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We found 35 free papers on Sculpture
Essay Examples
Lacoon and His Sons: An Analysis
The statue of Laocoön and His Sons can be presently found in Vatican Museum in Rome. The sculpture is believed to be made around 42 to 20 BC. The carvers of the statue are attributed to three artists who lived in the island of Rhodes: Agesander, Athenodoros and Polydorus. Pliny the Elder, a famous Roman…
Compilation of Philippine Sculpture and Architecture
Sculpture of: “Transfiguration” Napoleón Isabelo Veloso Abueva (born January 26, 1930), more popularly known as Napoleón Abueva, is a Filipino artist. He is asculptor given the distinction as the Philippines’ National Artist for Sculpture. He is also entitled as the “Father of Modern Philippine Sculpture”. He is the only Boholano given the distinction as National…
Comparison of Akhenaton and Laocoon and His Sons
Both the Temple of Aton in Egypt and ancient Rome’s statue of Laocoon and his Sons showcase remarkable craftsmanship and ingenuity. The statue of Akhenaton, created between 1353-1335 BCE, remains an enigma as its artist is unknown. In contrast, Athandoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros are credited with crafting the statue of Laocoon and his Sons in…
Augustus the General
I understand and accept the plagiarism policy outlined in the syllabus and the sections regarding the IWU Honesty/Cheating Policy in the Student Bulletin. I affirm that I have not cheated or plagiarized in completing this assignment. If it is found that cheating or plagiarism has occurred during the writing of this paper, I am aware…
The King’s Pride
Commanding was a powerful king, who ruled with an iron fist. Lines 4 and 5, “Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown”, “And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command” shows that Commanding ruled with contempt, dominance and conceit. He was a very unhappy man, not forthcoming or humble in any way, as a…
Visual Analysis of The Incense Burner
The Incense Burner of Amir Saif al-Dunya wa’l-Din ibn Muhammad al-Mawardi Ja`far ibn Muhammad ibn `Ali, is an Iranian bronze; cast, engraved, chased, pierced Overall. H. 33 1/2 in. (85.1 cm) L. 32 1/2 in. (82.6 cm) W. 9 in, currently present in the Islamic Art section, in the Iranian area on a two foot…
The sculptures of Ancient Egypt and Sumer
When studying art, it is important to understand the culture and the people who created it because in no other cultural form is the culture and beliefs of the creators so apparent as in art and sculpture. Sculpture has always been an important part of a culture’s religious beliefs, a representation of the deities who…
The Winged Victory of Samothrace Analysis
Ancient Greece
Alexander the Great was an influence to the Hellenistic Era. Alexander was deferential towards the diversity of cultures and people soon started taking elements of Greek and Oriental and blending the two cultures. This became known as Hellenism. The Hellenistic era soon began seeing changes in art. The sculptures were becoming more naturalistic and began…
Bronze Statue of an Aristocratic Boy: Formal Analysis
Roman Empire
Visual Arts
The Bronze Statue of an Aristocratic Boy is a life-sized statue that was found on the eastern Mediterranean island of Rhodes. During the Augustan-era, Rhodes was considered to be an educational center for Roman noble families, and was especially known for its schools and teachers of philosophy and rhetoric. While Roman authority developed throughout the…
Ozymandias and Immortality
Ozymandias stressed to us that possession did not mean immortality. He used very strong imagery and irony to get his point across in the poem. These graphic and ironic pictures put in our minds, are meant to explain that no one lives forever, neither do their possessions. This is to expresses this poem’s moral meaning…
description | Sculpture is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions. It is one of the plastic arts. Durable sculptural processes originally used carving and modelling, in stone, metal, ceramics, wood and other materials but, since Modernism, there has been an almost complete freedom of materials and process. |
cast | Casting involves making a mould and then pouring a liquid material, such as molten metal, plastic, rubber or fibreglass into the mould. A cast is a form made by this process. Many sculptures are produced by the artist modelling a form (normally in clay, wax or plaster). This is then used to create a mould to cast from., |
information | Hs code: 970300 Sculpture artists: Alexander Calder 1898–1976, Louise Bourgeois 1911–2010, Pablo Picasso 1881–1973, Auguste Rodin 1840–1917, |