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Essays on Soviet Union

Soviet Union

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Essay Examples


The Collapse of the Soviet Union

Soviet Union


Words: 1532 (7 pages)

Introduction             In the late 1991, the world was amazed at the fall of one of the most powerful countries in the world. The Soviet Union disintegrated into 15 states which marked the ultimate end of cold war. The western countries considered the collapse of the Soviet Union as a major step towards the realization…

History of the Dissident Movement in the Russian Empire

Soviet Union

Words: 4283 (18 pages)

This essay concentrates on two representatives of the dissident movement in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and in the 1970s–Andrei Sakharov and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The essay introduces the history of the dissident movement in the Russian Empire under the Tsars and in the Soviet Union under various leaders, mainly under Nikita Khruschev, Leonid Brezhnev…

Phenomenon of Nikita Khrushchev, an Eccentric and Energetic Leader

Soviet Union

Words: 1650 (7 pages)

Nikita Khrushchev The phenomenon of Nikita (Sergeevich) Khrushchev, an eccentric and energetic leader of the Soviet Union, shook the world up in the 1950s. He was appointed as the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and became a formal head of the country in 1953, right after the hard times and…

Evil Empire: The Soviet Union

Soviet Union

Words: 409 (2 pages)

Reagan first used the phrase ‘evil empire’ referring to the Soviet Union, in March, 1983. Many though agree that the phrase was first used in 1982 when Reagan criticized totalitarianism, highlighting the ultimate fate of communism as a failure. Many took an aggressive stance against the Soviet Union, including Britain’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, challenging…

History of Movement of Soviet Montage

Soviet Union

Words: 1731 (7 pages)

Everett’s statement ‘European cinema is not a monolith, but a series of expressions of different ways of questioning and portraying itself and the world’ (Everett, 5) demonstrates that the whole European cinema can hardly be defined since not only the gap between Central Europe and Western Europe but also the notable national identities create various…

The Soviet Union Histiory

Soviet Union

Words: 1119 (5 pages)

The Soviet Union was very concerned about its security after having been invaded and almost defeated twice in the twentieth century. It felt vulnerable being surrounded by hostile democratic states and preferred to have smaller communist states protecting it, thus the Iron Curtain descended. The Iron Curtain refers to an imaginary barrier through Europe that…

The Collapse of the Soviet Union (Cold War – 1991)

Cold War

Soviet Union

Words: 1930 (8 pages)

Introduction The Cold War, the Soviet’s failure to match technological advancement, and the arms race are seen as the major contributors to the collapse of the Soviet Union which happened in 1991. There have been several arguments and contentions which are attributed to this fall. Two major interrelated factors that are linked to this disintegration…

Why Did the Warsaw Pact Intervene in Czechoslovakia in 1968 but Not in Poland in 1980?


International Relations

Political science


Soviet Union

Words: 1406 (6 pages)

Why did the Warsaw Pact intervene in Czechoslovakia in 1968 but not in Poland in 1980? When conducting a comparative analysis there are several arguments that need to be developed in order to come up with a feasible conclusion. Therefore by using a three-fold approach I will be exploring the question of why the Warsaw…

An Analysis of Lenins Last Testament


Joseph Stalin


Political science

Political spectrum


Soviet Union

Words: 2821 (12 pages)

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, a strong supporter and advocate of the Marxist theory of government, was elected as head of the Soviet government from 1917 to 1922 after the overthrow of the last czar.  He left public service because of his worsening health conditions.  Knowing that his poor condition might turn for the worse but loathe…

Kalashnikov Case Analysis Assignment


Soviet Union


Words: 1058 (5 pages)

It had been a major part in the revolution over the last 50 years and mainstay in the armies of more Han 50 countries. The war was fought between the US along with UK against the soviets whose major weaponry at that time was the AK 47 rifle. The US along with UK lost the…

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description The Soviet Union, officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was a socialist state that spanned Europe and Asia during its existence from 1922 to 1991. It was nominally a federal union of multiple national republics; in practice its government and economy were highly centralized until its final years.

Population: The census found the total population to be 286,730,8 19 inhabitants. In 1989, the Soviet Union ranked as the third most populous in the world, above the United States (with 248,709,873 inhabitants according to the 1 April 1990 census), although it was well behind China and India.,

Economy: The economy of the Soviet Union was based on state ownership of the means of production, collective farming, and industrial manufacturing. The highly centralized Soviet-type economic planning was managed by the administrative-command system.,

Frequently Asked Questions about Soviet Union

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What is the Soviet Union and what did they do?
The Soviet Union (short for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or USSR) was a single-party Marxist–Leninist state. It existed for 69 years, from 1922 until 1991. It was the first country to declare itself socialist and build towards a communist society. Read More:
What is the Soviet Union known for?
The Soviet Union, as the new political entity was known, called for world Communist revolution in the name of the international working class and advocated, in its propaganda, the eventual disappearance of national, cultural, religious, and economic distinctions. Read More:
What is the Soviet Union summary?
The Soviet Union, officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was a socialist state in Eurasia that existed from 1922 to 1991. It was nominally a supranational union of national republics, but its government and economy were highly centralized in a state that was unitary in most respects. Read More:
Why did the Soviet Union fall essay?
The defeat of money caused the Soviet Union to fall apart. Gorbachev's reforms affected society greatly. He aimed towards two type of reforms, political and economic. The economic reforms were set to improve efficiency of the economy.

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