My Connection With My Mother Since Birth

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My prenatal development: My mother does have a special diet. She eats healthily, and occasionally, she eats something that is not ‘healthy.’ In the middle of my mother’s pregnancy, she said she always liked to eat bananas, carrots and sometimes cornflakes! I’m a huge kicker; I kick her when she’s eating, when she’s not eating, even when she’s sleeping. B: from about march to April. The kick was so light that sometimes she couldn’t even see it, but she could feel it.

My birth: I was not carried out full term. I was supposed to be born on September 20, 2002. On the contrary, I was born a little early and came into this world at 5:50 p.m. on August 29, 2002. My mother in labor for six hours. When I was born, my aunt and grandmother were in the hospital. Unfortunately, when I was born, my father was out on business. There was nothing unusual about my birth except that I was a little premature. I’m 8 ounces. My mother was happy to see me, so she cried, but she was exhausted.

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When I was brought home the first day, my mother said that I met everyone except my father. I slept almost all day except for eating. I eat it every two hours. It took me about two weeks to follow a regular sleep and diet schedule. I am a very calm baby, but when I am hungry, I scream and cry unconditionally. I’m more like a gentle baby.

Growing up: My mother says I started walking when I was 14 months old, I started talking when I was about 18 months old, as well as I learned how to crawl when I was 10 months. I always use ‘mom’ because I’m always around her, not my father. I never suck my thumb because my parents don’t want me to do it. My favorite toy is the car key. Almost every day, the car alarm goes off because I’m chewing on the keys.

When I was sent to the nursery, I always cried and said that my mother would leave me with someone I didn’t know. I don’t like my father. Every time he comes to pick me up, I feels sad, as well as I sometimes cry, because that is not my mother. On the first day of school, I cried, because there were many people I didn’t know, my parents left me, so I was afraid.

My parents’ Experience: My parents told me that the most difficult aspect of being a parent is that to teach me in a proper way, as well as the most joyous aspect is that to seeing my development and my learning process. My parent’s biggest surprise as parents is that it is fast to seeing me grow up, as well as it is surprising that it is hard to teach a child.

My adolescence: I interact with my friends similar than I did several years ago. I always interact with friends with video games. However, the video games that I used interact with friends changed, as well as the games become more and more diverse. The biggest surprise of being adolescence is that I can experience more and more video games and Marvel comic than when I was little. The one thing I am most looking forward to next in my adolescence is that to get in a good college.

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My Connection With My Mother Since Birth. (2023, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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