High Turnover Rate Among Nurses

Table of Content

This undertaking is a research undertaking speaking about the assorted factors and their deductions on the employee turnover among the nurses in UAE. It has been seen that there is a high employee turnover among the nurses in the recent yesteryear. This undertaking tries to happen out assorted grounds for this high turnover.

In order to make so, there is a primary research conducted in the undertaking in which 100 samples ( nurses in UAE ) are taken and a questionnaire is given to them. There are six different factors which are considered as the footing of our research. These factors are Organizational civilization, UAE civilization, Organizational Commitment, Intentions to Quit, Organizational Citizenship behavior, Job Satisfaction. All of these factors are tested in this research in order to see their relationship with the consequence. They affect the high rate of employee turnover among nurses in UAE. Assorted trials like ANOVA, T-Test, Pearson Correlation trials are used for the analysis. Finally, the consequence finds that there is a high relationship between these factors and employee turnover in the state.

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High rate of employee turnover is a large job which is faced by the organisations in UAE in the recent yesteryear. In the medical organisations like infirmaries these state of affairss are chiefly seen in the instance of high employee turnover among the nurses. There are several grounds because of which this is go oning. Nurses are non satisfied with their occupations and are acquiring annoyed with the organisational behavior that they are confronting. This consequence will seek to happen out what are the grounds because of which the nurses are so much annoyed with the present state of affairs.

Employee turnover is non good at all for the organisational and the ground is that high employee turnover will do them make more and more attempts. They will hold to happen out more employees for the organisation. Training will hold to be done once more. There are several other state of affairss because of which company does non desire employee turnover but still if it is so so why is it non halting it by supplying better chances for nurses in UAE? These are some common inquiries which will be answered in this research. This is a primary research which will assist us to happen out the grounds for high employee turnover rate in UAE among its nurses with the aid of analysis of Questionnaire.

There is a high rate of employee turnover among the nurses in UAE. This is one of the most of import jobs which infirmaries of UAE are confronting. There are factors involved in this similar occupation satisfaction, bad organisational civilization, bad UAE civilization, etc.

Literature Review

It has been seen it the past that there have an tremendous sum of researches which have been done in the yesteryear. This chiefly concentrates the fact that there is a high sum of turnover of the nurses in the medical organisation. This means that nurses are non ready to remain in the company for more than a considerable sum of period. In the recent yesteryear, assorted surveies have kept an over the point that there are nurses in the industry who are holding a really high turnover rate in the company. Sing the grounds behind this, organisations are non blaming on their behalf but nurses have the same sum of carelessness in this issue. There are several factors on which the old researches have taken topographic point. This literature reappraisal will integrate the old researches which have taken topographic point tie ining with these factors.

Purposes to Discontinue

Several Researchs have done on the issue that there is a high employee turnover among the nurses of the state due to the fact that they have a clear purpose to go forth the company. There are several grounds associated with go forthing the company and one of the most of import among them is that they are non every bit treated as work forces workers. This is the major job which is faced by the nurses in UAE. There are several ailments about this issue. Equality in the office is the major concern among them.

There are several other grounds because of which these nurses have purposes to discontinue the company. Salary is one of the of import issues. Most of the nurses are go forthing the company because of the fact that they are non acquiring proper wage in the company in which they are working and offered a better bundle in other companies. Therefore, they intend to discontinue the company.

Organizational Culture

Organizational civilization is once more one of the most of import factors for high rate of employee turnover among the nurses of the company, harmonizing to the old researches done. Organizational civilization may mention to the bad state of affairs of the adult females worker in the infirmaries. They are non acquiring same wages as the work forces. Having the same capableness in them, these nurses are non appreciated for the occupations they do. This organisational civilization is non merely among the nurses in the infirmary but this organisational civilization is in all the other industries.

Organizational civilization is defined as the civilization which the employee adopts in himself or herself in order to travel for his or her improvement. But a bad organisational civilization may hold terrible or inauspicious consequence on the improvement of the employees.

There are certain dimensions in which employee has to believe and organisational civilization are the best manner to happen these dimensions and acquire to the normal behaviour in the company. But in the instance when organisational civilization in the company is non good so evidently it becomes hard for the employees to pull off the state of affairs and acquire to the normal behaviour in which they should work. This is yet once more an of import ground because of which there is a high employee turnover from one company to another company.

