Malunggay and Camte Tops Smoothie

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There is a growing awareness and concern for personal health and well-being in today’s society. Our goal is to create a unique smoothie that not only has a great taste but also provides various health benefits. To achieve this, we use commonly available and popular ingredients from our country. One crucial ingredient in our smoothie recipe is Morning Leafier, also known as Malagasy.

Pomade Batista, also known as Comate Tops, is abundant in essential nutrients. It contains a significant amount of Vitamin B necessary for cell metabolism. Furthermore, it provides Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps prevent scurvy. Additionally, it includes Provocation A which promotes growth and development, boosts the immune system, and enhances vision. The nutritional composition of Pomade Batista is further enhanced by the presence of beta-carotene, Vitamin K, and Protein.

Introduction A: The text highlights the product’s abundance in Vitamin A, B, and C, Calcium, Iron, Dietary-fiber, and Phosphorus as well as essential minerals like Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Sulfur, Iron Copper Zinc Manganese Aluminum and Boron. These elements provide various benefits such as reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels while assisting in digestion and preventing diseases. The goal of the project is to create a product that promotes a balanced diet by providing adequate fiber and nutrients specifically designed for health-conscious individuals.

Background of the Study:

The study focuses on smoothies, which are blended and sweetened beverages made from fresh fruits. The consumption of sweets can be difficult for individuals with certain diseases. To alleviate this difficulty, there is a need to innovate smoothies into less-sugar sweetened beverages.

Statement of the Problem and Objectives:

In order to offer an alternative to sugar-added smoothies and other products, it is suggested to prepare smoothies using locally available plants such as herbs and fruit-bearing ones.

Plant parts such as Comate Tops and Malagasy may contain effective components with antioxidant activity. This project is significant as it can contribute to the economy through the export of these goods. We should be grateful for the abundance of Malagasy and Gamete tops in our country, as they provide great potential for innovation. This product can inspire others to explore the possibilities of utilizing our rich fruits and vegetables in unique ways.

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Malunggay and Camte Tops Smoothie. (2017, Sep 15). Retrieved from

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