1113 (5 pages)

While there are merits to both modernization and dependency theory, which one in your opinion aptly explains Pakistan’s current socio economic woes? A country plagued by a myriad of critical issues, Pakistan’s deepening woes have dented its image in the social and economic strata. While theorists have provided several ideologies concerning its current dilemma, this…

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