Culture in United Arab Emirate

Culture is another factor associated with high degree of employee turnover among the nurses in UAE. Culture in UAE negotiations about assorted sub factors involved in them. One of the most of import and the serious bomber factor involved is the intervention of adult females employees in the state as compared to the work forces employees. There are several ancient rites which are still predominating in the state like Burqa system. This is curtailing the adult females employee to work in the same ambiance in which work forces are working. This is giving lesser exposure to these adult females employees ( Yousef, 2001 ) .

Another bomber factor associated with civilization in UAE is that there is a really high degree of Emiratization in the county which means that most of the organisations in the state maintain more than 80 per centum of the national population in the company. This means that there is really less exposure for the foreign employees in the UAE companies. It is hard for them to prolong in the company. Hence these nurses are go forthing the company at a really fast rate without thought of the company. If they do n’t experience satisfied, they instantly leave the company.

Organizational Committedness

Organizational committedness is another factor of import for the company. If any employee is non committed towards the organisation so evidently there will be a high rate of employee turnover in the company. This is what go oning with the nurses of UAE. These nurses are non treated good in the company and this is the ground that they do non hold good organisational committedness. They are non acquiring same places as work forces are acquiring, they are non acquiring similar wages. Hence they do non experience committed towards the organisation and tend to go forth the organisation every bit shortly as possible ( Cunningham, 2001 ) .

Organizational committedness is a large purpose for any company to keep. Company needs a immense committedness by its employees in order to travel farther. High rate of employee turnover will evidently turn out bad for the company because it will hold to enroll the new employees once more and once more in order to keep its productiveness and services.

Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Organizational citizenship behavior is something in which non much of researches have been done every bit far as high employee turnover is considered but it is one of the most of import grounds because of which there is a high turnover among the nurses in the infirmaries of UAE. Emiratization is something which was ever an of import construct in UAE. And as the clip is go throughing by, degree or the per centum of Emiratization with in UAE is increasing ( Dermot McCarthy, 2009 ) .

This is an of import concern for the nurses who are non UAE Born. It is going hard for them to remain in the company because already there is non an equal intervention of adult females and along with this expletive they are non the citizen of UAE. It is a sort of two-base hit sided job for these nurses ( Cerimagic, 2010 ) . Organizational citizenship behavior is taking to high degree of employee turnover among the nurses in infirmaries in UAE and will stay as one of the of import issue for them.

Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is another of import ground because of which there is a high degree of employee turnover among the nurses in the infirmaries in UAE. There are several grounds which lead to lesser sum of occupation satisfaction among the nurses. As already discussed above, bad organisational civilization make them worry about their occupations. They are non satisfied with their working behavior in the company and this is the ground they are go forthing the company. Package is another ground which is responsible for lesser occupation satisfaction in the company.

These nurses are acquiring lower wages as compared to the work forces and hence they are non satisfied with the occupation and go forthing the companies one after the other. Culture in UAE is such that adult females are non every bit treated as work forces. This chiefly happens in the instance when they are working in the UAE place company. This is the ground that they are non satisfied with the occupation and seek to go forth the infirmary and travel into the infirmaries which have a foreign on the job civilization so that they are treated every bit as work forces. And besides they will acquire better wages in these infirmaries. Job satisfaction is considered to be one of the most of import factors which will take to improvement of the employees ( Monica Gallant, 2008 ) .


The analysis of high rate of employee turnover among the nurses in UAE needed a research to make in which assorted factors were to be integrated with the chief consequence of the research. There are several chief stairss of the methodological analysis which has been adapted to follow up with the consequence. Research Methodology is an of import portion of a research. It tells that how the research will be traveling to continue and how the analysis of the consequence or the informations of the consequence will be done. In this analysis, we are traveling to follow few stairss in research methodological analysis so that we can easy happen the manner in which the analysis is traveling. We will discourse the research methodological analysis in item. Stairss of research methodological analysis are:

  • Data aggregation for the research
  • Use of SPSS for Data Entry
  • Use of Excel for informations Entry
  • SPSS Trials
  • Stairss discuss every portion of research methodological analysis in item

Data Collection for Research

In order to analyze the high employee turnover rate among the nurses of UAE, we need to execute a research which will precisely state us that what may be grounds because of which there is high degree of employee turnover among these nurses. Hence, a primary research has been organized in which 100 samples are taken. Most of the samples taken are the female nurse worker in the infirmaries in UAE because these are the 1 who are chiefly suffered.

