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Essays on Surgery Page 5

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Essay Examples

The history of Anesthetics



Words: 890 (4 pages)

            Anesthesia, a condition in which the sense of touch and ability to feel pain are impaired or lost in part or all of the body. It may be accompanied by loss of consciousness. Anesthesia may result from disease or injury. However, the term usually refers to medical anesthesia brought about to deaden or eliminate…

History and Definition of Nursings First Clinical Specialty



Words: 1415 (6 pages)

Ether. Who would have thought that a small carbon based organic compound such as ether would spawn a new field of medical specializations, changing the history of medicine for ever. Ether was discovered in 1275 by a Spanish chemist named Raymundus Lullius,(Evans,1995,p 1). It was his discovery that allowed William E. Clark to use ether…

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