“ The Interlopers ”, explores the elaboratenesss of friendly relationship and competition. The narrative takes topographic point in a European wood one dark during the winter. The scene of the narrative is correspondent to the secret plan ; the trees have to adhere together for heat to weather the ferocious winter, the same manner Ulrich and George have to work together to last. The expounding does a fantastic occupation of constructing suspense by stating of the feud between the two households.
The feeling of impending day of reckoning additions as Georg and Ulrich hunt each other in the dark wood. The suspense comes to a boiling point when the work forces meet and stare at each other with the purpose to kill. But neither shoots. “ The opportunity had come to give full drama to the passions of a life-time. But a adult male who has been brought up under the codification of a keeping civilisation can non easy steel himself to hit down his neighb or in cold blood and without a word spoken, except for an discourtesy against his fireplace and honor. ” ( p. 44 )
Merely as both are about to hit, a tree subdivision from above clangs upon the work forces. The feeling of suspense flees, and a feeling of sorrow and commiseration for Georg and Ulrich fills one ’ s bosom. The reader feels immense understanding for the state of affairs: how many times in one ’ s ain life has a mere squabble gotten out of control and wrecked everything? The work forces lay, crippled beneath the tree in the cold and recognize the folly of their ways. Ulrich says to Georg, “ Neighbor, do as you please if your work forces come foremost. It was a just compact. But as for me, I ’ ve changed my head.
If my work forces are the first to come you shall be the first to be helped … ” ( p. 45 ) The work forces continue to speak, and they reconcile. But in a unusual turn of destiny, wolves come and devour them both before they can be freed by their work forces. The message Saki was seeking to acquire across was this: why battle over something petit larcenies when one can be friends?