It is one of the most cardinal technique that consequence of any hypothesis may be analysed taking the sample from the population because it is about impossible to take the full population in the research. For illustration, it may be truly hard to suit in all the nurses in UAE in the research, therefore a set of 100 nurses are taken and research has been performed.

It is necessary to see whether the UAE civilization is responsible for the high employee turnover among the nurses or non. There are many sub factors associated with this research. In this, grounds which relate to the UAE civilization are:

  • Rating 1: Mix Environment of Males and females in the infirmaries.
  • Rating 2: It limits the opportunities of acquiring married.
  • Rating 3: They have low wages.
  • Rating 4: There is low societal interaction of these nurses with the households, friends and other groups.
  • Rating 5: There is close contact between nurses and patients.
  • Rating 6: There is a high exposure of disease.
  • Rating 7: Nurses needs to remain nightlong outside their place.
  • Rating 8: There is a unvarying coloring material, size and form.
  • Rating 9: Nurses are unable to have on abayah.
  • Rating 10: Long hr responsibilities for the nurses.

It will cover all the points which will state whether high rate of employee turnover in the organisations is due to low committedness of the nurses towards the administration. There are 38 inquiries in this subdivision of the questionnaire.

  • Section F: This subdivision is chiefly divided into two sub subdivisions. It as whole, negotiations about the organisational citizenship behavior of the nurses in UAE. The two sub subdivisions of organisational citizenship behavior are:
  • Section F.1: Helping behavior of the nurses. This subdivision contains 11 inquiries speaking about the assisting nature of the nurses in the organisation.
  • Section F.2: Voice: This subdivision contains 6 inquiries which will speak about the ability of the nurses to raise their voice in certain issues in the company.

This subdivision wholly observed on the evaluation of 7 between ne’er and ever. It tells that whether this factor is a specified ground for the high rate of employee turnover within the company or non.

Use of Excel for informations Entry

When all the response sheets of SPSS are exported into MS Excel, so all the variables taken in the several response sheet are summed and a sum of every response sheet is obtained. For illustration, a sum will be found in the Response sheet of Section A and this sum will be named as Intention to Quit.

Similarly, for each response sheets sums are found and these are named as the chief factor for high rate of employee turnover among nurses in UAE.

These sums are so entered into a new excel sheet. Now this excel sheet will incorporate lone sums of all each response sheet several which means that till excel sheet will incorporate the undermentioned factors, viz. :

  • Purposes to Discontinue
  • Organizational Culture
  • UAE civilization
  • Organizational committedness
  • Organisation citizenship behavior
  • Job satisfaction

Now these will be treated as independent variables in the trials. But the job here is that there is different figure of inquiries in each of the subdivisions which means that we will non be able to compare these independent variables in any instance. Hence, all the information of the new excel sheet will be normalized in order to do them levelled.

There will be a concluding amount of all the independent variables which will be called as a dependant variable and which will be the chief purpose of this analysis i.e. High Rate of Employee Turnover among Nurses in UAE. This levelled normalized informations will be exported to SPSS for the farther trials and concluding consequences.

SPSS Trials

There are chiefly three types of trial required in the analysis of informations. These trials are as follows:

Pearson Correlation: Pearson Correlation Test will be done in order to happen out that whether there is a correlativity among the variables for proving or non. We have decided that these variables are independent but we will turn out it here with the aid of Pearson Correlation.

T-test: T-Test is chiefly used for comparing the means. T-test will give away the consequence whether the six factors which have taken in the analysis effects the concluding consequence or non. In this there will be a void hypothesis which will hold to be set and consequently an alternate hypothesis. We will see with the t-test whether this void hypothesis gets accepted or rejected. Harmonizing to this, concluding Analysis will be done.

One manner ANOVA trial: Analysis of Variance will be done in order to happen out the relationship between all the factors which are taken for analysis. This is chiefly used in order to compare the agencies of different factors. In this it will be easier for us to foretell which of all the variables taken is the best which is associated with the high employee turnover among nurses in UAE

Generalized Linear Model ( uni-variate instance ): It will give away the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. This will be done as a effect of Pearson correlativity. If the variables are found to be independent so we will be able to make this but if in instance the variables are dependent to each other so a new type generalized theoretical account will hold to be taken which will non be additive.

