Family factors that influence students behavior in school

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The traditional family structure has undergone significant changes such as divorce, single parent homes, families with two working parents, and financial challenges. These changes have caused a shift in societal norms and can create unstable conditions for children. Consequently, disruptive behavior within schools has become a prevalent issue. To tackle this problem, school personnel collaborate closely with students to identify the factors that contribute to their disruptive conduct. It is crucial to recognize that family-related elements play a substantial role in influencing negative student behavior within educational environments.

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Family Dynamics
Parental influence on a child’s behavior is significant, regardless of family dynamics. Research shows that children whose parents have high educational expectations tend to excel academically. Conversely, excessive pressure or negative attitudes towards education can lead to stress, anxiety, underperformance, and defiance in children. Divorce

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Divorce can negatively impact children, especially in their school behavior. They may struggle to concentrate and become preoccupied with thoughts about the divorce. As a result, they may experience various behavioral problems such as being aggressive, losing friends, feeling isolated, defying authority figures, and lacking motivation to complete tasks. Moreover, these difficulties can be worsened by the financial burdens that come with divorce.

The socio-economic status of a student’s family influences their behavior. Students from affluent families have educational advantages, whereas those in poverty or lower middle-class households are more prone to facing academic setbacks such as grade repetition, suspension, expulsion, or dropping out of school. Violence and abuse can worsen these challenges.

According to the National School Safety and Security Services, children from abusive households may demonstrate violent tendencies. Violence or mental abuse within the family can cause a child to develop fear and view violence or mental abuse as an acceptable reaction in different situations. As a result, these children may exhibit aggressive, disruptive, and violent behavior at school. Additionally, those who have experienced or been exposed to sexual abuse might engage in early sexual activities or try to manipulate others into participating.

What effect does a student’s behavior have on their academic performance?

Various elements, such as teacher engagement, parental backing, school excellence, and student drive, all contribute to academic achievement beyond a student’s intelligence. Furthermore, the behavior of a student significantly impacts their own learning journey as well as the educational atmosphere for their classmates.

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The presence of disruptive behavior in the classroom, such as bullying, talking during lectures, or requiring teacher intervention and discipline, can negatively affect the entire class. In a study published in “American Economic Journal: Applied Economics” in 2010, it was found that these disruptive students can significantly lower test scores and academic achievement for the whole group. Teachers who have to manage disruptive students may end up spending more time on handling their behavior instead of valuable teaching time.

Impulse Control

Neurologists Sam Wang and Sandra Aamodt state in their book “Welcome to Your Child’s Brain” that impulse control is a crucial predictor of academic success. They argue that students lacking impulse control face challenges in motivating themselves to study, complete homework assignments, and pay attention in class. This can hinder their academic potential, regardless of their performance on IQ and achievement exams. Wang and Aamodt highlight the importance of setting rules and teaching children how to manage frustration in fostering impulse control development. Motivation among students is essential.

Even the best teachers cannot compel a student to learn if the student lacks motivation. Student motivation is critical in determining a student’s willingness to study or complete homework, seek help when needed, and actively engage in class. According to a 2006 study published in the “Annual Review of Psychology,” student motivation significantly impacts academic performance, with unmotivated students tending to perform worse. Albert Banudra, a developmental psychologist, further supports this notion in the textbook “Child Psychology,” citing research that internally motivated children excel more than those who rely on external motivation such as punishments and rewards. Mental Health Disorders.

Learning disorders and mental health problems can significantly impact student behavior. Conditions such as attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, autism, and oppositional defiant disorder can cause difficulties for students. For instance, those with oppositional defiant disorder often find it challenging to accept authority and may defy teachers and parents frequently. According to “Child Psychology,” students requiring mental health interventions, occupational therapy, or psychoactive drugs may exhibit disruptive behavior in class, even if teachers have excellent classroom management skills. Consequently, these behaviors can hinder their learning abilities, and some students with certain disorders may struggle to attain satisfactory grades in conventional classrooms.

The behavior of children is influenced by various factors, such as experiences at home and school. These experiences play a crucial role in shaping their social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development. They also affect their ability to handle challenging situations. Within these environments, elements like sleep patterns, diet choices, interactions with peers, and parental discipline all contribute to a child’s behavior.

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The National Sleep Foundation emphasizes the vital role of sleep in early brain development. A study conducted by Reut Gruber from the Attention Behavior and Sleep Lab at the Douglas Research Center in Quebec, Canada revealed that insufficient sleep can lead to crankiness and behavioral issues among school children. In this study, one half of the class followed their regular sleep schedule while the other half went to bed earlier for a week. Teachers noticed significant differences in behavior between the two groups. The students who slept less exhibited impulsivity, irritability, and difficulty managing emotions whereas well-rested students displayed resilience and increased alertness.

In addition to sufficient sleep, maintaining a balanced diet is also crucial in managing symptoms of ADD/ADHD.

