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Essay Examples

The Differences and Similarites of Dogs and Cats





Words: 390 (2 pages)

The Differences and Similarities of a Dog and Cat Two domestic animals that share many common and different elements are dog and cat. Despite being different species they exhibit many surprising similarities. By examining these characteristics of each animal can become helpful when selecting a pet. Domestic dogs and cats share many common elements. They…

Lab Thick Cylinder




Words: 930 (4 pages)

Discussion The lab was completed as instructed and the results obtained were used to plot a graph of pressure against strain for each of the three grids. The line produced by the ratio plotted was linear in nature which yields that pressure is proportional to strain. This was gave a direct relation to Hooke’s law…

The Three Types of Appeals in “Speciesism and the Equality of Animals”


Words: 1400 (6 pages)

            In “Speciesism and the Equality of Animals” Peter Singer uses the three types of appeals – logos,  ethos, and pathos – to argue that prejudice against a species own members or those of another species is as rampant and large of a problem in society as either racism or sexism. However, his argument relies…

Man Made Global Warming Vs Natural Climate Change

Climate Change

Global Warming

Words: 1933 (8 pages)

Outline THESIS:         Climate change have been a natural phenomenon which has been occurring for over millions of years involving periods of high temperature as well as cold periods  and  hence global warming is also a part of natural climate change with humans contributing  very little towards it. I.                   History of our world clearly shows that…

Crystallization Lab Report


Words: 330 (2 pages)

Tuesdays lab group. As a source of error, during both of our crystallization, a lot of product was stuck on the filter paper and therefore it wasn’t included in our final product. Also, a lot of product went through the filter paper and down into the Erlenmeyer flask which we disposed of. Originally, the temperature…

Isolink Optocouplers vs. Pulse Transformers

Electrical engineering



Electronic Engineering



Words: 288 (2 pages)

In isolation applications, such as situations where one needs to transmit signals despite the presence of high voltages, reject excessive noise, and eliminate ground loops, optocouplers and pulse transformers are commonly employed. Optocouplers use optical coupling while pulse transformers use magnetic coupling. However, designing pulse transformers is considerably more challenging compared to optocouplers. The load…

Preparation Of Oxalate Complexes Of Iron Biology Analysis


Iron And Steel Industry

Words: 2238 (9 pages)

Introduction To fix two oxalate composites of Fe viz. , Potassium Trioxalatoferrate Trihydrate and Iron Oxalate and to analyze the merchandises for Fe and oxalate severally. One of the belongingss known to be characterised by passage metals such as Fe is complex ion formation since they are able to organize stable composites. In this experiment,…

Chinese Book Report Research Paper China

Book Report


Words: 1105 (5 pages)

The book China Since 1945, written by writer Stewart Ross, opens in a description of the Chinese Empire in the 1900 s. There it describes the terrain of the Chinese lands and exhaustively states the fact of holding the Great Wall of China to maintain out the savages at 221 B.C. The writer uses a…

Hypoglycemia – Low Level Sugar

Determinants of Health


Endocrine system




Words: 456 (2 pages)

Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar or low fuel in the blood. It alsorefers to a distubed carbohydrate metabolism, since some people changebetween high and low blood sugar levels. When the body tries to work underthese conditions, mental processes are impaired and body systems arebroken. Hypoglycemia is sometimes related to other conditions like drugaddiction, alcoholism, allergies,…

Analysis of the Evolution of Containment


Words: 738 (3 pages)

Containment was a strategy employed by the United States to marshal military, economic and diplomatic efforts aimed at curbing the influence of communism. It was a policy formulated to counter the moves by the USSR to spread communism across Eastern Europe and Asian countries. The timeline of containment can be traced to the presidency of…

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