Discussion and Analysis

Analysis of Description Statisticss

We can see from the consequence of Descriptive Statistics that means of about all the factors associated with the concluding consequence is same. Besides the discrepancies of all the factors are about same expect the factor organisational committedness. This means that it might possible that all of these factors may hold similar consequence on the concluding consequence.

Descriptive Statistics is chiefly done in order to make the farther analysis of the trial which has been done on the samples. Number of responses used here are 100 which non considered to be a really large sample ; hence we can besides state that the mean which are presuming to be same might meet to some other consequences. Hence with out making farther analysis, it would be impossible to foretell the relationship between the concluding consequence i.e. high employee turnover among the nurses in UAE and assorted factors used for the analysis.

Analysis of Pearson Correlation

In the consequence of the Pearson Correlation, we have found the Pearson Correlation and the trial on Pearson Correlation which shows the significance degree. In the table hypothesis used is as follows:

  • H0: There is a correlativity between the two variables
  • H1: There is no correlativity between the variable

Now, we can see from the consequences of the tabular array of Pearson Correlation that there is a specific correlativity between the factors Intention to Discontinue with Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, and Job Satisfaction. This means that they are non independent with each other. From the tabular array, we can see that all the factors are non independent of each other ; there is some correlativity in all the factors.

With such an observation, it can be said that consequence of one variable on the concluding consequence may consequence the consequence of other variable on the concluding consequence as good. These all variable are interconnected which means that if there is a better organisation civilization in the company so obvious there will be better occupation satisfaction for the employees and therefore employee turnover will travel down. Similarly, there would be relation in the other factors as good. Hence, when there will be a farther analysis of t-test and ANOVA, so we would be able to foretell that if occupation satisfaction is impacting the employee turnover in the company so evidently organisation behavior would besides make.

Analysis of T-Test

T-test is used in order to see whether the factors are act uponing the concluding consequence or non. Hence we will put our hypothesis in this instance in the undermentioned manner:

  • H0: Variable does non impact the high employee turnover among the nurse in UAE
  • H1: Variable affects the high employee turnover among the nurse in UAE

Therefore, from the tabular array of t-test we can see that significance degree of all the variables are about zero which means that our hypothesis gets rejected in every instance. This means that there is a relation between the variables and the concluding consequence. It eventually concludes that the factors which are taken for the analysis, all affect the rate of employee turnover in the infirmaries. This we have seen in instance of the literature reappraisal as good which suggests that there is a relationship between all the variables and the concluding consequence.

Analysis of One Way ANOVA

ANOVA is chiefly used to compare agencies. We have designed the different ANOVA tabular arraies for all the factors which we have introduced in the analysis. From the tabular array we can see that in all the instance the hypothesis is rejected which means that there is a strong relationship between the variables and the employee turnover rate in the organisation. With the aid of ANOVA we can rate these factors every bit good. The evaluation of the factors will be:

  • Organizational Behaviour
  • UAE civilization
  • Organizational Committedness
  • Intension to Discontinue
  • Organizational Citizenship
  • Job Satisfaction

Analysis of Generalized Linear Model

Generalized Linear Model is chiefly used in order to happen out the relation ship between the random variables and the dependant variable. We can see from the tabular array of generalised additive theoretical account there is a proving done on the footing of this theoretical account. Hypothesis designed for the Generalized Linear Model is as follows:

  • H0: There is no relation between the random variable and the dependant variable
  • H1: There is a relation between the random variable and dependant variable

Here dependent variable is considered to be the rate of employee turnover in the company. We can see from the tabular array that there the hypothesis is accepted in instance of all the other factors except for Helping behavior of the nurse. But one thing to observe here is that if we combine the assisting behavior and the voice behavior of the nurses so hypotheses is rejected. Hence all the above factors are related to the concluding consequence.


The above analysis suggests that there is relationship between the factors and the concluding consequence which says that following treatments can be done over it:

  • If there is an purpose if the employee to discontinue the company so there will be an addition in the employee turnover rate among nurses in UAE.
  • If there is bad organisational behavior in the infirmaries, so there will be employee turnover in the company.
  • If there is bad UAE civilization with in the organisation, so there will high employee turnover rate among nurses in UAE.
  • If the committedness of the nurses towards the company or the organisation is low so there will be high employee turnover rate among nurses in UAE.
  • If there is low occupation satisfaction among the nurses in the infirmaries so there will be high employee turnover rate.

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High Turnover Rate Among Nurses. (2018, Apr 01). Retrieved from


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