In 1970, Ben Feingold developed a diet to target attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by eliminating artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives. Although most scientific research contradicts Feingold’s theory, some parents have observed improved behavior in their children after trying this elimination diet (WebMD). However, a study published in the British medical journal “The Lancet” in 2007 supported this concept. In her article for “Time” titled “Hyper Kids? Cut Out Preservatives,” Claudia Wallis discusses this study which found that common food dyes and the preservative sodium benzoate can contribute to hyperactivity and lack of focus in children (Wallis).

The behavior of children is heavily influenced by their peers. Young children often learn about appropriate behavior through observation and imitation. For instance, if a child sees another child in a classroom cleaning up toys and being praised by a teacher, it may inspire the first child to do the same. Similarly, if a child witnesses another child throwing food and receiving laughter from peers, it might encourage the first child to engage in such behavior as well. The impact of peers on teenagers can be even more significant. According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Western Ontario, published in the July/August 2007 issue of “Child Development” journal, teenagers’ desire for acceptance and fitting in with popular groups plays a major role in shaping their behavior. While belonging to a group can result in positive emotions and actions, being part of a rebellious group among adolescents can lead to riskier behaviors.’s article titled “Positive Discipline and Guidance for Children” discusses the effects of consistent positive discipline on children’s behavior. The main objective of positive discipline is to steer children towards socially acceptable behavior. The article examines different parenting styles and their relationship to discipline, including the authoritarian style which prioritizes obedience and may involve physical punishment. This style can result in feelings of insecurity, aggression, and a lack of decision-making skills in children. In contrast, the neglectful style involves minimal parental involvement and can lead to low self-esteem, distrust of others, and difficulties in acquiring new skills. On the other hand, the permissive style lacks structure as parents seldom enforce rules and allow unrestricted behavior for their children. This approach may contribute to challenges with emotional regulation and impede maturity development. Lastly, there is the authoritative-democratic or positive parenting style that teaches children accountability for their actions while establishing clear expectations and consequences. This approach promotes good behavior by cultivating self-control and influencing decision-making abilities and interactions with the world around them.

It is crucial to acknowledge that behavior problems can have a negative impact on a child’s learning process and ability to retain new information, thus affecting their future academic performance. A study published in Pediatrics indicates that children who exhibit behavior problems at the age of 6 are more prone to encountering challenges in mathematics and reading by the time they reach 17. It is imperative to promptly address these behavioral issues in order to enhance your child’s academic prospects.

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Hyperactive children have trouble remaining seated, making it challenging to finish school assignments. These children also tend to be forgetful, as stated by the Johns Hopkins Medicine website. Repeated forgetfulness makes it hard for them to remember information, leading to difficulties in learning. In addition, hyperactive children may find it difficult to engage in quiet activities like reading or writing due to constant talking. Their impulsivity causes them to rapidly shift their attention from one task to another, posing challenges in completing assignments or tasks.

According to Michelle Anthony at, impulsive children can cause disruptions in the classroom. They may blurt out answers without raising their hand and have difficulty with thinking ahead, planning, and problem-solving effectively. These impulsive behaviors often hinder the learning process and the application of new concepts. Moreover, if children rush to write down their initial answer for homework or test questions, they may end up receiving poor scores on assignments. Additionally, other impulsive actions such as physical aggression or talking during class can result in disciplinary measures and a child being removed from the classroom. Inattention is also closely linked to impulsive behaviors.

Inattentiveness can hinder a child’s ability to concentrate on one task and cause them to divert their attention towards other children, playing with objects in their desk, or staring out the window instead of focusing on the teacher. In their home environment, these children may struggle to complete homework on time or lack the mental endurance needed to finish assignments. Attention problems can also disrupt organizational skills as they may forget or misplace their homework and assignments. Additionally, oppositional behavior may be noticed.

According to the John Hopkins Medicine website, children who exhibit oppositional behavior tend to engage in arguments with adults and resist adhering to rules. They also struggle with accepting accountability for their mistakes. These oppositional children may choose not to attempt their work and may decline participation in specific activities, such as group projects. At home, they may argue with parents regarding homework and display minimal effort in completing assignments. Factors that impact students’ academic success encompass their intelligence level and social factors. It is essential to monitor elements like aspiration levels, academic interest, peer relationships, social class, and home conditions because they can influence academic achievements.

The academic success of students is impacted by various factors, such as social, economic, medical/health, and familial influences. The interactions between teachers and students also have a significant role. Additionally, school-related factors are important in determining academic achievement. To learn more about these factors, please visit the link.

The academic performance is influenced by various factors.

Several factors can affect a person’s academic performance in school, including their physical condition. Physical condition plays a significant role in determining one’s ability to excel academically.[source](…)

What sociological factors could influence the academic achievement of middle school children?

The academic performance of a child can be influenced by the financial situation of their family. When parents have a higher income, they often have more resources and free time available, which has the potential to impact their child’s academic success.

There are various factors that can affect a student’s academic performance.

They all of a sudden change their attitude and, vice versa, their family status, civil status, age, sex, allowance, etc., but these are the similar reasons.

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Family factors that influence students behavior in school. (2016, Jul 13). Retrieved from

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