Parent-Teacher Conference: The Importance of Meetings

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Building strong relationships between parents and teachers is crucial. A parent-teacher conference provides an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss students’ progress and address any academic or behavioral concerns. During my time at Sunbeam Christian School of Panabo, I arranged a conference with the parents of Joshua Miguel D. Ramirez and Christine S. Barnayja.

Parent-teacher conferences are an addition to report cards as they provide more detailed information about students’ strengths and weaknesses in specific subjects. They also assess their inter-curricular skills and competences. In the case of Joshua Miguel D. Ramirez, he was an honor pupil in my class. However, I noticed that his grades dropped during the 3rd Grading Period exam. This prompted me to inform his guidance counselor so that he can receive guidance for the upcoming examination.

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The conference is significant for teachers and parents alike, as it provides information on a child’s progress and fosters a positive teacher-parent relationship. Parent-teacher conferences involve a short meeting where both parties address academic or behavioral concerns of students and collaborate to find resolutions.

Parent-teacher conferences are beneficial in addition to report cards because they offer a more thorough assessment of students’ strengths and weaknesses in certain subjects, as well as their cross-curricular skills and competencies. Usually, these conferences take place without the presence of students; however, studies indicate that including them can improve the effectiveness of the meetings.

Teachers typically take the lead in parent-teacher meetings, also known as parent-teacher interviews, conferences, or parents’ evenings (in the UK), where they play a more active role in sharing information. These meetings occur once per term and are customary in Western school systems such as Australia, Canada, the UK (referred to as parents’ evenings), and the United States. You can watch a video example here. In the United States, many elementary schools shorten the school day by 2-3 hours (often for a whole week) during the middle of autumn so that teachers can have extra time to conduct these conferences with students’ parents.

The purpose of parent-teacher interviews is to allow parents to meet their child’s teachers and address any concerns or issues regarding the child’s performance. These interviews usually last from five to fifteen minutes. Building strong relationships between parents and teachers is vital, as parents greatly contribute to their child’s education and achievements.

Parents and teachers have a common goal for the child’s well-being. Both parties desire what is best for the student. Sometimes, parents of struggling students may feel overwhelmed and have had unpleasant experiences with parent-teacher conferences before. Hence, it is vital to maintain open communication and promote parental involvement in the student’s educational goals. To guarantee a successful Parent Teacher Meeting/Conference, it is advisable to provide parents with sufficient notice about the upcoming conference.

Give the parents some topics to discuss during the interview. For example, ask about the child’s preferences and dislikes, how homework is managed at home, and their attitude towards school or certain subjects. Keep in mind that many of your students come from single-parent households, so ask if they prefer a joint or separate interview. When meeting the parents for the interview, start on a positive note. Smile, thank them for coming, and begin with some positive comments about their child.

Begin by identifying a strength of the child and requesting further information from the parent. Next, engage in a conversation with the parents regarding your routines, rules, and homework policies while also allowing them to ask any questions they may have. Additionally, discuss the child’s preferred learning activities and address any areas of concern. It is important to inform the parents about how these concerns can be addressed. For instance, if the child encounters difficulties with reading, inquire about ways in which the parents can assist and suggest preferred activities for reading practice. In cases where behavior issues arise, select 1 or 2 specific behaviors to concentrate on and develop strategies for addressing those behaviors during this time.

When using a behavior contract or management plan, make sure parents agree and share any relevant reading material with them. Stress that goals are aligned and both parties want what’s best for the child. End the meeting by thanking parents for their strong interest in their child’s education and emphasizing open communication. Emphasize that a positive attitude towards learning will greatly benefit the child academically and socially.

In order to alleviate the anxiety that may come with a Parent-Teacher Conference for your preschool, it is suggested to agree on a specific time for follow up visit or phone call. Additionally, promising to send home notes acknowledging positive aspects and newsletters to keep parents informed can be helpful. It is also recommended to refer to the guide on Resolving Conflict Effectively. The thought of sitting down with a parent you hardly know and trying to communicate their child’s progress during the early stages of school can certainly be anxiety-inducing.

Don’t worry if you’re unsure about what to say during a Parent Teacher Conference with the parents of a preschooler. Our experienced preschool teachers have plenty of tips to help you out. It’s important to remember that the Fall Parent Teacher Conference should not only be about teacher discussion or the child’s progress.

At the start of the school year, it is important to assess your students’ abilities rather than expecting significant progress. Thus, it is recommended to focus on parent discussion during the Fall conference. Trying to teach on the same day as the conferences is not advisable as you may already be tired from teaching. Instead, consider canceling class for that day and schedule each conference to last 15 minutes. It is crucial to inform parents of their designated time slot. If you have multiple children in a class or different classes, make sure to coordinate schedules with other teachers if needed.

After obtaining sign-ups from parents for specific conference times, I always provide them with a written document that outlines what they can anticipate during the conference and how to prepare for it. Essentially, this document prompts them to consider the responses to the following three inquiries so that we can collaborate in facilitating a successful preschool year for their child: What are some of your child’s positive qualities? What are some objectives you have for your child in preschool this year? This presents an ideal opportunity to ascertain the parents’ expectations of you as an educator. Are they hoping their child will learn to read? Do they anticipate their child mastering the skill of tying shoelaces? In instances where a goal is mentioned that may not be entirely feasible within the preschool setting (such as intensive reading instruction), leverage the Parent Teacher Conference as an opportunity to educate parents on the curriculum and activities offered at preschool, while helping them explore other potential objectives they may have.

Parents are able to access parent education materials on various topics whenever they require them. Please indicate the specific areas you would like us to prioritize in preschool. This shows that we are collaborating with parents to aid their child’s development. Similarly, if there are any particular areas you want the child to focus on at home, this is a perfect chance to mention it. During the Parent Teacher Conference at preschool, consider positioning your chair facing the door or clock so that you can manage time and greet parents arriving for subsequent meetings.

In order to facilitate smooth transitions between parents, it is crucial to request all of them to be punctual and notify them that each session can only last 15 minutes. When a new parent enters the room, the current parent typically comprehends that their time has concluded and departs. If you need to continue a discussion, make sure to inform them that they can further engage via email or phone at a later time.

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Parent-Teacher Conference: The Importance of Meetings. (2016, Oct 26). Retrieved from

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