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Essay Examples

A Discussion on the Social and Moral Stigma Created Around the Notion of Nudism




Words: 688 (3 pages)

Naturists, more commonly known as nudists are people that go nude in both private and public settings. Nudists are organized deviant groups with many people regarding nudism as a lifestyle. Nudism carries a social and moral stigma in the United States and worldwide. At both the individual and population levels, nudism has changed from a…

Scientist Albert Einstein Biography


Words: 616 (3 pages)

Albert Einstein March 14 1879 – April 18 1955 Born Ulm, Germany. Died Princeton, USA. Albert Einstein was a very famous Scientist, he was mostly famous for histheory of Relativity. In 1894 Einstein’s family moved to Milan and Einsteindecided officially to relinquish his German citizenship in favor of Swiss. In1895 Einstein failed an examination that…

Creating an example of ANOVA Applications


Scientific method


Words: 461 (2 pages)

            Analysis of Variance or ANOVA is a useful statistical method that helps in assessing a continuous dependent variable with respect to three or more two categorical independent variables consisting of more than two categories. The essence of performing the ANOVA is to find variability of scores among independent variables, or if they are significantly…

Emerson’s Call for Individual Authenticity in “Self-Reliance”



Social Science

Words: 508 (3 pages)

The essential principles of the transcendentalist movement are powerfully attested to in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “Self-Reliance”. Emerson urged his contemporaries to search inside for truth and direction in writing at a time of enormous social upheaval, arguing that human intuition and authenticity were more important than conventional conventions and expectations. This essay examines the…

Science boon or bane


Words: 399 (2 pages)

Gone is the age of steam. We are now in the age of hydrogen bombs and electricity. The most fantastic dreams of H. G. Wells in his novel Dream have come true. Thus, in this space age, where the wonders of science excel the wonders of nature, science affects our day-to-day life. Science has surpassed…

Three Branches Of Science Research Paper


Words: 635 (3 pages)

Science is such a broad country that it is divided into subdivisions. Biology, chemical science and geology are three of these subdivisions. Each subdivision of scientific discipline are really different. They use many of the same techniques in the survey of the stuffs in their country of scientific discipline, but are really different stuffs. Biology…

An Analysis of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner and Bodily Kinesthetic





Words: 553 (3 pages)

1983 marked the year when Howard Gardener’s influential theory of Multiple Intelligences was first published. Gardner states that individuals learn most effectively through one of his eight intelligences. The eight intelligences Gardner has proposed so far are: Linguistic. Mathematical/Logical, Naturalistic, Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal. Each individual possesses all eight, Gardner theorizes, but most…

India – Progress in Science & Technology



Words: 1350 (6 pages)

The tradition of Science and Technology (S&T) in India dates back over 5,000 years. In the early 20th century, there was a revival in this domain. The S&T infrastructure has witnessed substantial growth, increasing from approximately Rs. 10 million in 1947 to Rs. 30 billion. Noteworthy progress has been achieved in nuclear and space science,…

Intersciencebv Case Analysis


Value proposition

Words: 684 (3 pages)

Introduction The case pertains to Interscience B. V, Netherlands-based, 25 year-old, scientific equipment reseller company. Interscience is an exclusive marketer of gas chromatographs manufactured by US firm Thermo Finnigan. Gas chromatographs are used for testing chemical contamination by the contract laboratories. The equipment has other high end usage in the R&D laboratories particularly for new…

The Turing Test: Differentiate Between Males and Females


Words: 420 (2 pages)

The Turing Test, also known as the “imitation game,” was created by Alan Turing in 1950 to distinguish between males and females. It involved three participants – a man, a woman, and an interrogator. The interrogator would ask questions about their physical attributes to determine their gender, but the participants could deceive them by providing…

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