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Summary Essay Examples Page 12

We found 246 free papers on Summary

Mortgage and Summary Countrywide Financial


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Countrywide Financial Corporation was a mortgage lending giant founded by Angelo Mozilo and David Loeb in 1969. By 1980, the company had 40 offices in 8 states and was on its way to achieving Mozilo and Loeb’s goal of becoming a nationwide mortgage lending firm. The following year, the pair launched a securities subsidiary that…

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Things Fall Apart

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What is summarize essay?

Summarizing is when you give a brief summary of a text’s important points in your own words. The original material is always significantly shorter than a summary.

You should not criticize or analyze the source when writing a summary; instead, you should present a clear, impartial, and accurate explanation of the most significant information and concepts, without copying any material from the original and without omitting any key points.

When to summarize

You may need to summarize an article or another source in a variety of situations:

As a stand-alone assignment to demonstrate that you have grasped the content.

Keep track of what you’ve read in order to recall what you’ve read.

In a literature review, to provide an overview of the work of other researchers.

You’ll engage with other researchers’ work in a variety of ways when writing an academic piece like an essay, research paper, or dissertation. To prove your point, you might utilize a short quote; other times, you might paraphrase a few phrases or paragraphs.

1. Read the text

You should read the material several times to ensure that you understand it completely. Reading in three stages is frequently effective:

  1. Quickly scan the article to acquire a feel of its content and overall structure.
  2. Read the article thoroughly, underlining key parts and making notes as you go.
  3. Reread any particularly crucial or challenging portions after skimming the material to ensure you’ve grasped the main concepts.

2. Break the text into sections

Break the text down into smaller chunks to make it easier to manage and grasp the sub-points.

If the content is a scientific study with a normal empirical format, it is likely already divided into sections with clearly marked headings, such as an introduction, methodology, findings, and discussion.

Other types of articles may not be separated into sections explicitly. Most articles and essays, on the other hand, will be organized around a succession of sub-points or topics.

3. Identify the key points in each section

Now is the time to look over each section and highlight the most relevant points. What information does your reader need to comprehend the article’s general argument or conclusion?

Remember that a summary does not include paraphrasing each and every paragraph of the article. Your goal is to extract the most important facts while omitting any information that could be regarded background or additional.

4. Write the summary

Now that you’ve figured out what the article’s main arguments are, it’s time to put them into your own words.

It’s critical to appropriately paraphrase the author’s thoughts in order to avoid plagiarism and demonstrate that you understand the material. Not even a sentence or two from the article should be copied and pasted.

5. Check the summary against the article

Finally, go over the article again to make sure that:

  • You’ve done a great job representing the author’s work.
  • You haven’t forgotten anything important.
  • The phrase does not like any of the original sentences.

If you’re summarizing a lot of articles for your own work, it’s a good idea to double-check that your material is fully original and correctly cited with a plagiarism checker. Just make sure it’s a safe and dependable one.

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