My Passion to Racing

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Just imagine 20 f1 cars coming to the starting line revving their engines five red light and away they go just hoping my guy makes it out of the corner in one piece. That alone is the best thing to wake up to on a Sunday morning. Of course, as a kid, I was into many different sports but the love for cars and racing was just deep inside of me. Looking back at it I wish would have gotten deeper into racing but maybe in another life. Yes, I know there are many different varieties on racing series but Formula 1 is just near to my heart.

I can honestly say that this love comes from my dad yes, of course, being a kid you want to do and like whatever your dad does to impress but racing and cars really stuck with me. Me and my dad weren’t always the closes but with racing is how we bonded. But I could remember like it was yesterday watching f1 racing seating on the right side on the couch my favorite spot just good luck for with my dad with smiles on our faces as we watch a great race. Watching a racing is but really getting out there is even better. As a teen in high school me and my dad worked on this c6 car corvette fire red with black wheel yes I could still smile the black leather seats just thinking about. You can say this was our project car something we really bonded over. I could remember all the times of me walking in the garage with the smile of race fuel and brake clean helping to do something on the car.

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Most weekends or every other weekend involves us going to the track. of course, he was always the to drive but I love the feeling of maxing the car on the long straight. Racing was a huge part of my life around this time. All of the spare time me and my dad was spent working on our c6 finding any little that we can do to it to make it better. With a really big racing quickly approaching us, we spent most of that following week tuning the car making she was going to run great for me for the race. The interior was stripped down to the sheet metal and contained only the driver’s seat to reduce weight. The whole exhaust system was removed to gain that little edge of power, which is essential for racing. My car was finally ready for the big race, waiting to tear up the track.

The heat was unbearable as I pulled up to the starting line. The smell of exhaust gases and burned rubber filled the air. The starting light received my fullest attention, zoning everything out of my conscience 4 red lights …..Go ! I stomped my foot on the accelerator as shifting into second gear, Right then I was thrown back into my seat. All of a sudden a loud boom disturbed the smooth roar of my engine. Halfway down the finish straight my engine shut off and forced me to coast the car to the end on the pit lane. My dad was already waiting at the end of the pit. Unable to restart my car, we pushed it back to our pit area. My hopes were crushed as I went over the fact that my day of racing was already over. Thinking my dad would be mad he looks at me smiles and tells me you’ll get them next time.

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My Passion to Racing. (2022, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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